Holy crap… do I ever want to throw my PS3 out the window right now!
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July 29, 2010 at 6:46 am #15745
MemberFirst off, allow me to apologize in advance. This is going to be a rant… actually, no… not a rant. A rant doesn't even describe what I want this to be. This will be a full-on b!tchfest!
Also, I just want to say that whoever out there thinks that Firmware updates can't screw up your system (oh, and I know there's some of you out there), if you're going to come on here and make me even more angry after what I'm about to say, please refrain yourself. I'd appreciate it.
Okay, here it goes; so I updated my PS3 to version 3.41 yesterday (July 27th) like I'm sure so many of you did. At first, I didn't really notice any difference. I mean, did anything even change anywhere on the XMB or elsewhere? About a half-hour later is when I noticed the real difference.
I went on to the PS Store and it was running ridiculously slow all of a sudden. I thought it was just the network, but it continued throughout the day and the remainder of today. Tonight is where it really came down on me.
I just finished a television show and went to exit back to the XMB. It wouldn't let me. All that was allowed was the option to turn off my system. No big deal. I'll just restart it, right? Wrong. I hit the 'turn off' option and the screen went dark and the power light on my system started to flash a hundred miles an hour. I walked up to my system and held to the power switch to continue the restart but nothing would happen. It was frozen and flashing. Not wanting to turn the main switch off in the back of the system, I tried unplugging my unit from the wall.
When I restarted the system, I was told that my system had turned off wrong and then I was instructed on how to properly turn off a PS3 (thanks for the help on that one, Sony). I continued on only to have my system freeze again a half-hour later. No way was this happening again.
Same thing again; frozen and blinking green lights. Remembering that Sony and my PS3 did not like the way I tried to solve the problem last time, I decided to try the main switch on the back of the console. Click — click. Turn the power back on…
“Your system has received corrupted data. Restore of your PlayStation 3 is about to begin.” Oh, yeah… I knew exactly what this message meant. It meant that I was about to loose 350GB worth of saved memory off of my PS3 (I upgraded to a 500GB hard drive a couple years back). All fifty or so of my downloadable games, demos and videos were about to vanish. Hours upon hours of game saves were about to wave goodbye, too. Add on to that the hundreds of movies, television shows and CDs that I had saved on to my system. Yes, my night was/is officially ruined.
Now, I can't point my finger at Firmware update 3.41 and say, “Uh-huh… it was you!” No, no — can't do that. I have no proof. For all I know, it could've been anything. All I know is that was the last official change of anything that my system had received and it was after that that my PS3 decided to turn for the worse.
At the moment, my system is still restoring. It has been frozen at 48% for about 45 minutes now. How come? I have no idea. However, I do know that whenever my console eventually begins to work again, it will be a long, long week of anxiety-inducing downloading. Wish me luck… and good luck to you proud PS3 owners who have version 3.41.
July 29, 2010 at 8:50 am #64423Ratchet525
MemberWhat kinda area do you keep your ps3 in? Is it a compact area? Do you keep it on a wool rug? Do you dust out the console every once in a while?
All those can be the problem instead of the firmware. You're the only person I've heard this happen to…so far.
July 29, 2010 at 8:53 am #64424tridon
MemberYeah, that's why I'm not blaming the firmware. Who knows what the problem may be? I do keep it in a well-ventilated area, though. It's on top of my entertainment unit away from rugs and compacted areas. I also dust it on a regular basis. Oh, and by the way… it's still stuck at 48% for restore.
July 29, 2010 at 10:34 am #64425XeroTheGreat
MemberGreat, I experienced exactly the same PS store issues last night. It was going pathetically slow, freezing every 5 seconds or so. I'm guessing you have a phat PS3, right?
July 29, 2010 at 10:38 am #64426Gashead-64
Memberjust want to say Firmware updates can't screw up your system.
July 29, 2010 at 10:46 am #64429Gashead-64
Memberjust joking 😉
July 29, 2010 at 1:06 pm #64430pobert06
MemberSorry about what happened to your PS3 Tridon, I would raging right now if that were my PS3. Well if that ever happened to my old 80 GB that is,Cause I dont have nothing to lose in my PS3 Slim as of now.
I think your problem is not the PS3 itself but the Hard Disk Drive. Either it died or something must've triggered it to fail. If it doesn't completely restore in formatting,then the HDD is to blame and your gonna need a new one. I've seen reports of this happening throughout the PS Forums if you want to confirm it yourself.
July 29, 2010 at 1:23 pm #64433pool96
MemberXeroTheGreat said:
Great, I experienced exactly the same PS store issues last night. It was going pathetically slow, freezing every 5 seconds or so. I'm guessing you have a phat PS3, right?
I know that there is some new features coming to the store soon, I forget the details but that might be the cause of slowness.
Can someone confirm to me what day the store updates? I though it was Tuesdays now?
My store hasn't updated since the 21st July. There's some new Uncharted 2 avatars coming out aswel so I am a little PO'd about this, another week I wouldn't even notice the store updating.And man Tridon, that sucks. When my old phatty died I was about to kill someone. (I think I was actually having withdrawl symptoms lol) Mine just froze, the green power buttton had a bit of a muscle spasm then went yellow. It turned out I hadn't been dusting out my system and some thermal regulating thingy melted and caused an irreversable case of overheating.
I also got that “You turned off your PS3 wrong” message before but I just ignored it and nothing bad ever happened. I didn't turn it off any peculiar way, unless I had accidently left it on when I went to America and my Nan turned it off funny when she was checking up on the house.
July 29, 2010 at 1:27 pm #64434I773D33MABL3
MemberI had a similar problem with my original 60GB. The HDD corrupted and was completely inaccessible. I couldn't even get it to restore.
It definitely wasn't the update that caused your problem as it would have just stopped working straight away. The slow down meant your console was having trouble retrieving info from the HDD or processing it once it was retrieved.
I'd replace the HDD right away. Even if it restores there's no point leaving yourself in a position where you have to worry about it's reliability. You can get 350GB for dirt cheap so it wouldn't set you back too much.
You have my sympathies over the saved games. I've lost all of mine twice and I can tell you I'm now a big fan of back-ups on external drives.
July 29, 2010 at 2:08 pm #64438emdeepee
Memberredbren said:
Post edited 11:29 am – 07/29/2010 by redbren
Can someone confirm to me what day the store updates? I though it was Tuesdays now?
It seems to be Wednesdays at the moment.
July 29, 2010 at 4:05 pm #64445tridon
MemberXeroTheGreat said:
Great, I experienced exactly the same PS store issues last night. It was going pathetically slow, freezing every 5 seconds or so. I'm guessing you have a phat PS3, right?
Yeah, it's a phat system. I hope your system is okay, too.
July 29, 2010 at 4:06 pm #64446Ninjacat
MemberI hope this doesn't happen to mine.
July 29, 2010 at 4:07 pm #64447tridon
Memberredbren said:
Post edited 11:29 am – 07/29/2010 by redbren
Can someone confirm to me what day the store updates? I though it was Tuesdays now?
My store hasn't updated since the 21st July. There's some new Uncharted 2 avatars coming out aswel so I am a little PO'd about this, another week I wouldn't even notice the store updating.
If memory serves correct, I believe the store is now updated every Tuesday in North America and Wednesdays everywhere else.
July 29, 2010 at 4:15 pm #64448tridon
MemberThanks for your “condolences” everyone! It's much appreciated. Here's the update…
During the restore of my system last night, the process froze at 48% complete. It stayed at this for almost two hours until my PS3 eventually reset itself. When it restarted, all of my files/game saves were still on my system. Whether they have been corrupted or not, I do not know. I immediately turned off my unit and I haven't turned it on since. To be honest, I'm actually scared to turn it back on. I'm going to go and buy some canned air today to give it a really good dusting and then eventually turn it back and back-up all my game saves on to a portable hard drive. The only crappy thing is the fact that Rock Band doesn't let you back its files up, so I'll have to re-download all of my songs (I have hundreds upon hundreds that have been bought between me and a friend) and rent the first game to export all of its songs back to my second game since I no longer own it. I'll keep everyone updated!
July 29, 2010 at 5:48 pm #64450I773D33MABL3
MemberI know that some games don’t let you copy the save files individually but if you do a full system back-up then they should be copied along with everything else.
Are you saying that Rock Band doesn’t allow copying even then? -
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