COD WAW Trophy Guide
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August 22, 2009 at 3:24 am #14637
MemberI'm guessing the vast majority of you have COD: WAW, if you don’t and you think you'll buy it just to get the platinum trophy, know this…you will almost go crazy trying to get it!
If you are totally committed to getting this platinum then I applaud you, although I urge you to have the patience of a saint whilst doing so. Hunting this trophy will make you want to pull your teeth out and kill your pets but aside from that, if and when you do get it; it’s the most satisfying platinum you will ever receive! Now that I’ve finished warning you, time to continue on with the guide.
The hardest part which will drive you insane is completing every level on Veteran difficulty. As the title suggests this part is not for the faint of heart; you will want to give up but I urge you all to try it so you can have the biggest bragging rights amongst friends and peers. With this guide I will tackle each trophy individually and some in groups if they can be attained and give you the best possible ways and information to do each one and tips for beating veteran.
Run Through
If you want to go straight for the jugular of this trophy then start the game off on veteran. When completed this will tackle the following trophies:
Get Your Hands Dirty
Bloody Peleliu
The Sword Is Broken
The Hammer Strikes
Scorched Earth
Hell On Wheels
No Return
When It Rains, It Pours
One Bad Gato
Blowtorch and Corkscrew
The Sun Sets
For The Motherland
Bearing The Burden
Carlson's Raiders
Stormed Peleliu
The Last Stand
Stabbed In The Heart
Hardened War Hero
The only way to get the first 15 trophies on this list is to complete every mission on veteran and to get Hardened War Hero you have to complete the game on Hardened or Veteran so you may as well start the game on veteran anyway!
There are several bits of advice I can give you so here we go:
You will die within two or three shots so stay behind cover that fully protects you
Stay behind cover for too long and a few grenades will follow you in, if only one comes towards you run towards it and throw it back as soon as possible, if your even remotely close to a grenade you will nearly die and your screen will go black and white (not good!)
If you do get shot, hit the floor immediately and stay there till your all clear
Do not go out into the open even if there is only one enemy unless your positive you can kill him, pick out your targets from behind cover and edge out slowly
In some parts of some levels I am not sure if there are a set amount of enemies of if they just keep on coming, but if it seems like the stream of vermin does not end then try to push forward from cover to cover, this way your comrades will follow you and they can rarely die!
Try to take out your enemies from long range before you move on
Dont try to take to take risks all the time, you will get killed for it
When you reach a checkpoint, take a breather, relax man, you've done well! When you get right into it, treat it like a tester for your next tries at it and figure out where the enemies come from and how many of them there are at the one time!
If you think you can make it to a cover that takes you to one of the flanks of the enemies then do it, your men will push forward and you get easy targets to pick off
Do try to flank your enemy at all times, makes everything a lot simpler
If you think you can run up to an enemy in time before he turns around and shoots you…you can’t, you will die 80% of the time and it isn't worth it!
If an MG is destroying you, throw a smoke grenade to blocks its view.
This is what got me through veteran difficulty if you remember all this. My best advice however is to not let it get you down, it’s only a game. Although trophy whores like myself will not let a game beat them! Just keep your head up, you can do this guys!
When you do complete the game on veteran; give yourself a pat on the back and strut around your house like you own the damn thing! Now for the rest of the trophies its quite simple and should only take you a few hours to get. So take it in your own time and get whichever ones you feel like getting!
Saved Private Ryan
This trophy can be attained on Semper Fi, the first level. There will be a soldier that bursts out of a door closely followed by a Japanese soldier, kill the enemy quickly before he stabs Private Ryan
Weapon of Mass Destruction
This can be done on the second level of the campaign, Little Resistance. Towards the end of the level when you are in the top floor of the house you will have to take out two or three tanks, ignore this objective and aim your laser tracker for the groups of men behind the sandbags, this should get you a new bronze trophy.
These next three trophies can be only be done in the one level:
The Professional
Rough Economy
These trophies must be done in the level Vendetta. The professional is attained at the start of the level. You must shoot all of General Amsels bodyguards without reloading. There are eight enemies and you have five bullets. When the planes fly over you must shoot. The first six enemies are in pairs so you must shoot them both with one bullet. To the right by the stairs to the house which Amsel enters are your first two victims, it is easy enough to line up this pair, I got the first one through the arm and this bullet goes on through the others chest. The second pair are leaning on a burning tank in the middle. Aim for the head of the one closest to you and you should get the other one. The pair on the left are incredibly hard to take down. You must position yourself behind Sgt. Reznov (but not close to the wall otherwise your shot will get caught in the wall) and wait for the one that walks to line up with the one sitting down. The hard part about this pair is there is only one moment to get the shot and this is when the walking guys knee is lined up with the others head. This happens in a split second so try not to miss it. The next two shots are easy. Where you shot the pair in the middle emerge one guard and a dog so take them out.
The Rough Economy trophy is all about placement and timing. You can get it straight after The Professional trophy. When you take cover behind the truck Amsel arrived in after the fountain part enemies will start to pour out from behind the building. Have patience and wait till you have three of them lined up in your shot. Easy money!
The Gunslinger trophy is one of the harder ones to attain. You can find a pistol in the top floor of the building when you are fighting the other enemy sniper. When it comes to assassinating him, take out all of his bodyguards first with your sniper rifle, then look to the far right. If you've tried and failed this mission before you will realise that Amsel escapes in a car. When looking to the far right you will see this car emerge to take Amsel away. Shoot it with your rifle two or three times then let it get to its destination, when Amsel tries to get in the car shoot the driver then whip out your pistol and start firing away. The car should be damaged enough that the pistol should take it out in a couple of shots. Such sneaky ways to attain pixilated glory!
Lights Out!
Sum Of All Zeroes
Throw A Six And A Half
These trophies are attained in the level Black Cats and for Throw a Six And a Half it's just easier on this level. Make sure you start the level on Hardened and for Lights Out! there are six spotlights, two on each ship. The only thing I can advise is when the spotlights appear which will be one at a time concentrate all your fire on getting them and ignore the people shooting at you.
When trying to get Sum of All Zeroes you will be on floating about on the water, I suggest to ignore pulling survivors out of the water and just concentrate on getting the planes. If you do find one flying across your screen or away from you aim ahead of its' path so you will definitely get it and vice versa for planes coming towards you. If you don’t get it the first time just quit before the level ends and replay the checkpoint.
Throw a Six And a Half requires you to not die during a mission on hardened or veteran. I highly suggest doing this trophy on the level Black Cats or Blood and Iron as they are the easiest of the levels.
Purple HeartYou will most likely get your purple heart whilst completing veteran mode. You have to die a whole heap of times to get this but keep on going and you'll get this trophy.FirestarterFor this one you have to complete a level using only the flamethrower, melee, grenades and any other explosives. Just load up Burn 'em Out on recruit difficulty. You can easily run through the level using just the flamethrower so have some fun!KamikazeFor this select a level on regular difficulty and beat it using only melee and grenades. For this I suggest levels which don't require you to kill people from a distance so I reccomend the first level Semper Fi. Make sure you keep your itchy trigger finger kept on the grenade button!Iron FistThis gorgeous silver trophy requires you to destroy all the towers and bunkers whilst in your tank in the level Blood and Iron. There are a grand total of 21 things you have to obliterate and there are a few you are bound to miss and it's damn hard trying to explain where they all are so I'll leave this one to the magic of YouTube!RuthlessThis trophy is attained at the end of the level Rong Of Steel. Towards the end where you are chasing the Germans through the streets run to the side of the tank hit the action button to jump on the machine gun. This can be hard even though you have a multitude of targets so as they used to sa in Beyblade (I think) “Let It Rip”!Mortar-domWhilst in the mission breaking point you will see big crates of mortars. The first one you should come acrossis behind a wall, so get to the crate and start lobbing them over. However, make sure you throw them far away from you as these suckers pack a punch!Shot in the DarkAgain this is an easy trophy to attain. Whilst in the subway in Eviction kill ten enemies whilst the lights are out. Clearly you should wait till the lights are out and then start the massacre.Guradian AngelIn the misssion Breaking Point at the very end there will be a point where Sergeant Roebuck will appear to have made a few Japanese soldiers surrender. Make sure you keep close to all of them nd get your weapon ready. As soon as they lunge for him, open fire on the one trying to grab him. Easy stuff!Close ShaveOnce again, easy stuff. When a Japanese soldier is running at you, just wait and he will pin you to the ground, press R3 at the right time and your man will stick a knife in his throat. No doubt you will have done this during your completion of the campaign but there it is anyway.- Snake in the Grass
- No Safe Place
I found both of these trophies are easiest to get in Hard Landing when you have the flame thrower. When you are approaching the big open area with the palm trees. Just keep on firing at the grass with your flamethrower and your bound to get one lying in wait. As for No Safe Place just find a tree with one enemy in them and burn 'em out!.
Grave Robber
This trophy is attained when you have collected all the death cards in the 13 levels where you walk about (this excludes Blood and Iron and Black Cats). A death card looks like a helmet on top of a stick with a playing card stuck to it. Here is the fll list and where to find them:
- Semper Fi – 8 of Hearts: At the beginning of the level after being rescued, head for the first hut on your right and you should find it inside.
- Little Resistance – 4 of Clubs: Towards the end of the level before you go up the ladder of the bunker to drop bombs on the enemy tanks, look to the right of the bunker door outside.
- Hard Landing – King of Hearts: After you see the bomber plane crash head towards the large structure with the crap load of enemies inside. Clear out the building and in the room with the stairs to the left check around the pillars and you should find it.
- Vendetta – 5 of Diamons: After you jump through the window of the first building, Reznov will talk for a little bit. When you are able to get behind the bar go around and you should find it.
- Their Land, Their Blood – Joker: After the enemy tank emerges through the barn door destroy it and go inside. Check the stables and look for the dead enemy on top of the cow.
- Burn 'em Out – Queen of Hearts: Right before you take out the second mortar crew there will be a small bunker filled with enemies across from the martar crew to your left. Take them all out and go inside behind the gunner seat to claim your prize
- Relentless – 9 of Diamonds: When you reach the tunnels, you will find there are two ways in. Fight your way to the open area and kill everyone. After this you will find that to continue on there are two ways once again. Continue on once again and when you get to the end, if you took the tunnel to the right check to your left and if you took the tunnel to the left check on your right and you should find it!
- Ring of Steel – Jack of Spades: When you've reached the big mansion that has the crap blown out of it go to the central courtyard of the building and go to your far left to find this death card.
- Eviction – Ace of Spades: When you are making your way through the buildings you will come to an area where there are two floors. You will have enemies shooting at you
from both floors and at least one is shooting at you with a panzershrek. You will already be on the second floor when you come up to this area. Right before this area there is a room on the right with a giant hole blown in the floor. Jump down through the hole blown in the floor and then look behind you up against the wall and you will find the Ace of
Spades. - Blowtorch and Corkscrew – 10 of Clubs: After you blow up the first bunker with the mounted machine gun in it, put your back to that bunker and you'll find your men will have taken cover against some large stones which is a destroyed bunker. You will see a dead enemy hanging out the front of it which is where you find this death card.
- Breaking Point – 3 of Diamonds: After you take out the last mortar crew you will see a small building to your right. Search around inside to the left and you should find this one.
- Heart of the Reich – 6 of Clubs: at the very very beginning of the level when you first get control go to your far left and go down the steps to find this death card.
- Downfall – 2 of Spades: Before you enter the big room with the nazi eagle symbol you must destroy your comrades will kick down a door in the corridor and execute some men. After their done go into the room and in the corner you will find the last death card!
- Get Your Right Foot Wet
- Blue Ribbon
To get these trophies enter a competitive co-op match. For the first trophy you must complete it, but to get the Blue Ribbon you must come first with 4 players. The way o do this is to always race ahead of your comrades and kill the enemies before they get a chance. Try to get multiple headshots in a row as this gives you a lot more points, and if you can go around knifing people in a row as well as this gives you lots of points.
Get Your Left Foot Wet
To get this simple trophy, just eneter a campaign co-op match and complete it, easy stuff guys!
Congratulations you've got one of the hardest Platinum trophies there is to get, so give yourself a well deserved pat on the back and crack open the champagne! Welcome to the Platinum club gentlemen!
August 22, 2009 at 3:25 am #39716NinjaMidget
MemberSorry, i did this guide before the dlc came out so it is without that!, hope its ok, i just copy and pasted it straight out from the other website where i published it!
August 22, 2009 at 3:30 am #39719KarloS_28
MemberGREAAAT Job Man 🙂
August 22, 2009 at 3:33 am #39722Ratchet525
MemberNice job
And karlos wtf!!!
August 22, 2009 at 3:41 am #39726KarloS_28
MemberWTF what?? lol
August 22, 2009 at 3:41 am #39728NinjaMidget
Memberthanks guys!
lol, yeah nice profile picture!!
August 22, 2009 at 10:17 am #39767emdeepee
MemberKarloS_28 said:
WTF what?? lol
Karlos WTF is up with your avatar???
Looks like Prince Andrew!!!
August 22, 2009 at 10:50 am #39768gow2rules
Memberemdeepee said:
KarloS_28 said:
WTF what?? lol
Karlos WTF is up with your avatar???
Looks like Prince Andrew!!!
August 23, 2009 at 9:17 pm #40018One-Wnged_Angel
MemberThere's already a guide for this game, made by parnakas…
August 23, 2009 at 10:41 pm #40024Knoxie
MemberOne-Wnged_Angel said:
There's already a guide for this game, made by parnakas……..ophy-guide
yes.. and?
August 24, 2009 at 12:38 am #40068NinjaMidget
Memberapologies, i really should have looked through the forum to see if there was a guide before mine!
August 24, 2009 at 12:39 am #40069Knoxie
MemberNinjaMidget said:
apologies, i really should have looked through the forum to see if there was a guide before mine!
its okay, your allowed to make a guide on the same game that has already made.
August 24, 2009 at 2:26 am #40076CoryAllen
Membertrue. great guide though. you should've just posted vids for the death cards because that would've been a lot easier lol
August 24, 2009 at 4:25 am #40112parnakas
MemberOne-Wnged_Angel said:
There's already a guide for this game, made by parnakas……..ophy-guide
doesnt matter.. his guide is great!! probably even better than mine!!
nice job NinjaMidget!!
August 25, 2009 at 12:37 am #40411NinjaMidget
Memberthanks man!
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