agreed bdamac. god of war isn't a game you can pick up and play without knowing about the previous games. you HAVE to play 1 and 2 before playing 3 because there's a lot of story and memorable moments you have to experience first. play 1 and 2. i promise you won't be sorry lol
agreed bdamac. god of war isn't a game you can pick up and play without knowing about the previous games. you HAVE to play 1 and 2 before playing 3 because there's a lot of story and memorable moments you have to experience first. play 1 and 2. i promise you won't be sorry lol
thank CoryAllen plus all the game push the ps2 to the limit so there all good looking game no matter how old they are
and that's exactly what gow did lol. and yeah the wii's graphics suck lol. when i got my ps3 i stopped playing my wii completely due to the fact that the wii just can't compare
You actually bought a Wii? what a shame.. i knew it would be crap the moment i saw the controller. I thought, how am i going to play God Of War with this, or MGS? So i just bought a PS3..
yea GoW pushed the hardware to the max!! same with MGS.
never played final fantasy (all of them) and never want to. And I guess if your just talking high profile games (not limited to PS3) I've never played World of Warcracft, so many of my friends want me to but its just never gunna happen.
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