Doc-B said:
Post edited 8:52 pm – 06/09/2010 by Doc-B
You have to start fresh I'm afraid… As in a brand new save file…
Anything you do in your current game, with regards to the trophies, is pointless… Least it gives you a starting point to make sure you 100% the game mode.
Try using an online “check list” as it helps for the collectibles and stuff……..checklist/
You might be able to gain trophies for event's not yet happened – Like unlocking Brucie's friend perk (if you haven't yet) etc. – But i don't think you can…
Regarding your edit – no.
You have to start a new save file to earn ANY trophies.
Long time since we had to patch and old game to get trophies. Seems like the details are getting a bit sketchy Doc? haha!
Yea so flurfi, your only problem is that you need to start a new save file to earn any trophies. It's a bummer but at least it's a good game like Grand Theft Auto.
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