I was thinking…
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March 10, 2010 at 7:50 pm #59519
MemberIt's kind of come to a conclusion already, perhaps not the best one but it's what's happened.
March 10, 2010 at 7:53 pm #59520that_big_steve-o_guy
Memberhey ninjacat u seem sinceer. i forgive u.i hope every1 else will forget this
March 10, 2010 at 8:04 pm #59525BigWoopMagazine
MemberIt seems like every 3 months this happens on this site. Its like PMS with a bit of a time delay inbetween. Guys, its the internet. You should NEVER take anything someone says too seriously. People WILL say offensive things, and everyone is offended by something. Suck it up. Take it with a grain of salt. Move on.
In the meantime, the lack of rules is a nice freedom, but for the record, here is my favorite set of forum rules, they're simple and easy to follow, and generally apply across the board for everywhere you go:
Our only real problem here is that we have no moderators. An administrator has too much work to do to bother explaining exactly why what decisions were made etc, etc,,, but really you should all know how respect and common courtesy work. If you really need to argue about something stupid – do it somewhere else.
March 10, 2010 at 8:09 pm #59527monkeymoobs
Memberi knew nothing of this until now.I don't sign in for 2 weeks and I miss this much damn
March 10, 2010 at 8:13 pm #59528Miiiitch
MemberI like those rules that BigWoop linked, especially the spelling and grammar rules.
Pointless sh*t so your luckier for having missed it.
March 10, 2010 at 8:26 pm #59533monkeymoobs
Memberlooks that way i just read the other posts which i probably should have done before i posted the 1st time
March 10, 2010 at 8:27 pm #59534Ninjacat
MemberNice rules, I like the points system. It'd help with people who clearly spell things wrong and abbreviate words to get on our nerves. I hate posts that have countless spelling mistakes and are punctuation-less.
March 10, 2010 at 9:46 pm #59547parnakas
MemberWow.. this was pretty funny to read!
March 10, 2010 at 10:00 pm #59552supergayjay
Memberi hate these rules especially the spelling and grammar i am a bad speller and writer and i find it offencive that i could get a warning even a ban for this how dare someone judge me for not being well educated . all the other rules suck to apart from the ones that are common sence you should not need people/mods watching over you saying what is wright and wrong you should know yourself ! i like this site for the freedom of speech and lack of rules if this stupid sittuation causes a dictatorship it will be a sad day very sad . i think thing are great the way they are and should not change those two guys know what they did was wrong and stupid and it sounds like the end of it ! i think admin should undo the ban and that should be the end of it ! if my spelling offends you im sorry for being stupid !
March 10, 2010 at 10:55 pm #59558I773D33MABL3
MemberI don't think you need to worry man. I would imagine the rules governing grammar and spelling are just there to deter people that use illegible short-hand or text talk.
Expecting Shakespearean quality English is a bit harsh when we have quite a few members that don't speak it as a first language.
As to the rules on behavior, if they were to be applied to the site then things would run a lot smoother. But's that's only because nearly every one of us would be banned inside a day
March 11, 2010 at 12:36 am #59564Doc-B
MemberEvery one is missing my point… Who cares about Gnilsia & ninja's online love affair? My initial post was a “read between the lines” and it seems to have passed most people by… Obviously some of the older members are used to the Admin not really doing his job, but as i've only started posting recently it's new to me…
Admin has the time to come on and ban (just a point i'm not getting caught up with this) a member with little hesitation, over nothing major… But not enough time to post a simple rules, “Do's & Do-Not's” or grief reporting thread? They have more of an effect than you think, and a few warning's can go a long way, no? I think if there had been any such thing Ninja would have been happier sooner and gnilsia wouldn't have been able to take it too far. IMO gnilsia was “harassing” ninja a little, however funny i found it. Giving ninja a hard time without saying anything – Location, sig, avatar – just because you can is a bit harsh. However funny i found it Admin should have given a warning, and that would have been that… Something i'm sure ninja would have done Admin had taken the time to clearly let everyone know that option was open to him??
Instead of arguing because of (between almost everyone)…
- I'm smarter than you
- I'm older than you
- I've been here longer than you
- etc. etc. etc.
It's like Admin has no interest anymore (if he ever did) – Not even an epic amount, just a proper sit down and read once every so often, like even once a month? He has so little to say about anything? Hardly any topic posts? Shouldn't he be creating interesting new threads based on “Ps3 going on's” even slightly? Only ever appearing to confirm or deny rumors ,sometimes, and little else… You can have an opinion and still be impartial if that 's the issue can't you?
I feel that some new members leave because of the arguing and lack of any real structure to the forum… It can't be that hard to bring some order and contribution to your own site?
These are my feelings… They don't matter in any real fashion, but my mind wonders when I'm bored and i thought i'd share. Every one always seems to complain but just let it slip, stop moaning, or moan to someone who can get it sorted – The Admin; or nothing will really change. But i doubt it ever will…
I've been posting a fair bit lately but I'm gonna take a break from it for a while. Play my Ps3 more, chill “offline a bit more”. I'll still no doubt keep an eye on the posts here, and be back, but not for a while. It'll be interesting to see if anythings changed and who's still here, lol.
IMO, the Admin suck's… Needs to sort his site out a bit? This is an opinion, deal with it!
March 11, 2010 at 1:48 am #59567Mojo
MemberI feel that some new members leave because of the arguing and lack of any real structure to the forum… It can't be that hard to bring some order and contribution to your own site?
I stayed because of the fighting.
A forum issues thread is needed though.
If admin does't want to wade through useless banter and angsty teen tantrums, he should start a thread where complaints can be made about anything to do with the site.
He can then pop on and read the one thread, which will get him up to speed with the new cliques and bitch fights, and hopefully fill him in on who's causing trouble so that action can be taken.
Even if he rarely checks the thread, seeing someone complain about you in it, should be enough to end whatever was going on, or hopefully reignite the argument so I can join in.
I find lately I miss all the good tiffs, so having a thread where I can go to find them without having to read all the in-between crap would be lovely.
March 11, 2010 at 2:12 am #59568GHOST305
MemberI joined a while ago and i have to say this is probably my favorite site to go to. Not only are there interesting topics to read about, but there are also helpful guides and people that will answer questions when you ask them. Although the bickering, fighting, and complaining get a little out of hand, its whats disfunctional communities like ours do. Best thing tpo do is work it out so that we can get on with our lives. I regret hearing that gnilisa was banned. what he did was a little funny and uncalled for but (IMO) it was nothing to get banned for. @Ninjacat, the whole thing about your gf having cancer, i believe that was uncalled for and not neccessary; however, its not something you should be banned for. You were just defending your girlfriend.
March 11, 2010 at 2:22 am #59569Ninjacat
MemberMe and Gnilsia have spoken over PM. This is all over now.
@Mojo, just find another forum, seriously. You want arguments, go elsewhere. We are all clubbing together now, as you can see, to help this forum out and stop the arguments. I am not trying to start an argument here, just telling you, warning you if you like, that we want APT to thrive. Not get dragged down by people like you.
Oh and the whole “Admin does nothing” business I have to agree with. He is often absent, but of course he has a life. A job, perhaps a wife. That's why there needs to be a couple of guys on here, not many, 3 or 4, just to keep it in order while he's not about. Then problems like this could be resolved much quicker and the forum would be a much happier place. I would gladly volunteer myself as a moderator if it decided they are needed. But it's admins choice whether he thinks we need them or not.
March 11, 2010 at 2:35 am #59571PS3 Trophies
KeymasterGet your facts straight people, Gnilsias account was under review…He's not been banned. Review is complete and he's welcome to use it again.
He will hopefully not missuse some of the forums functions again such as the avatar and sig function to harrass another member.
Sorry to hear you don't like it here. We do however take consideration to constructive criticism and suggestions. We have a forum just for such topics here:
All questions/suggestions about the site & forum”
If you have complaints on me personally feel free to PM or Email me instead of making a public post.
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