Man how can you have such a killer setup with fight night round 3 then bring out round 4 and do away with all the best features from the last game… when you get knocked down and have to try get back up the little bar you have to get in the middle is the crappest thing in the world, it was much better tryin to get the markers inside the oval thingys, at the end of a round in your corner you just have to choose what to heal rather then having the swelling pads in the old one which was brilliant, the new controls in the game are wank… you're never ever in total controle of your boxer, if i want to do a hook then it does a jab, if i want to go to the body it does a uppercut psh, i liked it when you had to press a trigger to go to the body!! and best of all EA have not give us a option to change the controls and i read somewhere they were going to release a DLC pack so you can choose your controls, notice i said DLC and not a patch? this is going to be a new low if we have to pay just to change the game to how we want to play it… i'm pritty pissed off!!
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