Hello I'm new to the site.
I've been reading your forums for a while and I wanted to join.
So, I live in Croatia (thats right of Italy in Europe), my PSN ID is Domba_car (Domba as in my nickname from my real name Dominik, Dominic, Dominick and car which is in my language Cezar, Czar, King we often use Car in our e-mails and names)
I own a 80gb PS3 with 2 DualShock Controlers and Gran Turismo 5 Prolouge since Christmas and I bought Resistance 2, Assassins Creed and Resident Evil 5. I borrow games often so I have many trophies. I love trophies I have no plats I am often missing 1 or 2 trophies for the plat. I never gameshared but I got scammed once by Arabian-Gangster. I have 231 trophies and I would like you to add me. I've added some of you.
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