NuFc_kNoXiE_KiLa said:
i dont think a hacker could create a game mode and kog's right i reckon.
btw this is completely fresh, new and will be innovative to many except you by the looks of it strange enough. i'll defo be trying this out if it is as it looks a load of fun.
i asked you the question because you seem to want too much from a game mode.
yes, i think kog is right, i misunderstood the whole hacking thing.
I want too much out of a game mode from this game, because it is supposedly “the greatest game ever” and the “best thing for video games” so why not have modes that have never been done before or ones that will change the genre?
If IW is so great, like everyone exclaims they are, then why cant they pump out some top quality DLC?
thats all I'm trying to saying.
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