Yeah, Welcome man.Â
There is something on the official Playstation Website that lets you get your portable ID which will show your current trophies all the time. I think its for you…log in with your PSN ID and password and look for the “Get my portable ID” button.
Here's a few places you may like to browse/post in:
Those are for trophy amounts, what games you bought/are buying and your personal info (age, address, height, weight, credit card info, and frequency in which you have to go to the bathroom)
Anyways, I also find this to be the only site worth a forum visit. Every other site is always so polluted with Fanboys/trolls/(insert typical internet douche tagline here) that you have to avoid reading it to avoid getting frustrated…Well, see ya around…send us some friend requests if you know whats good for ya 
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