Heavy Rain Trophy Guide
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June 16, 2010 at 9:06 pm #62691
Memberyeah that's the one i'm talking about. it appears to be appearing randomly, some players have it while others don't that's what i find the risky part about it, when mitch is here he can help people by warning them from it. it can't hurt to say so.
however besides a warning i have some good news. i did a few googles and have managed to dig up this:
This trophy is somewhat really tricky to get. I just tried it 3 seconds ago and got it. This is what I did. I started a new game and saved it in the 2nd save file since I already beat the game. Then I just did what Ethan is supposed to do. This is what I did.
I shaved, took a shower, got dressed, went downstairs, completed the drawing. After I completed the drawing, I went to drink a cup of coffee and then drank some Orange juice and then went outside and laid/waited until Grace and the kids got home.
After they arrived, I helped Grace with the groceries, set the table perfectly and then went to talk to Grace. Not sure if you have to do that but I did. Once that was done, I went outside, swung Jason around and then picked up Shaun and ran around until it automatically stopped me. After that, you pick them up to show your strength. Then I did the sword fight, got some hits in, and let Jason defeat me. I did the rest of the prologue all the way to the “Sleezy Place” chapter load and got the trophy. Hope this helps.source: http://www.gamefaqs.com/ps3/93…..qid=167191
as a last resort i tried this out myself following the advice exactly and against all odds it worked in 1 try. i tried out several other tips from different sites found by google which ended up with nothing, if anybody has this problem aswell it might be an idea to use it. i might add that i deleted the software and reinstalled it on my PS3 (inc updates). sofar it has been confirmed by 2 users.
June 24, 2010 at 2:02 pm #62887monkeymoobs
Memberwhen i am doing the correct situations to get different endings can I do the chapter Eg hassans shop let him die go back to main menu then go to trapped and let lauren die so on to get the endings or do i have to play through all the chapters again and do i save when i start a new chapter or not.
June 24, 2010 at 2:27 pm #62891Doc-B
MemberYou can do that… But you must make sure all other chapters of the story match. If there are any discrepancies in the “flow” of the story then it won't work.
There is a certain way to play so that all endings can be unlocked by going to one perticular chapter near the end. But i can't remember how
This should help – http://uk.guides.ign.com/guides/811232/page_3.html
June 26, 2010 at 8:33 pm #62964S-I-E
Memberyeah about that some of it works and some don't. i was just about to ask mitch if he could check his sources a little more careful.
i've been using this guide with great grattitude but there are things that just suck ass and need to be fixed pronto. that link you just gave has mistakes in it and people (like me) will have to go around in circles on google just to find that missing piece of info.
for example:
THE SAFE OPTION MUST BE SWITCHED ON TO UNLOCK AND REGISTER ENDINGS!!!! it's lame but a gazillion people got problems with this and started to ask questions on all sorts of sites. so when receiving the option swithc it on. this does not apply for unlocking most bronze trophies itself however.
2: Backtrack to the Killer's Place scenario to find the warehouse address on the laptop. Hide inside the refrigerator in the kitchen to survive and choose to either go to the warehouse alone or call someone (anyone) to join you. During the Old Warehouse scenario, make sure that Ethan saves Shaun, Madison alerts Ethan to the cops, and that Jayden kills Shelby. When given the choice, make sure you pull the Origami Killer back from the ledge to save him.
result: New Life, Origami's Grave, and Case Closed.
wrong, to get the new life ending you'll have to go all the way back to on the loose, and musn't kiss madison and refuse to forgive her. as for the rest keep going untill you reach the killer's place and follow the info above.
5: Backtrack to the Killer's Place scenario. Escape with Madison, and don't find the warehouse address with the laptop. Shelby will arrive after waiting in a secret room for a couple of minutes.
result: Tears in Rain
also wrong, to obtain this one you'll have to start from on the loose again kiss madison and forgive her and continue all the way untill you reach the killer's place scenario and simply follow the info given above.
somebody oughta check their guide for bad sources, i respect the fact that people do their best to help others acchieving their goal but with this game i'm really getting tired of spending hours googling from the one vague forum to another trying to figure out what i did wrong, followed by testing it, failing again googling, etc.
June 26, 2010 at 8:52 pm #62965Doc-B
MemberIgn guide man sorry… I would've checked it out a little more but this is quite an old game…
Sorry again, but the guide itself is nothing to do with me…
June 26, 2010 at 10:29 pm #62969S-I-E
Memberit's not that old, but the hype is over though.
however the solutions are posted here, now if only mitch updated some parts of this guide to make it more easy for people to find. i'll see if i can send him a PM ofr something, that should do the trick.
also, b-doc are you using a translater by any chance?
something went wrong with my post and i cannot get back into it to edit it.
the combinations for new start & tears in the rain didn't got answered. i'll post it again.
To get New Start, don't hook up with Madison, have her escape in The Killer's Place, have Ethan save Shaun,
and have Norman kill Scott.To get Tears in the Rain, hook up with Madison and forgive her. Fail “The Rat” and choose the wrong address.
Madison escapes fire, without an address. Norman gives up.i just got the all endings trophy a minute ago using this info and so i hereby verify it, i could have sworn i still needed one extra playthrough but meh.
now i only need to get jayden resist that drugs of his and i get a new playinum, then i'll be off to play some red dead redemption.
June 27, 2010 at 1:11 am #62989Miiiitch
MemberI made this guide off my general experience with the game, I was able to use IGN walkthrough to help me with some parts so I don't see why others can't, it's a trophy guide not a game guide and besides the IGN guide tells you all the shit you need to do anyway if you read it properly.
June 27, 2010 at 12:23 pm #63031S-I-E
Memberi'm perfectly aware of everything in your guide and that of the IGN one mitch and in both guides i encountered some problems where trophies did not unlock while following the advice which i had to solve myself by the use of google. i'm trying to help you now by pointing out those errors and still saying that you don't understand why others do have the problems is a good hint for me that you ignored most of what i said.
so. once more…
the happy birthday trophy as described in your trophyguide and several other guides i checked online, it appears to have more requirements then most people would expect:
many people think it has a glitch which it isn't.
as for the kamikaze trophy, it also has a strange requirement, it appears you can unlock the trophy only if you hold the controller as straight as when it lies on a table (after removing R2 & L2 realtriggers), nomatter if you did the course perfect or not if you hold the controller in a different position the trophy will not unlock.
and then we have the IGN endingsguide. the ending called “new life”does not exist, there's only A new life and A new start. i have no idea who came on that idea but it's confusing, i unlocked the all endings trophy right after i send you a PM and there is no such ending to be found on my epilogue list and neither have i got a way to confirm it's existance.
and while we are busy with the IGN guide some ending shortcuts of theirs suggests that you can get certain endings by going to the killer's place scenario but in reality i noticed that you have to go back to “on the loose” insteadc because ethan and madison has to kiss or not depending on what you are after.
and last but not least your kamikazetrophy best route description, it's best if you list all the buttoncombinations instead of only the multichoices, in the state it is now it can confuse peoplev especialy when they need to memorise the options and react fast.
if this doesn't make the possible problems that can be encountered clear to you i don't know what else to say. imo it's advicable to do something with it because 1: it's trophy related and you gotit's the solutions, and 2: because there are many misunderstandings about this game's trophies floating around on the internet. either way do what you want with it. it's not my problem anymore.
June 27, 2010 at 1:49 pm #63038Miiiitch
MemberYeah well it's not my problem, I can't edit the original guide and besides your the only person who has actually had a whinge about it. the solutions to the so called problems are now on display in your posts so nobody else should have any problems in future. Problem Solved.
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