Re: why do 360’s exist
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why do 360’s exist
Because your mum wanted to play a console….? Because it came out before the PS3? Who cares? It does and we arn’t fanboys. We play games becasue we enjoy them. Oh and for the record, my PS3 has broken, the bluray drive broke at the end of November. Which sucked because I had just bought a new 42″ LG Plasma for it… So I had to make do without a bluray player for just over a month. It took them about 3 weeks to pick the damn thing up and then 2 weeks to change the bluray player… So yeah they both have issues, and yes one breaks more than the other, but I don’t care if they think theirs is a better console for what ever reason and they maybe right in the sence that they think it is better in their eyes, becasue it is their opinion, and you know what? It is better, for them. I have a friend who loves the 360 and he thinks that the PS3 is better in one way… Bluray, and he is right, in his eyes… Just like I know that I bought the console that is better for me. In my eyes I think that PS3 is better, but that is my opinion. Now stop your bitching you stupid PS3 Fanboy.
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