Dead Space 3
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January 24, 2013 at 7:36 pm #72774
MemberSeibei4211 said:
I wish Visceral would let us know what those three difficulties are all about though. I'm equally curious about all three.
There's a little bit of info here on classic mode:
January 24, 2013 at 8:00 pm #72775Seibei4211
MemberOh wow, that basically details all three modes. I'm surprised that hasn't spread around more. I never thought I'd see the day that I wished a difficulty could be more like Dead Space 2's Hard Core mode. Beat 19 chapters without dying once? In a game filled to the brim with insta-death moments? Pure Survivalist sounds fun. And Classic mode. I really hoped Hard Core would be slightly easier than it was in DS2, but whatever. Actually wait, I bet you could just make manual back-up saves with PS+. Maybe.
January 24, 2013 at 8:04 pm #72776emdeepee
MemberLooks like the interview only came out a couple of days ago. Spread the word.
January 25, 2013 at 3:15 am #72777gr8jrfan
MemberSo this game's pretty freaking badass in my opinion. It shits all over Dead Space 1 and I think the horror's still there, so what's the issue? How scared do people really expect to get out of games anymore? It's not like we're all 10 and we're discovering RE2 for the first time… Also, the co-op's totally not tacked on. There's two different people and the scenario's play out differently enough that you could say they aren't copies of each other with a friend along.
Carver's design is fcuking awesome!!!
He looks like the Anti-Clarke!!
January 25, 2013 at 9:58 pm #72784scotty243
MemberI cannot explain how enraged I am at this game, I truly cannot. Yes, I know, I laughed at the demo myself but I was entirely pissed off by what this series has become with this game (although Em's humor kept my sanity).
Alrighty, let me get this out of the way, first and foremost. Where was the horror in Dead Space? I'm talking about any of the games in the series, I seriously would like to know. Not one part had me scared in any of the Dead Space games. Yes, one could argue that there are parts of the game that make you tense only because you've tons of enemies walking your way while you're nursing 3 or 4 bullets. And while you could argue, “Well you're not playing with an HDMI or on a home theater system!” Well, why the ***NO PROFANE LANGUAGE PLEASE*** would that matter? Just because you hear a random sound in the backround all of a sudden makes it frightening? You might as well say that Spec Ops is horror as well when you're walking through the desert and BANG! You hear a sniper shot go off. To me, Dead Space never was, and never will, be a frightening game to play.
This co-op you guys keep raving about is fcuking nonsense. You know what it says to people who have this game and can't connect to EA's servers or Origin, FCUK YOU. Basically, if you bought this game for story but don't have an internet connection, you're going to miss out on certain setpieces or plot points which you otherwise could experience on EA's servers. Why build a game with co-op features (this is for Dead Island, and all those “built” for co-op experiences too) and not have a fcuking split screen option? It doesn't matter if we're in an age where everything is revolved around the net, you should rob features from someone just because they don't have an online pass or an internet connection (for my man Finch
You want to know one of my personal issue with this game, gr8? It's NOT Dead Space. One could argue the same goes with RE, etc. etc. But the reason why it's not Dead Space is because there's nothing unique about it. What the fcuk is unique in the plot, characters, or even gameplay that isn't out in the current market? Hm? Tell me? 'Cause I'd really like to know. Perfect example, Dead Space 2. The plot (which mixes into the gameplay), featured a broken down man: Haunted by his past, hunted by himself, isolated, desperate, and full of regret and sorrow and who was trying to rebuild himself and do something he couldn't do in DS1: Making a right. What is this DS3? Essentially every other mindless third person “military” shooter to tackle with your “bros”. What's unique about this game? I'm not seeing a spectacular plot or anything that was shown in past DS games.
This needed a whole other section just for the gameplay. Alright, so where is the dismemberment? Huh? Wait… What do you mean there's no dismemberment? Oh, wow… This game is essentially just a shooter with just some decent gameplay. There's no need to tactically and strategically take down baddies in this game since now you could just blow guys away with any gun. There's not special weapons for certain predicaments, just use whatever you want an unload a clip into a guys chest. Which then brings me to the universal ammo. This is probably one of the biggest pieces of shit I've seen in a video game. Why have universal ammo? Seriously, why? So, what the they're basically saying is that if I run out of ammo for one gun, then ammos out for ALL of my guns. Why the ***NO PROFANE LANGUAGE PLEASE*** would I want that? That completely removes the tension in the fire fights as well as last stands since now you could use the best gun in the game which will remove all of your problems. Past DS games have had you scrapping together scattered (and near empty) clips of ammo for your weapon, barely having enough ammo to take down a few guys, now you could eliminate military trained personnel in this game as well as “taking down the threat”. Whatever… It's stupid to me.
This was one that actually made me chuckle, Carver's design including traits, etc. Alright, so you're saying he's a bad ass character, huh? Well, he's basically Isaac Clarke from DS2 with just a douchey attitude. Why the fcuk would I care about some bad ass military guy who has some visions and has an attitude? Isaac in certain points of DS2 was literally having life and death battles with his own self, how isn't that bad ass? The final part of DS2 has you even fighting his subconscious with his personal demons coming to life, that's motherfcuking bad ass right there. Guess what else is bad ass, a technician, never having killed a thing in his life, having to fight for his life and forced to do horrible things that he's never imagined himself doing. Carver resembles Marcus Fenix to the pulp with his “ultra kick ass warrior scar”, grizzly look, to his backround of being a military officer.
There's much more to talk about this game and many arguement points I've missed, but I've already typed too much. I'm not trying to start anything, I just wanted to briefly explain why I'm frustrated by this mess. I truly am angered by this game, but oh well, what's that saying, “….Gotta take one for the team….” etc. etc.
January 25, 2013 at 10:51 pm #72787emdeepee
Member“Mini Me loves Dead Space 3. Scotty don't”
January 25, 2013 at 11:03 pm #72788gr8jrfan
MemberWoah, calm down there, Denzel… What are you even talking about in the home theater paragraph? I never said anything about that. Also, I said Carver's DESIGN is cool, meaning his fcuking suit. And I have no idea how the actual co-op is garbage because some people can't play it? Nice page long rant, you got there, reading it actually made me feel a bit uncomfortable. All the mess of a bunch of different topics made me question if it was directed towards me, the state of survival horror, EA, the Dead Space series, all people who praise the co-op, or Origin accounts…
You're entitled to your opinion so I'll leave that alone but I'd get your facts straight before you go on a massive fit towards whoever that post was for.
January 25, 2013 at 11:39 pm #72789Seibei4211
Memberscotty243 said:
Where was the horror in Dead Space? I'm talking about any of the games in the series, I seriously would like to know. Not one part had me scared in any of the Dead Space games. … To me, Dead Space never was, and never will, be a frightening game to play.
scotty243 said:
The original Dead Space is really different from 2 and the upcoming 3. It focused more on environment and scares in a way rather than BIG set pieces and some scary moments.
Nobody said anything about HDMI or home theater systems, and I doubt anyone was going to make that argument.
This isn't a game built for co-op. It's a single player game and they implemented co-op into it. A lot of games don't have split-screen because you need to be able to run two versions of the same game using one PS3, and a lot of games these days are too complex or graphically intensive to do that well. Uncharted didn't have split-screen, for example. By the way, nobody here has been “raving” about the co-op. The most we've done is say that it's not tacked on.
I thought the Dead Space 2 story was incredibly cliche and not particularly memorable. I don't need to go into why I think that because the point is that it's not a fact that the story was any good in that. Dead Space's story has always been stuck at average for me.
Dismemberment's still there, it's just not a prioritized novelty like it was in previous games. Dead Space 1 was about dismemberment, so that was the focus. Dead Space 2 was about impalement, so there was a lot of focus on that. You could still dismember, but there was a big emphasis on impaling (Javelin Gun, lots of poles on the ground). Dead Space 3 is focusing on weapon combos. There are a lot of ways to kill enemies now, but dismembering and impalement is still a choice. If they never introduced new ways to kill enemies, people would be complaining about the gameplay being “just dismembering guys again”.
I don't know why you don't see the reason they have universal ammo. The main thing is that there would be way too many ammo types. There are more kinds of guns in this one and there are so many ways to fire them all. You can't just have force gun, plasma cutter, line gun, etc. ammo anymore because you can mix and match primary and secondary fires from all sorts of new and old guns. It'd be a pain in the ass to manage all of that. They wanted the weapon crafting to be accessible to players and they're trying to encourage players to try different combinations and switch guns often. If you keep gathering certain types of ammo, you're not gonna want to do that. You can't just use the “best gun in the game” because it uses up ammo much faster than weaker guns. Making the ammo universal like that means you'll actually consider using stronger weapons sometimes, since you're not wasting rare ammo anymore. And carrying around ammo for guns you barely use won't clog up inventory space anymore.
You just did an entire paragraph rebutting something that no one said. Nobody said Carver was a badass.
January 26, 2013 at 12:36 am #72790scotty243
Member@ gr8
Lol, dude, I was just stating why I was angry and decided to use some of the points you had brought up. I apologize if I made it seem like I was out to get you or something, I was just angry at the time which resulted in a mess of a page long rant
And I'm not angry at you or anything man, I find it pretty funny how we still can't agree on games
@ Seibei
Actually, someone had actually argued with me about home theater and HDMI cables and how I wasn't getting the “true” Dead Space experience
And when did I say the 2nd quotation? Hm…
The gameplay though for me the entire time just felt like a shooting gallery rather than something Dead Space-y, if you know what I mean? It just felt like a standard shooter while I was playing it and didn't leave any sort of impression otherwise.
I still can't grasped the fact that some people aren't going to get the full story, experience, or whatever the hell you prefer to call it since some won't be able to do the co-op. It'd be cool if something like that was implemented in New Game +, to give you an incentive to go back and learn a bit more about the back story or engage in certain set pieces that weren't present or was played out differently the first time.
And yes, I made a silly paragraph about Carver's bad assery but it was because I read it wrong at the time. But I still can't get why add someone like Carver in the game? I don't know… He's not sympathetic or in any way to me “cool”.
January 26, 2013 at 2:26 am #72792Seibei4211
Memberscotty243 said:
And when did I say the 2nd quotation? Hm…
It's literally the 6th post in this thread.
Yes, the demo focused on human-type enemies and there was a lot of action, but it is just a demo. They could've had a demo where you barely fight anything, but then you wouldn't get much of a chance to use the new weapons. I'm going to guess that there are many enemy types in the game and there are certain weapons that work best on certain enemy types because they encourage switching guns out for the right scenarios. The enemies in the demo were susceptible to assault rifle-type weapons and I bet there are plenty of parts in the game where a cutting weapon is better.
I'm sure the singleplayer campaign is the full experience. The co-op campaign is practically DLC in terms of importance to the main story. It's just extra dialogue between Isaac and Carver and those Carver missions. It's only important if you really care about Carver's character, but nobody does. The other option was to ignore the fact that you have a co-op partner and not add anything special at all. I would be fine with that, but I think it's cool that they put something in there. It's like the equivalent of reading text logs and crap in any game: relevant, possibly interesting, but not necessary. What's it really matter though? Do you really think you are going to like either version of this story? You seem to be dead set on hating this game no matter what.
I think Carver's hilarious. He's some cliche dumbfuck who doesn't know what he's going on about. He's a total noob at this whole necromorph thing, but he acts like hot shite. He's bad in my favorite kind of way. Also, all of his suits look so much cooler than Isaac's. Nobody thinks Carver is cool.
January 26, 2013 at 5:39 am #72794scotty243
Member@ Seibei
I don't want to hate the game though, but nothing about the game seems to grasp me at all. From some of the trailers, it seems it'll show a bit of Isaac's civilian life, and I'd personally love to see more of that with him coping with his past trauma while trying to live a normal life. Other than that really, seeing as this is Isaac's “end” as said by developers in past interviews, etc. I'm really wanting to see how it “ends” although it might follow cliche sacrifice for the greater good type shit.
January 26, 2013 at 8:31 am #72795gr8jrfan
MemberI just had a thought. What if this isn't necessarily Isaac's end? While playing through the demo, I was thinking, “Yeah, Carver's definitely going to die by the end of this..” but then I remembered that this is being advertised as Isaac's end, so he's probably going to be the one dying. But when I was running that scenario in my head, something occured to me. What if there are different endings for the different campaigns? I think that sounds freaking sick just based on what I had imagined going down for the two, but how do you guys think that sounds? If there's actually two endings, you heard it here first!
January 26, 2013 at 8:57 am #72797Seibei4211
MemberI don't think they'd do that. It'd be annoying to have two drastically different and conflicting endings like that. In fact, I'm thinking there's not going to be a single difference at all. The ending really should stay the same, because that would be a significant difference and the co-op/singleplayer stories shouldn't be significantly different like that. I wonder if Carver is being prepped to be Isaac's replacement. I kinda hope not, unless he somehow turns out to be a cool character. I'd rather be Ellie or um…I guess she's the only other significant character still alive. What would it look like for a female to wear Isaac-type armor anyway? I only ever see them in normal clothes with RIGs.
January 26, 2013 at 9:35 am #72798emdeepee
MemberNice to see some active, constructive discussions for a change.
Soooo, I think it's time to point out that what we've played so far isn't the “game” as such, just a small portion of one of nineteen chapters. The full game is allegedly twice as long as either of the two previous instalments so that gives plenty of time for a bit of variety in the missions, enemies and environments etc.
Also, by the producers own admission the co-op is there as a replayability option, although I am quite looking forward to the “assymetrical dementia”. Nothing beats shouting at Scotty that his paranoia has caused him to see something I didn't. That tended to happen to me quite a bit during our RE6 play through, but that was mainly due to the copious amounts of Southern Comfort I was throwing back.
On a seperate note, what happened to my photo of Dr Evil? Don't tell me admin got off his ass and removed it!!!
January 26, 2013 at 5:45 pm #72800Seibei4211
MemberI never saw that photo to begin with. I was wondering why that post was spaced weird.
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