Future Of Playstation
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January 31, 2009 at 2:35 pm #13764
MemberWhat does everybody think the futer of Playstation will be?
I think Playstation will turn into an entertainment necessity where people can watch TV, listen to music, play games, surf the net etc. Obviously Playstation can do these things at this period in time but im talking about going more in depth with these types of media. I and other people imagine atleast 2 Playstation consoles in every 2/5 houses (roughly).
January 31, 2009 at 3:08 pm #20837kingawol
Memberi think a lot of people who own ps3 s dont even realise what they bought: a multimedia centre . as you say , sony will push their products , films , music whatever , digital tv&radio , now a photo lab of sorts . it will take the place of the vcr/dvd in many households once everybody goes HDTV , mp3 having kinda killed the home stereo , most people just going for wicked speakers ands amps on their pc so i think speakers for a ps3 (i got a creative set that are well worth it ) and a HDTV is all we ll have in the living room of the future . would be good if i could check what mates got on their hard drive and watch it , but piracy , copyright infringement …. lets face it , most of us have no REAL use of a pc except multimedia and internet (im guessing most ps3 owners dont dig pc gaming….keyboard and mouse….yuk) so the ps3 could be the multimedia center , if they got the internet browser properly full screen.
January 31, 2009 at 3:11 pm #20838kingawol
Memberand whilst i agree religion is enslavement , i dont believe technology is salvation , esp. when technology is developed with profit in mind , but i think thats another topic and another forum…..maybe more like science is salvation , that covers technology too….
January 31, 2009 at 3:12 pm #20839parnakas
Memberi would have to disagree with the 2 ps3s in 2/5 houses.
the wii is a piece of shit, repetetive, and not even close to a next-gen console. yet it is destroying xbox 360 and ps3 in sales, because of its kiddy appeal. Everyone i know with a wii gets bored of a new game after 30 minutes. I think wii will continue to outsell, as long as nintendo keeps making games that are good for 30 min.
i think the future of playstation will be that they keep bringing out amazing games, like they are this year, and last year. And i also think they will keep expanding on psn, and making it even better than it is now. I think playstation will always be a great console.
January 31, 2009 at 3:27 pm #20843kingawol
Memberyeah it must remain an adult-ish game console , but users now have it as a multimedia outlet. (i agree we wont be seeing 2-3 ps3s in any regular households) more psn games and more remakes of old games like they did Wipeout HD …. until sony crumble (which may happen , but if they do , so will everybody else ) playstation will rock. i've had all ps's , several times (except ps3 , its still my first one) , and i love the system and esp. its controllers : nothing is worth playing without a Dual Shock. thats my motto. (i gave Halo a try , but the chunky xbox thingies are awful. you get used to it , but you also get used to pants up your crack , i guess)
January 31, 2009 at 3:30 pm #20845kingawol
Memberwii sells because its NOT a games console, its i dunno what it is , but it appeals to girls , kids and adults that dont like video games (the fools)
January 31, 2009 at 4:39 pm #20847shadeblack
ParticipantGuys the nintendo revolution sells because it appeals to the niche market of non-gamers. These are also called 'casual gamers'. if 30% of the population are considered gamers, then 70% aren't. nintendo simply realised this and figured they would make more money with the 70% rather than the 30%.
anyway, Nintendo turned their backs on the previous generation of the nintendo fanbase and it's core target audience. The wii, for gamers, is a travesty.
Back on track though, the playstation's future… I haven't much clue, but i reckon they will continure exactly how they are. i only hope they realise that it's better to have the pricey stuff rather than cheap production stuff in the wii, and let's face it, the xbox too.
January 31, 2009 at 4:42 pm #20849KILLER369
MemberThe wii is a joke, it was beeting us but not enymore Bcause all the slaves of the modern media war machine are finally realising that the Playstation is’nt just a phase teenage boys go through, their realising that its the very evolutionary steps of technology in the making. besides the wii (as king awol sed) is not a even a console its a kiddies and pensioners play thing. a mere toy that doesn’t last longer than 30mins Bcause its the persnon playing it’s nap time. and to king awol: technology is researched for the benefit of mankind. its the business people who invest in that technology that use it for personal gain. and U sed technology falls under science wen actually science falls under technology.
January 31, 2009 at 4:56 pm #20852shadeblack
Participantwhere the hell did this science and technology thread entwine into this?
Without science there would be not technology.
But. Without further development in technology, science can't evolve. it's a cycle, where one benefits the other – there is no “falling under”.
January 31, 2009 at 5:04 pm #20854KILLER369
Memberyour right in some respect. but the ivention of the wheel and the discovery that humans could make fire both are the basicest form of technology. the wheel started technology and invention off. fire started science off but the tribal people called it god. they used fire to form potions and remidys they called it magic but we know it as science. so what have we learnt: without fire (technology) we wouldn’t have science. therefore science falls und technology. giving birth to all modern day conveniences including the Playstation.
January 31, 2009 at 8:52 pm #20860edge4eva32
MemberWell the future of the playstation would be very optimistic if I can finally get a blu ray drive for my ps3 that lasts for hundreds of hours of gameplay and an actual calendar year, haha. That and the fact that Sony doesn't lose another 95% of their profits which they posted only 2 days ago.
I also heard they were at one time going to release a TV tuner for the ps3 to watch live tv and then use it as a dvr. that'd be pretty cool i think.
January 31, 2009 at 9:04 pm #20861KILLER369
Memberthey have released it. its called playtv i got 1. give sony a break U probably got an older model ps3. models frm 2006 to about march 2008 wernt sonys finest models but theyve fixed all the problems in the newer 1s. they put it on the message boards a while back
January 31, 2009 at 11:05 pm #20862edge4eva32
MemberKILLER369 said:
they have released it. its called playtv i got 1. give sony a break U probably got an older model ps3. models frm 2006 to about march 2008 wernt sonys finest models but theyve fixed all the problems in the newer 1s. they put it on the message boards a while back
Apparently they have not released it here in America yet. Also, my PS3 is only 14 months old, and has already crapped out twice. There are ppl here who have had their ps3's since launch with more play time than mine. Maybe when Sony decides they won't charge my credit card when they get my ps3 in the mail, then I will give them a break, haha. BTW, I got my new samsung blu ray player today
It is totally awesome. My friends and I all have agreed that the display on the blu ray samsung is more quality than the blu ray player in the ps3.
February 1, 2009 at 12:52 am #20863kingawol
Membershadeblack said:
where the hell did this science and technology thread entwine into this?
Without science there would be not technology.
But. Without further development in technology, science can't evolve. it's a cycle, where one benefits the other – there is no “falling under”.
sorry , my bad , just a lil'thought on killer369's motto-thing…
killer:yeah , i guess i just prefer the sound of 'science' , it's a debate you may have thought about more than me….
February 1, 2009 at 2:20 am #20864KILLER369
Memberedge4eva: soz m8 dnt think US gettin playtv, only europe. but sony might put the playtv circuit bored an internal addon for future ps3’s. shitbox aint got nutn on ps3 the act lyk they have the better console but it cant even do a 1/4 of the things ps3 can do. Playstation = Next Gen. Xbox = Past Gen. even the ps2 sells better than the Xbox
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