Anime and Manga
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March 25, 2010 at 7:56 pm #15520
MemberAnyone into any animes or mangas?
I've just started to watch Naruto because of Laura; she loves it.
And Bleach.
And One piece.
And Gintama.
But it's not important. Anyone else into anything like this?
March 25, 2010 at 8:48 pm #60225BigWoopMagazine
MemberGod no, not any more. I used to watch Dragon Ball Z when I was like 10, and now I look back at it and think “really? I liked this? what was wrong with me?” The episodes are 2/3 talking about the fight they're going to have, then 1/3 fighting, but half the time its just them blipping back and forth because they can go super speed or whatever, then the episode always ends without ending the fight, only to start the next episode with another 15 minutes of talking about that they need to finish the fight. Then you watch the animation during these conversations and notice the characters always stand inhumanly still and the only part that moves is their mouth, which never matches the animation since it was dubbed. The colors and costumes are always so atrocious, with ridiculous terminology always hinting at a deep lore that really doesn't exist. The only ones I've ever seen that I could take seriously in any way were Ghost in the Shell (the movie), and Akira – both of which are classics that had ground breaking animation for the time, but it was the late 1980's. Today they all seem to have animation of a comparable level, if even that good, but its been 20 years, so it doesn't make sense! Plus, none of them ever reach the depth of philosophical implications relevant to the story that Ghost in the Shell does. If you could name one that does, I might check it out. I did check out the series of Ghost in the Shell briefly, but it really didn't ring true with the original, in terms of philisophical depth, which is what made it appealing to begin with. I suppose if that were the case, I could give it another shot, but anymore the only cartoons I watch are purely for humor – Futurama of course, and South Park. Some old Simpsons episodes too (the new ones suck). If you do want to watch a really good animated movie however, go get Waking Life. Its American, and extremely philosophical, but if you watch and pay enough attention, it may change the way you think about life and the world around you. Or you'll say this is a load of crap and throw it out the window, but I think its worth a go.
March 25, 2010 at 9:53 pm #60231Ninjacat
MemberThanks man, I'll have a look at Waking Life if I get a chance. (:
I never thought I'd get into them because;
1: I don't speak Japanese
and 2: I never knew anything about them
But now I do and they're not too bad. I try to watch one every morning with my breakfast before school. They're much more exciting than I thought they would be.
I agree with you about the shoddy animation, but that's what they're all like, it's just the style. I guess it's just a way I spend my time now. I am not playing much Playstation, I've been neglecting it D:
Just hope the GTA4 DLC will make me play again.
March 25, 2010 at 10:25 pm #60232czesionyo
MemberI watched a lot fo anime when I had more free time. Now with familly and work on my back…
But there is one series that U just need to watch. It is just 24 episodes: Dead Note.
There is one more – Elven Lied – but it's an old one so U have to get use to the way it look.
I also recommend any movie done by Isao Takahata – especially “Little Nemo: Adventures in Slumberland” or “Grave of the Fireflies”). First one is for kids and it was my favourite movie when I was little – still have VHS
. Second one is a war dramma – only movie that I ever shed a tear on.
Right now I only watch One Piece – Luffy is just the best guy ever
March 25, 2010 at 11:06 pm #60233I773D33MABL3
MemberI watch buckets of anime. The Asians just have ways of thinking up worlds and story-lines that western directors would never touch.
That said, it can be seriously hit-or-miss. The Japanese don't consider anime a genre. It's just a style that encompasses as many genres as live-action films and series. We tend to block it all together into one group but that's like saying you like movies and assuming that you'll then enjoy every movie.
I can completely understand where BigWoop is coming from with his attitude to anime like Dragonball-Z. Pokemon, Bleach and Yu-Gi-Oh all do the same thing. They manage to drag stacks of episodes out of story-lines that could be written on the back of a stamp.
But that shite aside, there is a wealth of top quality anime that caters to the thinking man and action fan alike.
-Ergo Proxy
-Broken Saints (Western, but still a gem)
Ghost in the Shell has already been mentioned and I would recommend it to anyone. The first few episodes are a bit random and make it feel like some mundane crime-fighting series but once the story-line kicks in properly you better start taking notes because it gets very complicated very quickly. I watched the first two gigs back to back and was glued to the TV.
There are also a range of stand alone movies that deserve attention. Anyone looking to discover accessible anime can't go wrong with
-A tree of Palme
-Sky Blue
The last is one of my favorite movies of all time. It's a mix of traditional and digital anime and is worth every one of the seven years it took to make. The closing music is worth the price alone, you won't want the credits to end.
March 25, 2010 at 11:53 pm #60234Ratchet525
MemberI use to watch Naruto and Dragon Ball Z.
March 26, 2010 at 1:18 pm #60237BigWoopMagazine
Memberyea, actually, to follow up on my long winded comment from earlier – I found it hard to down on the anime I see so commonly on American tv, but then recommend anime at the same time. However, the two movies I mentioned, Akira and Ghost in the Shell, are both very well done, especially if you keep in mind when watching them that they are over 25 years old. If you're into anime, absolutely pick these two up and check them out.
March 26, 2010 at 2:25 pm #60242gow2rules
Memberdoes Hayao Miyazaki films count as anime or mango if so every thing he touches is pure gold
-spirited away one of my favourite films of all time
-howl's moving castle another great film and book
-Kiki's Delivery Service
-porco Rosso
-Castle in the Sky first film directed by him i saw really good
and last of all tales from earthsea if you love the books you'll love this
also i watched a hell of a lot of pokemon when i was a kid there was also dragon ball,digimon,beyblade , some thing with card monsters battles can't remember the name i know it started with y(ugio something
March 26, 2010 at 3:09 pm #60244I773D33MABL3
MemberSpirited Away and Howl's… are both quality. They're definitely anime but they've reached a far larger western audience than most of the traditional stuff.
i was disappointed with Tales… though. Compared to the other stuff he's done it was a bit ordinary. Still a good watch but just not fantastical enough
And for anyone thinking of taking BigWoop's recommendation and picking up Ghost in the Shell, make sure you go for the original and not the 2.0 remake. They re-did some of the scenes and characters with digital animation and it really, really, doesn't work.
The second Ghost in the Shell movie; Innocence, is the complete opposite. The story tries to be so deep that you feel they're just name-dropping philosophers. All the attempts at pseudo-intellectual arguments just take away from the movie.
Not that you want to be following the story too closely because it's pretty shite. GITS: Innocence is a film you buy just for the visuals. They are absolutely unbelievable. Most of it is done digitally and with this one they got it seriously right. Any reviewer that gives the animation less than 10/10 is a lying scumbag. Buy this movie on blu-ray and watch it in Japanese so the crappy dialog won't distract you from the eye-candy.
March 26, 2010 at 6:28 pm #60249BigWoopMagazine
MemberI never realized there was a Ghost 2.0 remake, or I would have mentioned it. Good heads up. I also never realized there was a sequel movie – I suppose if its the way you say it is, I probably never heard of it since it was maybe a flop. That is the one thing tho, I enjoyed the philosophical stuff in GITS, but if you try too hard to put that in and its not just there as a result of the story line, it can come out as crap.
@NinjaCat – if you actually do pick up Waking Life, be aware that it is purely a philosophical plot – there is no action in this movie. It has a good plot, but the first half hour is going to bombard you with these complicated intellectual ideas that you probably won't understand at first – I know I didn't. You have to be in the mood to think in order to watch it. I had to watch it probably 3 or 4 times before I thought I fully understood every part of it – but if you can enjoy such type of thinking and analysis of the world and how we percieve/interact with it, you might find it to be a some what enlightening experience. heh, or you'll hate me for having recommended it, some people just think its boring.
March 27, 2010 at 10:12 pm #60311One-Wnged_Angel
MemberBigWoopMagazine said:
The episodes are 2/3 talking about the fight they're going to have, then 1/3 fighting, but half the time its just them blipping back and forth because they can go super speed or whatever, then the episode always ends without ending the fight, only to start the next episode with another 15 minutes of talking about that they need to finish the fight. Then you watch the animation during these conversations and notice the characters always stand inhumanly still and the only part that moves is their mouth, which never matches the animation since it was dubbed. The colors and costumes are always so atrocious, with ridiculous terminology always hinting at a deep lore that really doesn't exist.
That's anime, man. Anyway…
two words: Death Note. It is incredible.
Also, check out FullMetal Alchemist (the manga, because they changed the story in the anime and ended it. It's still good, though), Blood+, Elfen Lied, Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu, Ouran High School Host Club, and many more. I would recomment Naruto, but it sucks now. Really.
Bleach is good, but don't watch the anime. It's full of fillers.
March 28, 2010 at 12:20 am #60313monkeymoobs
MemberI have watched a few but never found them that good they weren't bad but nothing special
March 28, 2010 at 3:56 am #60315I773D33MABL3
FullMetal Alchemist is something I keep seeing really positive reviews of. I keep meaning to order it but I never remember.
Elfen Lied was good but I felt they took the random nudity a little too far and crept into the realm of fanboy-ism. My only problem with the series was I downloaded it and the first eleven episodes were in English but the last two were in Japanese with sub-titles and it just killed it. I was looking at the main characters thinking; “I don't know you anymore man”
March 28, 2010 at 12:18 pm #60323shadeblack
Participantso… here's a little list of the stuff i like. (★)=favourite
afro samurai
decent animation – good story, but rediculously short. could use some more 'filling' episodes.
story arcs are very good, but often wastes too much time, and end up putting in too much filler. animation is only good when the animators feel like it – the rest of the time it's like they don't care. half the show is filler. plot holes everywhere and often disrupts the show's own rules.
cowboy bebop (★)
possibly one of the best animé of all time. story and animation is excellent throughout. one of the very few shows where the English dub is actually good. only a couple, what would be considered filler episodes, but even those are good.
death note
people in the newer generation of animé fans will probably consider this to be the best animé of all time. and people in the older generation also admire it for it feats of strength. ridiculously smart, intense, with excellent storyline, characterisation
devil may cry
loads of people did not like the 10-11 episode animé because it did not live up to the expectations of the game. I call them idiots simply because it's comparisons like that, that ruin our way of thinking. thinking associatively is dangerous. anyway, if you can put that aside, you'll see that it's quite well polished. the main downside here is that it's too short. during the penultimate episode and final episode, you'll find yourself thinking, what just happened for this to happen? it's because it seems to skip several episodes worth of information. this is most likely due to budget costing. it's a shame it was cut so short.
ergo proxy
If you liked Death Note, then in my opinion, you will really enjoy this as well. it's not exactly the same genre, however, it does delve into psychological issues, as well as Shinigami type creatures known as Proxy. The story is set further into the future where is dangerous to go outside the biosphere's the humans live in. could have used a couple more episodes as explanation, but overall this is a great watch.
escaflowne (★)
This is now pretty old. but still one of the my favourites. fantasy type animé where a girl is transported to the hidden planet known as GAIA in orbit with the Earth. her importance is quickly found out, and she is promptly informed of the ongoing war between different races and factions of the world. If you've ever watched Gun-dam Wing, you'll be familiar with this animé as they are both considered Mecha animé. However, there are also dragons and other creatures scattered about the world. animation is not the best due to it's age, however, it IS still very good and definitely worth watching.
final fantasy unlimited
A Cute Japanese cartoon with a final fantasy type storyline. CG is… poor… but it's still got a nice story line, and the summons are fun to watch. not really an animé.
FLCL (★)
without a doubt, the best mecha anime i've ever seen. it's 6 episodes long with no filler. about a kid who is depressed about his boring and ordinary life in a boring and ordinary town. Heard it before? of course you have! But this is better! take my word for it! Animation is excellent, but does sometimes go into 'cartoony modes', but it's still done very well. every episode leaves you with an amazingly satisfied feeling. it makes you want to aspire to be a better you. it's seriously good stuff… go watch it… now! it's also got a good soundtrack!
kaiba (★)
explaining this would be quite difficult…
it's about minds that have been stored in these little chips that can be inserted into different bodies. to get a body is relatively difficult, and so people often store the minds of other's rather than giving them bodies. the main storyline is hard to follow, but the ending is excellent. it's not that long, but it really is very enjoyable to watch.
paranoia agent
just… confusing. about a mysterious kid who goes around beating people up with a baseball bat on skates. the witnesses don't see very much of it, and for the police detectives, it goes pretty much no where. it takes a young cartoon character designer to put the pieces together. ending is… confusing. but it's worth the watch!
samurai champloo
excellently animated. main story is awesome. fight scenes are awesome. characters are awesome. it's just awesome. probably could have cut a couple episodes but overall…. ” “
soul eater (★)
Another “Shinigami” storyline wherein the “Shinigami institute”, pupils train to be death gods. only a couple have ever been good enough to make it to higher levels. our main characters are young teens and thier 'weapons'. The weapon in this show have the ability to take human-like form. the focus of the show is that in order to strengthen, they must resonate their own souls with their weapon's souls. throughout the show, DESPAIR quickly floods the world as evil grows stronger. The show climaxes until it's brilliant ending.
tengen toppa gurren lagann (★)
Every. episode. is. perfection.
Mecha anime – every aspect of this show is beyond excellence.
phew… sorry for the long post!
as always, watch anime in it's native language with subtitles, rather than the dubbed version (with the exception being cowboy bebop).
April 25, 2010 at 4:03 pm #61308Spudchip
MemberFinally! my kind of thread!
Death Note
Code Geass
One Peace
Detroit Metal City
– I loves them. -
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