Let’s Talk
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May 7, 2009 at 4:36 pm #24764
Participantwhat is this monster i have created?
Would everyone please stop using the word ignorant? why? because calling someone ignorant, is ignorant. so stop using it, because I'm not sure you know what it means.
believing a religion doesn't make someone ignorant.
believing in something doens't make them brainwashed.
just becasue someone lives their life differently doesn't give anyone the right to mock, insult, or knock them down.
santa clause and the easter bunny had origins. But it's not about what happened in real life, it's about the value of it's teaching.
religion itself DOES cause war, and nearly EVERY war at that. but look further, and you'll see that it's not religion in particular, but the people in those religion. Human kind is the cause of war.
do not judge others – to do so causes un-needed conflict.
May 7, 2009 at 5:49 pm #24734Nodanod
MemberLol, u no, wot i reeli find funny is the progression of this server, from trophies to the causes of death, tbh, i have no problem, but i do reckon this gets a bit…..offencive… calling peeps ignorant (agreein wiv Shadeblack). So i suppose the employment of clicés and opinion will always caus a conflict between others, and i respect the opinions of those on a subject pivitol as religion, i just think that we need to keep this on…'friendly terms'….and 'agree to disagree'(sorry, had 2 include a clicé
' and accept others opinions
Lol, actually, this sounds reeli cheesy aswell
just noticed
May 7, 2009 at 6:05 pm #24735KILLER369
Memberok fine i’ll back down. but mark my words, one day we will all find out what the truth is, and those who are wrong will meet judgment. that day isn’t that far away.
onto other subjects. who thinks that the U.K and U.S should make a “western Alience”?
May 7, 2009 at 6:19 pm #24736gamer47
MemberKILLER369 said:
ive heard about zeitgeist but from what people said, i thought it was a couple of people doing a boring documentary. but i believe you more so i’ll take a look.the point about santa clause was to show how such a simple tail gets twisted into something absurd.
religion HAS caused more deaths in human history than anything. people look for money and power but find extracts on whatever book their using and use it as a pass to do whatever the hell they want, and if people try to stop em they threaten them with religious threats.
i don’t need facts just look on the news, theres always some religious nut babbling on about how weer doomed if we chose not to go to their religion. or some muslim threatening a kids show or some stupid shit for offending them.
you call me stupid, fare enough, i call you brainwashed.kingawol:
thank fuck theres an person on this forum that has sense.parnakas:
if you thought inFAMOUSE was out tomorrow because of what someone read 3 months ago. and i said its coming out on the 26th, and give you facts on it like i don’t know a link to the website, would you go out tomorrow and try to buy it?sarcasm shows ignorance, l8scent SARCASM TO THIS SHOWS IGNORANCE!
“please don’t tell me you saw these ancient recordings on Wikipedia. But what have you seen? You said these creatures ruled until the first human ruler. Well what happened that this human ruler domshowed the other creatures? If those creatures came from huge flying objects.. why didn’t they fly away after realizing the supremacy of humans? I’m all for theories so long as theories have continuity…”i havn’t seen enough pictures of ancient recordings yet but my guess is that the E.T’s could see that we were coping well and decided to leave. i think that they will return (if not already) to check on us. and no they arn’t on wikipedia.
Sarcasm doesn't show ignorance. Saracasm shows how very little I actually care to communicate with you in a reasonable manner now, as you insist time and time again to belittle people in the continuous unprovoked manner that you do. You want to call me ignorant specifically? Pat yourself on the back, you accomplished that. Even though I took the time to read everything you have written to try and enahnce my knowledge of your views. But that's fine. I don't know you, thus your opinion of me doesn't matter worth a dime. What does matter is the comments you make about people who have not even involved themselves in this thread. The general public.
“thank fuck theres an person on this forum that has sense.”
Yes. Because everyone else on this forum (including those who have not shared their opinions) are senseless. Bravo.
Take a look at amount of times you have used the word ignorant. And incorrectly at that. I used it once, I think, a few pages back. You then took it and made it your trademark word. Did you look it up first or do you just think it sounds cool?
Those are just 2 examples. I'll let you do the rest of the legwork. You can tabulate the amount of times you have 1) contradicted yourself 2) made offensive broadsweeping remarks. For each occurrence you encounter, you may then proceed to kick yourself in the ass.
Just kidding.
“i don’t need facts just look on the news” – You are the one who understands that tales get twisted up. And yet you think the news doesn't skew things? Eeks.
Well I'm pretty much done here. I would apologize for my new tone. I'm being quite rude in this post. Although, you've been quite rude all along and not once apologized for it. Oh well.
May 7, 2009 at 6:22 pm #24738gamer47
Memberkingawol said:
actually and sadly he does have a point (grossly exaggerated but…) ,
so , there are MANY conflicts around religion.
and i'd actually be curious to know if old age is the n*1 cause of death…
I recognize that lives have been lost in the name of religion. I just don't understand how one can say that the prime cause of death is because of it. Thats just me though. And I'm not sure if old age is the number 1 cause of death either, just because people die in their youth as well thus… don't grow old. I didn't mean to infer that old age was number 1. I don't know what the leading cause of death world wide is.
Thanks for your insight king!
May 7, 2009 at 6:26 pm #24765kingawol
Memberno prob , i wasn't taking sides or nothing , but whilst i very often disagree with killer on many subjects (most of them alien…) i had to point out that i thought he waas right in that aspect although i should have added Shade's : it's the people in religion .
May 7, 2009 at 6:34 pm #24767PS3 Trophies
KeymasterSome individuals here need to calm down, it's not necessary to insult other people just because they don't think the same way you do.
If this doesn't stop now the thread will be locked.
May 7, 2009 at 6:34 pm #24768gamer47
MemberShade & Nodanod
I agree. I just needed to get a little pent up sarcasm out of my system. It's all good. Sorry for adding more fuel to the fire. I didn't see your posts until after my annoyed rant.
May 7, 2009 at 7:04 pm #24774KILLER369
Memberlike i said. i back down.
May 7, 2009 at 9:54 pm #24788shadeblack
Participantokay… let's start this fresh.. without being nasty to anyone else please.
No I personally don't think the UK and US should unite to form one seperate alliance.
but if you remember, a while back i was already talking about this kind of thing.
It would of course have benefits, but as one particular episode of south park points out, “everybody hates america”.
Not everybody of course, but many countries see america as this spoilt child of the world. it's quite a young country, after all.
May 7, 2009 at 10:11 pm #24792Atomic-G
MemberShadeBlack said:
okay… let's start this fresh.. without being nasty to anyone else please.
No I personally don't think the UK and US should unite to form one seperate alliance.
but if you remember, a while back i was already talking about this kind of thing.
It would of course have benefits, but as one particular episode of south park points out, “everybody hates america”.
Not everybody of course, but many countries see america as this spoilt child of the world. it's quite a young country, after all.
do you know what episode that is i dont think iv seen that one
May 7, 2009 at 10:48 pm #24800parnakas
MemberKILLER369 said:
you call me stupid, fare enough, i call you brainwashed.kingawol:
thank fuck theres an person on this forum that has sense.parnakas:
if you thought inFAMOUSE was out tomorrow because of what someone read 3 months ago. and i said its coming out on the 26th, and give you facts on it like i don’t know a link to the website, would you go out tomorrow and try to buy it?
brainwashed? by what i have my own set of beiefs, and they are not the same as christian or any other religion. I guess i have my own little religion, sort of….. so i have nothing to be brainwashed by.
im just trying to say here that it is wrong to call people ignorant for having a different opinion than you. you are acting like you are always correct, putting everyone else down because they disagree. I might not even post on these forums anymore if your gonna call everyone ignorant for being religious.
and your little point there on InFamous. I would check both days, until i find it.
so, point is, if you keep calling people stupid, and ignorant for not believing in what you believe in, then you are stupid.
May 7, 2009 at 10:50 pm #24801KILLER369
Memberyeah but the rest of the world hates britain too. mostly because, if you look at our history weeve practically ruled the world. but true, U.S is a spoilt child… but they are very handy in a war. i mean we have the tactics, they have the tech.
britain n america could dominate this planet 10x over.
May 7, 2009 at 10:55 pm #24803XeroTheGreat
MemberKILLER369 said:
yeah but the rest of the world hates britain too. mostly because, if you look at our history weeve practically ruled the world. but true, U.S is a spoilt child… but they are very handy in a war. i mean we have the tactics, they have the tech.
britain n america could dominate this planet 10x over.
I totally disagree. We could no way dominate this planet, because we simply do not have the resources and firepower to do it. We'd be up against Russia for one, who have nuclear weapons, and well, probably the rest of the world.
May 7, 2009 at 11:14 pm #24805Atomic-G
MemberXeroTheGreat said:
KILLER369 said:
yeah but the rest of the world hates britain too. mostly because, if you look at our history weeve practically ruled the world. but true, U.S is a spoilt child… but they are very handy in a war. i mean we have the tactics, they have the tech.
britain n america could dominate this planet 10x over.
I totally disagree. We could no way dominate this planet, because we simply do not have the resources and firepower to do it. We'd be up against Russia for one, who have nuclear weapons, and well, probably the rest of the world.
i agree and disagree with you i agree that we probaly get a country like russia n basically be screwed n also america doesnt take over countries cant remeber what its called but they stick with their empire they got now were as basically every other country takes over other countries to build up their economies i also reacon if england and america teamed up itd be like the leauge on nations again
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