Let’s Talk
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April 30, 2009 at 8:06 pm #24215
Memberi assume your basing your knowledge on previous forms of human i.e similar to that of lucy? i see your point. however, they are around 1-2 million years old ish am i right? the natural evolution of life on this planet takes around 100 million years.
how did we come from an ape like chimp/gurrila to a fully up right, extremely inteligent, world dominator?
your talking about complete full bodily evolution. that type of thing has only happened a few times in the different era’s (from the switch from ocean to land, then from that to reptilian then mammal.) and that took hundreds of millions of years. wat you and all the so called experts are saying is that all that for one species? and in less than 3 million years? c’mon shade.
your probably gonna correct me, but if you do your own research (NOT flick the discovery cannel on for half an hour), i mean actual research, connecting the different things, you’ll find that im right
April 30, 2009 at 8:27 pm #24217kingofgames73
MemberIf i asked my science teahcer a similariish question (im assuming your basically asking what apes evolved from but with loads of long words and big sentences that im ignoring lol) he would say everything was a simple one piece organism that cam from the sea. Where did that come from? space apparently. How did they get there? does it really matter….it doesn`t affect us lol. If i got your question completely mixed up sorry, but im not searching an online dictionary to find out what your saying (im not going to pretend in any way im smart, i know im good with expected A`s and A*`s in exams but i can`t stand Biology today all i did in the lesson was play darts with a DIY dartboard whilst the old hag droned on about…….something)
April 30, 2009 at 9:05 pm #24224gamer47
MemberI am incredibly confused how this topic got to be talking about human evolution. I think all Shade meant to do by bringing up bats is to show how much more resiliant they are to common ailments that harm and kill humans. Just a simple comparison of immune systems. Which kudos for the info, I wasn't aware that bats could have 100s of different diseases at one time and survive.
However, if we want to start talking about our origins scientifically and the presumed evolution of humankind… you may as well start from the beginning and incorporate astronomy. The whole idea of the Big Bang theory. Or the idea some astronomers have that we are in fact, all Martians. It's what the term panspermia is based on… the idea that life exists on Earth because the potential for life already existed elsewhere in the universe; or more simply that life exists on Earth because of microorganisms from outer space. The Earth, being approximately 4.5 billion years old has had enough time stabilize. So hypothetically while Earth was still in a fragile state, meteoritic bombardments on Mars caused organics to be blown off and land on Earth. It's then that we see prehistoric creatures such as the dinosaurs. They have a merry good time for a while but bombardments continue. These huge impacts result in the extinction of prehistoric life; take the 180km wide crater we know and love as the grand canyon. Life, gone. So then we ask, if that's really what happened, how the heck are we here now? Following the same theory, these really big impacts that “sterilized” the Earth blew material off into space. Centuries later this material then hit Earth again, allowing it to repopulate. Evolution takes it's course… add in the biological details and DNA comparisons of various species and there you have it.
I'm not saying this is what I believe or that this is the only truth and that you should all believe it… I'm just throwing one of many theories out here in a nutshell. Make of it what you will. Aliens.
April 30, 2009 at 9:27 pm #24228kingofgames73
Membercan`t we just say god made us in 6 days and went to the pub on the 7th? it would make things a lot easier lol
April 30, 2009 at 9:35 pm #24229KILLER369
Memberlol n addam n eve live in a council house in peckham
April 30, 2009 at 9:41 pm #24230kingofgames73
Memberhmm not sure bout Peckhams laws on nudists who eat poisnous apples………..Anyone here think it would be possible for Rockstar to remake GTA:SA for the PSP but put it onto 2 UMD`s? (one free roam the other has all the missions one after the over) it`s just a thought and this forum seems the right place to talk about even though it doesn`t include politics,theorems, or diseases lol
April 30, 2009 at 11:14 pm #24243XeroTheGreat
MemberI personally don't see 2 UMDs being popular, because the constant changing of the discs. But, what I think would be a good idea for a future console is one that had multiple disc drives, which could run seamlessly together. That would allow for games to be double the size.
April 30, 2009 at 11:25 pm #24246gamer47
Memberlol there are a whole bunch of theories that exist, I was just shedding light on one of them.
Personally I don't think it matters where we came from, and I don't think we will without a doubt ever know. What's certain is that we're here. We exist. It's how we choose to live and what we do in this life that counts.
May 1, 2009 at 12:57 am #24257KILLER369
Membersony is doin away with the UMD drive to replace it with a larger battery and extra fans. as for the gaming it’ll all be DLC.
back to evolution.
l8scent:your facts arn’t entirely correct. the grand canyon isnt a crater, its a natural formation caused by erosion and weathering. i understand wat your saying about the comet, however, the only thing capable of completely removing life from a certain place is a inter dimensional transition (2 set realities merging) but even then it replaces life with other life. so a comet would never remove life from our planet. and you said that a piece of debris blew off our planet then re-merged with us? the possibility of that happening is unimaginably unlikely.
it would have too be in a set gravitational orbit whose path colides with use. which is the unlikely part. the part you said about debris falling from mars too our planet is intriguing, as we have pretty much prooved that there was or is inteligent life on mars. but there is a key similarity between mars and earth. the pyramids.
roughly 12 thousand years old on our planet, originated in egypt, spread to south america. 12 thousand years ago we just managed to discover fire. and somehow theres these huge structures being built IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DESERT.
wat im saying is, the martian planet is very similar to this one, it even has traces of oxygen, it has to, water is on mars, a main ingredient to water is oxygen.
i doubt people from mars would have created us as the state of their planet, however, other beings could have created us both and left their marks (the pyramids). we are prime candidates as both our planets are rocky and capable of holding life.
there are only 3 planets in our habitable zone, venus, earth and mars. venus is too gassy and has extreme green house effects, but us and mars are perfect.
i just simply do not agree with the evolution explanation or the religious explanation of our beginnings.
May 1, 2009 at 3:19 am #24248gamer47
I did not say the theory was fact, hence why it's called a theory. I simply presented an alternative explanation that I learned for how we came to be. I don't know what I was thinking when I typed Grand Canyon as the Grand Canyon is close to 500 km. When I said 180km I was thinking of the Chixculub crater in Mexico. Others may better know it as the K-T event/impact. It occured approximately 65 million years ago and is thought to be the impact which caused a mass extinction. Along that note there are said to be about 150 known impact craters around the world. That clears up the grand canyon talk. My mistake.
As for the rest, I think you may have slightly misinterpreted what I wrote out earlier.
When you say the only thing capable of completely removing life from a certain place is the merging of 2 realities… you are yourself stating a separate theory entirely. Not fact. Just as I did not state fact, but theory. The comet did not hit Earth and manage to magically strike every living creature causing them to become extinct. Based on the theory, it hit Earth uplifting enough debris for a long enough period of time to block out the sun. Whatever survived that initially, if anything, was then buried when the debris fell back to the ground. Based on that perspective, I think it's erroneous to say that a comet would never remove life from our planet. Just like it would be erronerous to say the merging of 2 realities would never remove or replace life on our planet, based on your theory. It's all speculation. We weren't around at the time of our origins to know first hand what happened. As far as debris restriking our planet, yes it seems unlikely to skeptics… but it in the span of 4.5 billion years, it is still in line with the theory. Said debris would not have to be set in a gravitational orbit whose path collides with us. Objects in outer space frequently collide. Those collisions are what cause things to “fall” out of orbit, enter another planet's atmosphere and crash. Take the main asteroid belt in our solar system located roughly between Mars and Jupiter. Every asteroid in that belt does not stay on course. Collisions occur frequently causing material to break off and redirect. Thus the idea of a restrike on Earth is not unimaginable.
Also, we have not proved that there is or ever was intelligent life on Mars. That being said, the idea that life may have once existed there is not out of the question. We have found evidence that at one time there might have been liquid water on Mars (3.8BYA) which has now dried up and at another time there has been snow on Mars. To date, that's it.
Assuming life had the potential to exist elsewhere in our solar system (forget the universe for a second), and assume that it was carbon based life forms, such as ourselves that could exist. Assume once more that both planets Earth and Mars had everything needed to sustain life. Everything except for a catalyst. Earth got it's catalyst from the impact of Martian rock. (A lot of assumptions, I know.. just trying to put it into perspective).
The building blocks of life as we know it (carbon based) are Hydrogen, Oxygen, Carbon and Nitrogen. Those elements make up 96% of the mass of living things and are the 1st, 3rd, 4th and 6th most abundant elements in the universe respectively.
Venus is in fact Earth's sister planet and shares more in common (Venus, 95% size and 82% in mass). Not mars. The problem with Venus is that it receives twice as much solar radiation from the sun than the Earth does. It's atmospheric pressure is also about 90 times what Earth's is. It's clouds are made of sulfuric acid. Habitable… I think not. Similarly, basic Mars data for habitability purposes also are not good. Mars is by no means “perfect” for habitability… far from.
“i doubt people from mars would have created us as the state of their planet”
I also did not say that people 1) existed on Mars or 2) created us. Based on the theory I initially explained… I mentioned microorganisms… not people, or intelligent life. Martians did not create us but we might “be” Martians if chemical life originated on Mars and then martian rock then crashed into Earth… catalyzing the whole process.
I do not claim to know where we came from, I just know the details of theories that based on where we came from. Once again I will mention that no one has to believe anything I have said to be the FACTS of our origin and I am not portraying them to be so. We will likely never know undisputedly where we came from. The theory is just that, a theory. One of many.
Please further explain how the pyramids are the key similarity between Mars and Earth. Not because I am inferring you are wrong, but just because I am not very knowledgeable about the pyramids and would like to know more.
May 1, 2009 at 3:39 am #24258kingawol
MemberKILLER369 said:
lol n addam n eve live in a council house in peckham
mate they sell E's out of a council estate in East Ham.
(btw joke…)
May 1, 2009 at 1:55 pm #24281KILLER369
Memberl8scent: well both our theories are just that as you said. wen i said people from mars i wasn’t trying to correct you or anything. i would just assume that if micro organisms did start on mars then surely they would evolve just as we did, therefore being actual inteligence on mars. but then again, if us and the martians (assuming if there is or was inteligence on mars) including the animals would have to be the same. but if we are/were the same then how are we totally different from the other animals that that share our planets?
there are infact ice pools on mars. ice> heat = water> heat = steam> atmospheric winds = other forms of water. and water> volcanic activity = life
on to the pyramids:
the pyramids are roughly 12 thousand years old, there are pyramids in many locations. and in many civilisations, aztec, mya, inca, egyptian and martian. the first pyramid we (as in humanity) believe as being the oldest is a pyramid called the meidum pyramid, that goes back roughly 12 thousand years. that however, collapsed due to unknown involvement, the pyramid after that was the bent pyramid. roughly around the same time. the tallest pyramid is the great pyramid of khufu constructed in an unbelievably short period.the largest pyramid through volume is the pyramid of cholula in mexico, created by the aztec civilisation. there are also pyramids that were built by the inca and mya.
the point is that egypt is a few thousand miles away. yet pyramids ‘travelled’ from egypt to south america, granted their different pyramids, but pyramids none the less. they then spread from the mya to aztec to inca. right across the entire continent.
there are pyramids in china, inda, shri lanka and indisea.
also there are a number of pyramids on mars. not much is known except that their there.
there are also wall drawings depicting off worldly creatures and flying craft in construction of one of the pyramids. these wall drawings are in egypt, south america, china, india, shri lanka and indisia they differ but they show the same things.
the egyptian ‘sun god’ Rah supposedly descended in a big matalic shiny object, complete with steam or smoke. the aztec ‘sun god’ tonatiuh is depicted as descending in the same way. all the areas that have pyramids have pictograms of off worldly creatures, and advanced tech.
then in recent years, the crash landing at roswell new mexico. it was reported that HYROGLIPHICS were found on the debris. and creatures, similar to that in the hyrogliphics, were found.
hard evidence of intelligent life other than humans, and hard evidence that without them we wouldn’t be having a conversation right now.
May 1, 2009 at 5:16 pm #24288shadeblack
Participantthis post is to reply to all of those after my last response…
I was basing my knowledge on fact, not half an hours worth of watching the discovery channel. I'd be civilised enough not to insult the person you're trying to have a good conversation with.
how did we come from an ape like chimp/gurrila to a fully up right, extremely inteligent, world dominator? over 4000 million years, not a couple hundred. if you want to be specific on how humans came from primates, then yeah it does roughly turn into 65 million years. But have a think about that for a minute. ONE million years is how many generations of animals (including humans)? Don't answer that – it's rhetorical. my point is it does not take hundreds of millions of years for things to change. especially as the world goes on, the growth rates of life will excell.Full bodily evolution, as you put it, happens ALL THE TIME, every few million years. we are at the point now that we do not need to evolve. But at some point, we probably will.
you say for me to do my research. I put to yourself, that you need to worried about your sources. what exactly are YOU researching?@Kingofgames
Yup you've got the right idea actually, everything came frm space. the real ultimate question however, is where did space come from? the reason why it doesn't matter is because we will never find out. it's not possible to EVER find out. best to just to lay back and ride it out I'd say.@L8scent
Yeah this topic has somewhat… evolved into something… it went from talking about immune systems and comparing the bat, with it's amazing immunity to diseases we as human would suffer from.I agree with mostly what you say, nothing to argue about though.
No. God has nothing to do with it. Sorry to those who actually believe this though.
actually i made this thread purely because we kept getting into these similar debates in ps3 related topics. I made this to talk about other stuff@killer
he never said he was talking about the grand canyon o_O
actually when the moon collided with the earth (yes that's a fact) a lot of the debris re-formed the earth, while the moon was then being formed in orbit. when a collision hapens, it doesn't just stay in the ground creating a crater… it makes the crater, shatters, and depending on how big it was, flies off into space. a lot of it also stays on the earth. Without the collision of the moon, we wouldn't exist.
We haven't proved anything from mars yet either – the reason why? Because we can hardly get there. We can't live there either it's also too cold. humans can't live in -140c. And venus is too hot even for water.You don't agree with either evolution or creationism. But there are no other options. it's one or the other. Even if we were brought here long ago by aliens, we would still be evolving because that's how things work. and in my opinion, Creationism is just ignorance. so what do you believe…. there's always magic! …alien magic!!!?
Nothin can ever remove life on a planet except something that actually ends a wolrd.
there is definitely ice on mars… but what would you expect frm a planets that drops to -140c?@killer
The Sun God “RA” was believed to be a deity that controlled the sky, the earth and the underworld. he did not descend in an alien spaceship. there are no recordings of these magical hyropglyphics you speak of. if there were, they would have been discovered by now.
y'know…. the egyptians more or less believed in creationism.i gotta go to work now so i can't write any more…
May 1, 2009 at 6:57 pm #24290gamer47
MemberLOL Shade!!! I love how you gave a play by play response to each of us.. that made me chuckle!
Hope you are having fun at work! (I'm not being bitter or sarcastic.. i seriously hope you enjoy your job)!
Killer: I know there is ice on Mars but that does not automatically equate to life. NASA is trying to develop a drill that can go down 1-2 metres to potentially encounter water. I mean if there's ice on the surface of Mars, then there must be water at the subsurface of Mars right? It would be ideal to get to the subsurface of Mars because then we would have a complete thermal profile. We just can't get to it. Also, there is no scientific evidence for life CURRENTLY existing there. Astronomers have thought that maybe with the space probes, they've been looking in the wrong places for life… and that may be true but based on the information they've gathered so far, they can't find anything. Another issue is that we haven't been able to get a microscope up there that is capable of seeing bacteria. Something that may happen in the near future with new Rovers and new technologies is to be selective and bring back specific samples from Mars to study here on Earth.
As far as why we are different from other animals on this planet… its a simple answer of adaptation. If intelligent life ever existed on Mars and intelligent life existed on Earth.. it's impractical to say that we were the exact same. It just doesnt happen. Organisms develop differently. They adapt and mutate based on what is necessary for a species to survive. I'll think of a really ridiculous example to try and get a point across… say some species of giant man eating birds existed. These giant man eating birds feed on only the tallest of humans because they are most easily accessible to pick off from the sky. Being short means being safe. So over time the human species would adapt to be shorter… a natural defense against the man eating birds. Similarly the man eating birds would then adapt over time to effectively be able to eat the short humans as well. It snowballs until either 1 species goes extinct, or both species manage to live together in a predator/prey situation that is in natural equilibrium. Another thing to mention is… well.. look at how different humans are amongst eachother. I'm sure you look different from your aunt who looks different from your friends and they all look different from one another.
Ok now pyramids. I've recently done a lot of studying on Mars/the solar system/etc.. while I don't claim to know everything, I think I have a fairly solid foundation of knowledge on the topic. I'm only human and I do make errors when writing stuff like this off the top of my head, but I have sources I can refer to after the fact for verification. Not once did I come across anything that says we found pyramids on the surface of Mars. I have learned about what's called the “face of mars” … from a distance it looks exactly like a fossilized human face… upon further investigation and detailing with a better camera and lighting… we now know it's nothing more than volcanic rock. Can you give me a name for the pyramids you say are on Mars? Or something to go by so I can read up on it? Please don't give me a wikipedia link either. I'm just curious because I've never heard of that.
May 1, 2009 at 7:18 pm #24291KILLER369
Memberi do believe in evolution. and i believe our evolution, i just dont believe that we started on this planet as single celled organisms. yes i do believe that we started as single celled organisms just not on this planet.
i dont know where you read the moon colided with us because that is not true. another earth sized planet colided into the side of earth about 2.5 billion years ago. the debris from that then got caught in our gravitational pull, merging it together, creating our moon.
wen i said “dont just watch the discovery channel for half an hour” i was talking to the other readers. i know that you do actual research, however, i think your a little to dependant on what the so called experts say or ‘find’.
i didn’t realise that i was typing hundred lol. but that proves my theory. saying we are native to this planet, then the other apes should be as old as us? right? then how have we exceled to living in synthetically heated buildings when they are still scurrying around in trees?
there is life on mars. there has to be. im not talking intelegence, not even animal. the basic form of life is EVERYWHERE. even in space. theres even life on our sun. these creatures are called extreme something. i forgot the rest but they are able to withstand extreme conditions.
their even on our planet, clinging to the hot volcanic rock flumes at the near bottom of the sea. infact if you go to yellowstone national park and visit the springs they will have these unique creatures.
and what was once considered magic is now called science so yes i do believe in it.
and how is this ‘off topic’??? this topic as stated is for discussion about watever. i don’t consider this an argument. i consider this as a discussion about the different theories we believe in. and for some reason everybody is saying im wrong, when im not. technically im neither. and the same goes for you.
and to say that we will never find out how we were created is a little ignorant. 99% of all things are possible only 1% is impossible. a human COULD progress further enough to become a ‘supreme being’ unlikely but possible.
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