Best/Favorite MW2 moment?
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February 10, 2010 at 4:01 am #15374
MemberOkay i know we have a thread like this for cod4 so i made another about cod6. So as the title says: Whats your fav MW2 moment so far?
Mine would be either when i shot a javelin and got 4 kills from it or my random snipoer shot through a wall which ended up killing someone
February 10, 2010 at 4:50 am #57396gow2rules
Membergetting a match winning kill on my friend in team death match by jumping down from a bulding in favela and stabbing him basically in the head or again in favela jumping down off the bulding in demolition and landing on a car and blowing it up along with 5 other people
February 10, 2010 at 5:45 am #57399The General
MemberUmm, probably when I found out I could get $40-45 plus 50% trade bonus for it, haha!!!
February 10, 2010 at 6:08 am #57402Ratchet525
MemberWhen I literally spun around, threw a sticky grenade in the air and it stuck to someone…
February 10, 2010 at 6:14 am #57403pobert06
MemberTeam Deathmatch in Sub-Base,I called in an Emergency Airdrop in the left side of the map near the submarine.Then I got killed from behind.At first I was pissed because my packages were gonna be stolen then a few seconds later after I spawned,Boom! it was the end of the match.I looked at what was the last kill, it was 4 kills with my just called in Emergency Airdrop.Yeah it was memorable winning kill(s) lol.
February 10, 2010 at 6:33 am #57407d4h8a15r16m23a42
Memberplaying search on highrise. it was 6 against 1 in favor of our team so i figured i’d mess about. i whipped my throwing from the window nearest the crane across the map and nailed him as he exited the opposite window.
February 10, 2010 at 12:10 pm #57422Knoxie
Membermaybe when i got my 40 killstreak the other day on quarry when all my mates were flabbagasted as i basically won the game for us and i ended 40-1
or could be when it was me vs 6 on search and i eliminated all the enemy team except my mate and then i got him with a throwing knife and defused the bomb on highrise! (:
any one of the 17 nukes were amazing as well.
when i got my triple collat on wasteland was pretty mint!
February 10, 2010 at 2:16 pm #57429iruleu
Memberoh yea also: When i shot one bullet killed 3 people 2 with headshots
February 10, 2010 at 9:33 pm #57455Knoxie
Memberi got all pro (headshot collat) with my UMP-45 today (:
February 10, 2010 at 10:13 pm #57460XeroTheGreat
Memberi've had loads of good moments on this game. My most recent was when i got my PP2000 veteran 1. gonna get 1000kills with it now, which shouldn't be too hard since it's the only gun i use lol.
February 11, 2010 at 4:57 am #57494iruleu
Membernew one: Okay so i was playing free for all today, and these two guys joined and right away i knew they wer gonna nuke boost. they had mics and they kept saying where they were going to be. so i ran there and killed them (that was first game) second game same thing. so finally one of them was like “ur mom im coming for you!” i said okay! so the next game (on favela) midway through he said “hey ur mom your my new rival!” i lol'd….but eventually i barely beat him.
basically….mainly a you had to be there moment. a llittle
February 11, 2010 at 9:01 am #57497SpAn94nER
Memberhas to be when i got 8nukes in a few hours
February 11, 2010 at 1:57 pm #57501iruleu
MemberSpAn94nER said:
has to be when i got 8nukes in a few hours
a few hours???? wtf are you? lol
February 11, 2010 at 5:59 pm #57508Knoxie
Memberiruleu said:
SpAn94nER said:
has to be when i got 8nukes in a few hours
a few hours???? wtf are you? lol
i got 12 nukes in 1 weekend if that counts for anything lol
i finished the SP for the first time yesterday for MW2 (veteran) as i had the full day off school and it had a fking class ending! i really enjoyed it and it was a good moment once i had finished vet.
February 11, 2010 at 6:45 pm #57513One-Wnged_Angel
MemberMy favorite moment in MW2 was when I sold it. I might buy Bioshock next week.
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