Chances are it'll be Resistance 2 or inFamous 2 since we already know that they're definitely coming. I'm hoping this announcement is for the new Twisted Metal from David Jaffe's EatSleepPlay, though (either that or Starhawk — the sequel to Warhawk). I think it'd be even cooler if it was a sequel to a classic IP that hasn't been around in a while (i.e. MediEvil, Blasto, etc.).
I'd KILL for a sequel to Drakan: The Ancients' Gates. I know developer Surreal Software is now owned by Midway but if Sony could attach another developer, it'd be like dying and going to heaven. 
Actually, come to think of it, how do we even know it's a sequel to disc-based PS3 exclusive? It's possible that we're going to see the new game from thatgamecompany (flOw and Flower)… or maybe PAIN 2? How about The Last Guy 2? There's way too many options!
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