Re: DLC Coming to PS3
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Pokenny said:
Do you know if there will be more trophies with the DLC? I’ll probably get the GOTY edition simply becasue I’d prefer it in my hands…
Since the 360 version has a few more achievements, the PS3 version should have them as well. Keep in mind, nothing was really announced (as far as I know). The DLC was JUST announced for the PS3 version.
I'm not beyond buying two versions of the same game. I did it with BioShock, and I will do it for Fallout 3. However, they did announce that there will be a Game of the Year edition that will be released in November (that contains all 5 DLC's).
I tend to use Gamespot and IGN for my game related news. I do not tend to follow rumors too much, and I tend to stay away from one's on Gamespot. Gamespot is becoming more like tabloid journalism, which is pretty sad.
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