Mike said:
They locked my topic, OK APR, OK.
This two boys are real masters, look at it:
APR?? You must be looking for All-Ps3-Retards… It seems more suited to your level, no?
Didn't even add a 'Mwah' in front of all those 'ha's… Amateur, too simple-minded even, to have an evil laugh…
Also, please learn how to use pronouns… I normally wouldn't say anything as picky as that… But you sir, are a tool 
I see you're a 'new member'? Well at least one of those words are right
**It's 'member' in case you were wondering, lmao
Welcome to the site you douche 

@Mike – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4QgqMoQ9gLc
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