Fallout New Vegas Trophy Guide
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December 20, 2010 at 2:01 am #15953
MemberThe much anticipated game of the year Fallout New Vegas.
First off this game will take awhile to get Platinum on as its a very long game.
The overall easiness of this trophy is 5/10
It will take you 80+ hours to Platinum and there are 36 bronze 13 Silvers 1 Gold 1 Platinum
You can get all the trophies in one play- through if you save BEFORE the mission”Ring-a-Ding Ding!”.
Platinum Trophy
Collect all other Trophies and this well deserved trophy is yours.New Kid
-Reach 10th level.Simple enough this trophy will come with time if you want to level faster make sure you get the Swift learner perk.This will improve your Exp gained by 10% per level up to 30%.
Ol' Buddy Ol' Pal
-Recruit any companion.All you have to do is get one companion I will include all companies locations and how to get them into your party in the trophy description of The Whole Gang's Here.
-Craft 20 items.Use a campfire, a workbench or reloading bench to create 20 items. Creating or breaking down ammunition counts each round individually as a crafted item. Which means you can make 20 rounds of ammo and get this trophy.
Mod Machine
-Install 20 weapon mods.Just buy a mode and go to the weapon and click L2 and install it heres a list of where to by mods.
188 Trading Post – Michelle
Crimson Caravan Company – Blake
Gibson Scrap Yard – Old Lady Gibson
Gun Runners – Vendortron
Goodsprings – Chet
Hidden Valley – Knight Torres
Novac – Cliff Briscoe
Red Rock Canyon – Great Khan Armorer
Silver Rush – Gloria Van Graff
The Fort – Dale BartonWalker of the Mojave
-Discover 50 locations.All you have to do is find 50 locations i will post a link to a full map at the end of this guide.
You Run Barter Town
-Sell 10,000 caps worth of goods.Just sell like theres no tomorrow,loot,steal and get as much stuff as you can to sell.This trophy will come with time. You can as well keep track of how much you have sold in your pip-boy.
Blast Mastery
-Cause 10,000 damage with Energy Weapons.Make sure that you do this on very easy when you can switch the difficulty after you have beaten the game on hardcore. Playing on Very Easy difficulty you will do 200% normal damage to enemies, making it much easier to accumulate points. Make sure as well that you have a high Energy weapons level as this will help. Improved Criticals perk which improves critical hit damage by an additional 50%, or the Meltdown perk which causes splash damage as targets are killed will help as well. You can keep track of your progress by looking at the “Blaster Master” challenge in your Pip-Boy. If you hit your teammates this will not add to your damage counter.
Love the Bomb
-Cause 10,000 damage with Explosives.As I said before try to do this on very easy as you will do more damage. Make sure that you have a high Explosive level as this will help. You can as well get the Splash damage and the Demolition expert perk to help with this trophy.You can check your progress by look at the ''Love the bomb'' challenge.
Lead Dealer
-Cause 10,000 damage with Guns.Try and do this on very easy as well and damage will be effected by your perception level as well as your Gun skill. You can as well take the Improved Criticals perk which improves critical hit damage by an additional 50%.
No Tumbler Fumbler
-Pick 25 locks.There are a lot of locks out there and you can pick most of them. Houses,ammo boxes and many other things have locks.Remember to get your lock picking skill up high so you can pick most locks. As well remember that you can cancel a picking and retry it this way you will not break as many picks.
Stim-ply Amazing
-Heal 10,000 points of damage with Stimpaks.Make sure that you have a high medical skill so you will heal more points with every stimpak. Keep track of your progress on the Stats screen of your Pip-Boy. You'll notice that when you use the stimpak, the full healing amount is added to your “Health From Stimpaks” stat. Meaning that if you're intending to grind this trophy out, make sure you're in hardcore mode (so they'll heal over time) and that you've taken more damage than the stimpak provides, then use them all at once. As long as you don't leave the menu, the full amount of all stimpaks will be added to your “Health From Stimpaks” stat. Credit to http://www.ps3trophies.org
One Armed Bandit
-Play 10 spins of Slots.Go to the Strip and play 10 spins of the slot machine.
Little Wheel
-Play 10 spins of Roulette.Get 10 spins of the Roulette wheel.
Double Down
-Play 10 hands of Blackjack.Just play 10 hands of Blackjack.
Ain't That a Kick in the Head
-Completed Ain't That a Kick in the Head.Very easy just make your character and get up talk to the Doctor and this trophy is yours.
All or Nothing
-Completed All or Nothing.This is the ending mission for Mr.House. “All Or Nothing” requires you to install a override chip in a control box in Hoover Dam, activate the East Power Electrical Switch, then fight your way to the Legate's Camp. If you pass a Barter or Speech 100 challenge, you can convince Lanius to withdraw without engaging in combat, otherwise you'll have to fight him. On your way back across the dam, General Oliver will show up. Again, if you can pass a Barter or Speech 100 challenge, you can convince him to retreat, otherwise you'll have to wipe out Oliver and a squad of NCR Veteran Rangers.
Veni, Vidi, Vici
-Completed Veni, Vidi, Vici.This is the ending mission for Caesar it is very easy just make your way across the dam and fight the enemy. Enter the visitors centre and fight some more then make your way to General Olivers compound and if you pass a speech challenge of 100 which I strongly suggest that you do as he is a hard foe to take down. After you talk to him or kill him return to Lanius to complete the mission.
-Completed Eureka!This is the ending mission for the NCR. You have an optional objective to activate the water overflow valves to flush the Legonaries out and stop them from invading the dam, however you can just skip right to fighting your way to the Legate's Camp. If you pass a Barter or Speech 100 challenge,(which again I suggest you do because this will be not the easiest guy to kill) you can convince Lanius to withdraw without engaging in combat, otherwise you'll have to fight him. On your way back across the dam, General Oliver will show up to congratulate you.
No Gods, No Masters
-Completed No Gods, No Masters.This is the ending quest for Yes Man. First you have to install a override chip in a control box in Hoover Dam, activate the East Power Electrical Switch, then fight your way to the Legate's Camp this will be not a hard fight as they do not have guns. If you pass a Barter or Speech 100 challenge, you can convince Lanius to withdraw without engaging in combat, otherwise you'll have to fight him. On your way back across the dam, General Oliver will show up. Again, if you can pass a Barter or Speech 100 challenge, you can convince him to retreat, otherwise you'll have to wipe out Oliver and a squad of NCR Veteran Rangers. This quest helps a lot if you have speech of 100 as these to enemies can be hard to take down at times.
Come Fly With Me
-Completed Come Fly With Me.This mission is offered to you when you are in Novac and in the REPCONN site. The mission is very strait forward.When you make it to the top of the facility, you will be met by Jason Bright(a ghoul) and tasked with cleaning the Nightkin out of the basement level. You can either kill them all or convince them to leave if you speak to their leader Davison before you kill any of his bretheren. He'll give you a task that will lead you to another ghoul named Harland, a sniper who also needs your help. If you help them both out, you can resolve the situation peacefully and both Harland and Davison's Nightkin will leave. Otherwise you can kill one or the other (or both) to expedite the situation. Once the basement levels are clear Bright gives you the second half of this quest. The Nightkin as well are completely invisible so this can be hard as you can not see them and they can sometimes be hard to kill.
He needs Thrust Control Modules and a barrel of Igniting Agent to launch the rockets. Both can be obtained in short order by going to Gibson Scrap Yard. She'll sell you the modules for 500 caps, but a Speech/Barter of 50 will cut the price in half, or using the Lady Killer perk you'll get them for free. If you're short of funds theft or murder is also an option(Which I normally just do it saves money in the long run ). If you ask her about the Igniting Agent, she'll say that she sold a container of the goop to a researcher who's body you'll find at Clark Field. Go to the marker and loot his corpse, and take both items back to Bright at REPCONN.
If you've talked to Chris Haversam and made the choice of telling him that Bright is going to leave him behind, you'll also have the option of bringing 3 boxes of Sugar Bombs to him in order to sabotage the rockets! Which is a lot more fun to watch.
The quest is considered completed when the rockets are either launched or sabotaged, but if you choose to launch the rockets, make sure to examine the navigation console on the observation platform before you start the launch. You'll upgrade the rocket's trajectory for an extra 200 XP on top of the mission rewards.
Talent Pool
– Completed Talent Pool.Talk to Tommy Torini in the Tops Casino he will tell you to recruit 4 members for his band.
Bruce Isaac – Has a room in the Novac Motel.
The Lonesome Drifter – Just north of El Dorado Gas & Service on I-95 is a Sunset Sapsaparilla billboard, with the Drifter camped out at it's base. Make sure to listen to his story before offering him the job.
Hadrian – Insulting the audience at the Atomic Wrangler.
Billy Knight – Near sign for The Tops Casino on the strip.
Return to Sender
-Completed Return to Sender.This mission is a side quest received in Camp Forlorn Hope from Tech Sgt. Reyes who you'll find in the Command Center. You must not have a bad Reputation with NCR to receive this mission. This mission is very straight forward to complete. No matter how you deal with Hanlon you will get this trophy.
Arizona Killer
-Completed Arizona Killer.This is the near ending quest for Caesar all you have to do is to assassinate President Kimball while he's making his speech at Hoover Dam, depicting the opposite side of “You'll Know It When It Happens”. You're given a NCR Trooper uniform and told to infiltrate the crowd. Avoid any NCR Rangers or officers who will see through your disguise if you approach too closely.
My recommendation for this trophy is to hack the terminal in the Visitor's Center (Science 50) and update the vertibird control settings. Once the President takes off, Bear Force One will crash and look like an accident if you're maintained your cover. You can watch from the safety of the crowd, then disperse once the vertibird goes down.This is the easiest way and it is as well the way that you will die the least.
Other options include:
Explosives 50 – When Cato informs you of the plan, you can ask if there's anything you can do to help. The option will come up for you to plant the bomb on the vertibird instead.
Explosives 50 – If you have some C4 and a detonator, you can approach Pvt Watson near the stage and help him find his helmet. It's on a table near the bottom of the stairs to the observation deck. Plant the explosives on the helmet and bring it back to him.
Science 50 – On the observation deck near the radio is a set of gun controls which you can use to reactivate the gun and set it to shoot down the vertibird.
You'll Know It When It Happens
-Completed You'll Know It When It Happens.This is a main quest mission, only available if you are not on the Caesar's Legion ending path, and if your Reputation with the NCR is good. If your Reputation with NCR is bad you will not get to do this mission.
G.I. Blues
-Completed G.I. Blues.This mission is given to you when you go to place called the School of Impersonation which is a place where everyone is like Elvis.The King is concerned about a bodyguard named Orris who hangs around inside the north gate of Freeside. He'll give you some money to hire him and told to watch for anything strange. You need to be able to pass an Intelligence 6 or Medicine 30 check in order to uncover Orris' perfidious plot and report it to The King. If you didn't spot it, you'll have to hire Orris again. This time Orris knows the jig is up, and attacks you instead. Kill Orris, and report back to The King.
He will have a second task for you, this time investigating some violence in Freeside. This will lead you to the Old Mormon Fort where you learn that it was NCR Troopers to blame. Tell The King, and he'll send you back out to talk to some squatters in the area. Talk to Julie Farkas as well for additional information. You'll have waypoints for the squatters, one of which will grill you on NCR history before trusting you with information. The correct answers to his queries are Tandi, Shady Sands, and A two-headed bear. He'll tell you that you can get food at the Ruined Store, and that the password is “hope”. Once inside, talk to Kieran. If you talked to Farkas before coming, you have the option of making a deal between the NCR and The Kings. Report back to The King with what you have learned. Fighting has broken out between The Kings and NCR at the train station.
If you talk about the NCR envoy, The King reveals he didn't know about it and understands why they were all riled up. You'll have the opportunity to make a truce with Kieran. If you don't mention the envoy, you're there to get Pacer's back. Kill the NCR including Kieran and you'll get NCR Infamy. Report to The King to complete the mission and get the trophy.
That Lucky Old Sun
-Completed That Lucky Old Sun.This mission is a side quest received at the HELIOS One power plant, usually from speaking with Lt. Haggerty outside.He will talk to after you get past the bombing thsat you have to run through.(Which is a pain as i realized after I ran in the open and got blown apart).
This mission is very straightforward. Regardless of what you decide to do with the power, the mission ends with activating the Reflector Control Panel.
If you secure Euclid's C-Finder, you can choose to route the power to ARCHIMEDES II and gain the ability to call down an orbital strike once per day between the hours of 9 AM and 3 PM(This will help a lot as it does a lot of damage and is one of the best attacks out there). You can try to get it from Max in Freeside as part of the sidequest “I Could Make You Care” by offering him a substantial number of caps, but the easiest way to get this is to wait till he goes to sleep on the second floor of the building to the right of Mick & Ralph's and then pickpocket him.
-Completed Volare!This mission is a side quest received at Nellis AFB from Mother Pearl(Whom is the old lady).The real pain of this mission is getting to gate and talk to the gatekeeper). All I can suggest is to stay close to the mountains on the left hand side and run the bombs do not normally fall in the same place so when one drops run to where it fell then move on to the next one.If you are doing it on Hardcore mode LEAVE your companions behind and don't be like me and loose two companions because they can not dodge artillery at all. When you get in talk to the old lady called Mother Pearl she will ask you to be loyal to the boomers and you have to do some side quests.
“Ant Misbehavin' from Raquel in this quest you have to kill some ants. Track down Raquel either in the Barracks or outside patrolling and ask her about what's been “bugging” her.
1. Restart the 2 array generators, then reset the main power breaker.
2. Kill all ants in the generator room.
(Optional) Loyal may have something to help with the ants.
(Optional) Place Loyal's sonic generator on the ant mount.
(Optional) Activate the sonic emitter.
If you do the 3 optional quests it make life a lot easier as the ants all die and you do not have to fight as many of them.
3. Return to Raquel and let her know the generators are running again.
She will fork over the Nellis Generator Key. Now go visit Loyal to the north in the Hangar. Complete a Speech or Science challenge (you need a skill of 50 or higher) to receive the sonic emitter from Loyal. Leave the Hangar and go east across the tarmac to reach the Nellis Array Generators.
Head into the north chamber and go down the catwalk stairway, flipping the first of three power switches at the stairs' intersection. The other two switches are on the ground level – east wall straight ahead.
After you do that the quest is done and you gain fame for the boomers only 2 more to go.
‘‘Sunshine Boogie” from Loyal.All you have to do is repair some broken solar panels fairly easy.
- Find spare array parts.
- 2. Repair the broken solar array panels.
- Tell Loyal the array has been repaired.
If you have a repair skill of 65 or higher you do not have to go and look for the spare parts.If you do not have the repair skill of 65 or higher you have to head to HELIOS One and reach the fenced off area by going through the building or hopping the fence. On the west side near a small camp set up you will find an array that can be salvaged with 20 Repair skill.Then go back to the panels and repair them and you will finish the quest and gain boomer fame.
The last quest is ‘‘Young hearts’’ from Jack. Jack will be inside the hanger with Loyal talk to him he will tell you of his love interest.
1. Find Jack's love interest.
2. Ask Pearl for permission for Janet to enter Nellis
3. Tell Jack Janet is interested in him.
4. Take the Boomer Outfit to Janet.
5. Speak to Alice McLafferty on behalf of Janet.
6. Let Janet know McLafferty agreed to pay her.
7. Meet Janet back at Nellis.
8.Return to Jack.You will find Janet at the Caravan Company Headquarters. You will talk to her and tell her what a great guy Jack is, when she asks you if she can see him you will say that you have to talk to Pearl. Make sure you talk to Pearl or else Janet will get blown up by the artillery. Convince her with a Speech 50 or reassure Pearl that Janet is no threat to the Boomers. Janet can come but only if Jack will take responsibility, so head over to Jack. He gives you a boomer outfit and tells you that the Boomers won't fire at her. Return to Janet to give her the Boomer Outfit or you can lie to her sending her to her death.Janet has to clear some debt with her contract and asks you to tell her boss. Talk to Alice inside and if your Speech is high enough (75) or Barter is high enough (65) you can persuade her to pay Janet off. Return to Janet and tell her the news in which case she immediately leaves; you receive Boomer Fame. Return to Nellis either by escorting Janet or simply waiting a few hours and meet the pair after you meet with them you will get boomer fame and that is the last quest until you get the boomers on your side.
The Legend of the Star
-Completed The Legend of the Star.This is one of my favorite quest(not) the Nuka-Cola challenge returns as Sunset Sarsaparilla. Head to the Sunset Sarsaparilla Headquarters when you talk to Festus(who looks a little creepy), the robotic cowboy mascot in the lobby this quest will start. You'll need to collect 50 Sunset Sarsaparilla Star Bottle Caps to complete this quest. There are 100 in the game that are in set locations, as well as a 10% chance of getting a star cap randomly when you open a bottle of Sunset Sarsaparilla(I got 2 by this). Once you have 50 caps, return to Festus for your reward.
The quest will say that you have fail but do not worry becaseu you do not. Talk to Festus again to get your real prize and you'll get another quest called “A Valuable Lesson”. Complete this second quest by going to the prize closet and picking up the holotape, and you'll get the trophy. Make sure to pick up the unique weapon Pew Pew while you're here.
Up and Comer
-Reach 20th level.Just reach the 20th level.
The Boss
-Reach 30th level.Just reach level 30 do quests,kill things loot,look around,explore all these things will help as well try and get Swift learner perk this will raise your exp gain up to 30%.
The Whole Gang's here
-Recruit all companions.Get all the Companions.
Arcade – Old Mormon Fort in Freeside. With a Speech 75 challenge or a high intelligence score you can convince him to join you. Alternately, once you've done Farkas' mission, he will join you as well.
Boone – Novac. Complete side quest “One for My Baby” by providing him with the correct target and proof of their guilt (Look in the motel lobby floor safe) for the proof.
Cass – Mojave Outpost. Talk to her in the bar and she will join you part way through the “Heartache By The Number” side quest.
Lily – Jacobstown. You can ask her to join you once you start on the “Guess Who I Saw Today” sidequest from Dr. Henry.
Raul – Black Mountain. Free Raul part of “Crazy, Crazy, Crazy” quest and you’ll be able to recruit him.
Veronica – 188 Trading Post. Standing near the Slop & Shop, answer her question about the Brotherhood of Steel with a non-violent reply to recruit her.
ED-E – Examine the Damaged Eyebot in the Mojave Express Courier. Talk to Johnson Nash in the Vikki & Vance Casino to allow you to repair it. You'll need a Repair skill of 65, a Science of 55, or to gather the parts in order to bring it online.
Rex – He's at The King's side at his 'School of Impersonation'. You have to stay on good terms with the Kings until after you’ve completed G.I. Blues. If you run afoul of them or Pacer in particular you're out of luck. After that, then ask The King about his robotic dog to get the quest “Nothin’ But a Hound Dog” in Freeside.
You do not actually have to complete the quests just recruit them to get this trophy.
Master of the Mojave
-Discover 125 locations.I will post a link to a map the green dots are places just go to them and you will get this trophy in no time.
Globe Trotter
-Discover all snow globes.Check out this link.Ill tell you where to find them but this link will give you a visual.
1. Jacobstown – On the front desk in the lobby of the lodge.
2. Old Mormon Fort – On a bookshelf in Julie Farkas’ office in the western tower.
3. Lucky 38 Casino – Accessible after Mr. House gives you access to the Cocktail Lounge. It is on the opposite side of the central hub from the elevator, it will be behind a cash register behind the bar.
4. Vault 21 – Inside Sarah’s room.
5. Nellis Air Force Base – Inside Pete’s “museum” on a table in the corner.
6. Hoover Dam – Desk in the visitor center.
7. Goodsprings Cemetary – At the base of a gravestone near the water tower.
Caravan Master
-Win 30 games of Caravan.Use the link that I gave you to win matches it will take you about a hour or so.
The Courier Who Broke the Bank
-Get banned from all the Strip's casinos.You just have to win a lot of money and then get kicked out.
Gomorrah – 9,000 Chips
The Tops – 10,000 Chips
Ultra-Luxe – 15,000 Chips
These are the casinos that you have to get banned from.Make sure that you have a good reputation will the White Glove Society,The Omertas, and the Chairmen
if you do not let you into the casinos. Some tips are to do blackjack as if you have a high luck you will win every hand.
They Went That-a Way
-Completed They Went That-a Way.Talk to Victor in Goodsprings before making your way to Primm, where you'll want to look up Johnson Nash at the Mojave Express depot. He'll tell you that Deputy Beagle saw your attackers, and task you with rescuing his sorry self from the Powder Gangers. Intel from Beagle will lead you to Novac, where you'll talk to Manny Vargas, which will in turn lead you to Boulder City. There you'll meet Lt. Monroe and probably start side quest “Boulder City Showdown”. You'll have to negotiate with a Khan named Jessup, who happens to be the man you need to talk to. Jessup will give you all kinds of useful information, including where to find Benny, and the lighter that he dropped.
-Completed Ring-a-Ding-Ding.This mission is very easy all you have to do is talk to Benny.You can talk to Swank at the front desk and if you pass his speech challenges which are 15,30 and 45 he will give you back all your weapons.Once you go see Benny get as much info as you can from him and you can let him live or kill him your choice.And then get the Platinum chip.
The House Always Wins
-Completed The House Always Wins.Just do the 7 steps.
1.Bring Mr. House the Platinum Chip and watch his Securitron demonstration. If you didn't recover the chip when you confronted Benny, you'll have to recover it during part 2.
2.Take the chip to The Fort and upgrade the Securitrons in the Bunker.
3.Secure the help of the Boomers. If you've already completed “Volare!” this will be easy. If you want to save time, or they don't like you, Mr. House will also accept eliminating them as a threat.
4.Look into the Omertas. If you've already completed “How Little We Know” this mission will be completed automatically.
5.Mr. House will accept nothing less than total destruction of the Brotherhood of Steel. Use the keycards from McNamara, Hardin, and Taggart at the terminal in the VR chamber to generate a self destruct password for the red terminal. Then flee the base.
6.If you have a Reputation of Accepted or better with the NCR, this mission is the “You'll Know It When You See It” mission. If not, you'll skip immediately to number 7.
7.Install an override chip at the El Dorado Substation.
For the Republic
-Completed For the Republic.This quest has 9 steps to it.
1.After “Ring-a-Ding Ding!” you'll be approached by a messenger directing you to the NCR Ambassador.
2.Complete mission “Things That Go Boom”. If you've completed “Volare!” this will be easy.
3.Complete mission “King's Gambit”. This is easiest by talking to The King, conveying his refusal to Crocker who through conversation will direct you to Col Hsu at Camp McCarran. Pledge to The King more NCR resources to Freeside, and The Kings will join you. After you kill Pacer, that is. Return to Crocker to start “For the Republic, Part 2”
4.Col Moore at Hoover Dam directs you to recruit or eliminate the Khans. If you've completed the mission “Oh My Papa” this is easy.
5.Col Moore then directs you to recruit or eliminate the Omertas. If you've completed the mission “How Little We Know” this is easy.
6.Col Moore's next target is Mr. House. Kill or disable him.
7.Lastly, you'll have to recruit or terminate the Brotherhood of Steel. If you've already completed “Still in the Dark”, this is easy.
8.Complete “You'll Know It When It Happens”
9.Return to Col Moore to complete the mission.
Render Unto Caesar
-Completed Render Unto Caesar.
This quest has 10 steps to it and in my option is the most fun to do.1.After “Ring-a-Ding Ding!” you'll be approached by one of Caesar's Frumantarii inviting you to speak to him.
2.Travel to the Fort and speak to Caesar, who allows you access into the bunker.
3.Destroy three power regulators to destroy Mr. House's Securitron army.
4.Go to Lucky 38 and kill Mr. House.
5.Recruit the Boomers. If you've completed “Volare!” this will be easy.
6.Recruit the White Glove Society, or inform Caesar that they won't join him.
7.Eradicate the Brotherhood of Steel. Use the keycards from McNamara, Hardin, and Taggart at the terminal in the VR chamber to generate a self destruct password for the red terminal. Then flee the base.
8.Complete mission “Et Tumor, Brute?” either by completing a Medicine 75 check or journeying to Vault 34 to get a scanning module for the autodoc.
9.Complete mission “Arizona Killer”.
10.Return to Caesar and the quest will end
Wild Card
-Completed Wild Card.
This quest has1.Start by going to Benny's room on the 13th floor of The Tops Casino, and finding Yes Man in the hidden room.(He will not attack you as I learned by sitting there for like 4 min trying to see if he would shoot as me).
2.Do the quest “Wild Card: Change in Management” Kill Mr. House and then return to Yes Man. Meet him back at the Lucky 38 and he'll take over the mainframe.
3.Do the quest”Wild Card: You and What Army?” Upgrade the Securitrons at The Fort
4. Do the quest “Wild Card: Side Bets” Secure support from the Boomers, the Khans, the Omertas, and the White Glove Society, or advise Yes Man to ignore them.
5.Do the quest “Wild Card: Finishing Touches” Complete mission “You'll Know It When It Happens”, then activate El Dorado substation.
-Play the game from start to finish in Hardcore Mode.As you leave the house at the start of the game say that you want to do the game on hardcore mode and you can not change it throughout the game however you can put the hardness down.
Here is the link to the map to help you out.http://http://www.supercheats.com/guides/fallout-new-vegas/mojave-wastland-map/
I hope that this guide help you out please post comments and tips that could help me out in the future.
December 20, 2010 at 8:40 pm #68438Doc-B
MemberSeems a pretty good guide man… Don't even get me started on the downfalls of the game though, lol
The only thing i would say is that the guide could have a bit more structure and clarity?? I see you don't like the underline feature, lol… Not trying to take away from your guide, just trying to give you some pointers.
It's good to see some new members who are willing to put some effort into building the site, woop woop, ding ding
December 21, 2010 at 12:42 am #68441SHARP_SHOOTER27
MemberThanks ya i will try to improve on my next guide which will hopefully be uncharted 3
December 21, 2010 at 12:55 am #68442Doc-B
MemberIt is pretty epic though
I don't know if i'd have enough patience for something like this… I did write a pretty sweet guide to caravan though (the proper way to play it
December 21, 2010 at 1:38 am #68443SHARP_SHOOTER27
MemberYa that one trophy was a pain to get though lol
December 22, 2010 at 5:16 pm #68451RKF95
MemberNice guide, ill use it when i get back to playing new vegas
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