Let’s Talk
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May 1, 2009 at 7:43 pm #24292
sorry but wikipedia is the only site i could find with credible data on the subject. all the others talked about crazy things for example 1 site was talking about ppl from atlantis creating the universe or something.
well here it is. the part on the pyramids are at the bottom. remember they’ve had alot more time to erode than ours:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cydonia_MensaeMay 1, 2009 at 8:54 pm #24293kingawol
MemberKILLER369 said:
sorry but wikipedia is the only site i could find with credible data on the subject.
sorry , but that just wont be good enough to convince me. wikipedia and 'credible' , in the same phrase , what next … the bosnian pyramid? seriously , stay away from the michael tsarions and david ickes of the world..
its all well and good , stating 'facts' , but you cant back it up , so what makes you soooooooooo sure ? in truth , nothing.
sorry , but without evidence… its just BS. (and i love the 'so-called experts'….)
(i'm not obtuse , so if you HAD thesaid evidence , please share…)(not from wiki…)
didn't mean to sound like i have something personal against you , but i have a mate thats into that kinda shit , and tbh , he doesnt have any more evidence than you.
May 1, 2009 at 11:02 pm #24299shadeblack
“i dont know where you read the moon colided with us because that is not true. another earth sized planet colided into the side of earth about 2.5 billion years ago. the debris from that then got caught in our gravitational pull, merging it together, creating our moon.”
wow… that made me laugh.
you denied what i said, then repeated what i said with slightly different words. lol.
the moon collided with the earth. yes it started out much larger than it is now, but there is no point in naming it differently. we call it the moon. the moon collided with the earth, period. P.S there is no PROPER definition of a planet. it's indefinable.
“saying we are native to this planet, then the other apes should be as old as us? right? then how have we exceled to living in synthetically heated buildings when they are still scurrying around in trees?”
No, you don't get it, when we evolved, the whole race doesn't just change… it takes time, and some develop new features and same stay the same. that's the whole point of evolution. the apes are perfectly adapted for what they still do.
“i was talking to the other readers. i know that you do actual research, however, i think your a little to dependant on what the so called experts say or ‘find’.”
I don't mean this as an offense, but im much more inclined to believe what an expert says, rather than yourself – you get me?
“there is life on mars. there has to be. im not talking intelegence, not even animal. the basic form of life is EVERYWHERE.”
Personally, I'd like to believe that every planetoid is alive. The Earth specifically has always alterned itself when it faces danger. Sudden Ice-Ages are a prime example of it. The flipping of the magnetic pole etc. Both of which we are overdue for. in essence, the planet itself is alive.
“and how is this ‘off topic’??? this topic as stated is for discussion about watever”
True, but all we were saying is that you wen't very quickly from one thing to another.
“and to say that we will never find out how we were created is a little ignorant.”
No it's not, it's ignorant to say we will. Ignorance is born through lack of understanding. therefore it impossible to understand, for to truly understand the universe you would need to be a god of biblical proportions. A mere human cannot comprehend it.
“life on our sun. these creatures are called extreme something. i forgot the rest but they are able to withstand extreme conditions.”
The sun itself may be a living thing, but there is nothing living on it. Temperatures are… rediculous. and that's nothing compared to some other things in the universe.
The whole thing about the face on mars is stupid… it's just a coincidence… it's rock +Shadows working with the camera angle. frm another camera angle it looks like every other part of mars. it's been disproven.. it even says so in that same article you posted!
May 2, 2009 at 1:18 am #24305KILLER369
Memberright firstly you are ALL basically calling me a coock, but your THEORIES are just that THEORIES. i have never once said that anything i said is truth. i just believe that it is impractical that we are from this planet.
our minds work in different ways, my THEORY makes more sense in my mind than it does yours.
it was NOT the moon that collided with us. the moon is a BY PRODUCT of the collision.
i was only pointing out the BOTTOM part of that link. i myself think that face is just rocks and shadows, miss interpreted as what ever someone wants it to be.
ultimately, we all have to choose our side. who ever is right gets to be on top.
another thing, i noticed no body has actually disputed what i said about the pyramids. thats a change.
now if you or anyone else for that matter corrects me on things they themselves have no proof over, i will search the interenet endlessly, till i find the right stuff i need to back me up. (when that happens i will continue till i am either hands down beeten, or hands down won)
May 2, 2009 at 1:35 am #24306KILLER369
Memberheres a taster of what i can dish up.
an extra terrestrial message to earth. make your mind up:
http://raenergy.igc.org/ETtoEarth.htmli have shown scepticism to it but… its too perfect. no mistakes, historically accurate. this is what i base my ‘theories’ on.
May 2, 2009 at 2:14 am #24307KILLER369
Memberi advise all who read all of that link to make a decision.
May 2, 2009 at 4:24 am #24313parnakas
MemberShade – I love your “discussions”. I laugh every time!!!
May 2, 2009 at 6:14 am #24315Ratchet525
MemberKILLER369 said:
i do believe in evolution. and i believe our evolution, i just dont believe that we started on this planet as single celled organisms. yes i do believe that we started as single celled organisms just not on this planet.
i dont know where you read the moon colided with us because that is not true. another earth sized planet colided into the side of earth about 2.5 billion years ago. the debris from that then got caught in our gravitational pull, merging it together, creating our moon.
wen i said “dont just watch the discovery channel for half an hour” i was talking to the other readers. i know that you do actual research, however, i think your a little to dependant on what the so called experts say or ‘find’.
i didn’t realise that i was typing hundred lol. but that proves my theory. saying we are native to this planet, then the other apes should be as old as us? right? then how have we exceled to living in synthetically heated buildings when they are still scurrying around in trees?
there is life on mars. there has to be. im not talking intelegence, not even animal. the basic form of life is EVERYWHERE. even in space. theres even life on our sun. these creatures are called extreme something. i forgot the rest but they are able to withstand extreme conditions.
their even on our planet, clinging to the hot volcanic rock flumes at the near bottom of the sea. infact if you go to yellowstone national park and visit the springs they will have these unique creatures.
and what was once considered magic is now called science so yes i do believe in it.
and how is this ‘off topic’??? this topic as stated is for discussion about watever. i don’t consider this an argument. i consider this as a discussion about the different theories we believe in. and for some reason everybody is saying im wrong, when im not. technically im neither. and the same goes for you.
and to say that we will never find out how we were created is a little ignorant. 99% of all things are possible only 1% is impossible. a human COULD progress further enough to become a ’supreme being’ unlikely but possible.
Life on the sun? Your crazy right? How is it possible to live on a star with a temperature about 6,000 celcuis. Where did you even get the idea of life on the sun?
May 2, 2009 at 7:43 am #24317gamer47
MemberKILLER369 said:
ultimately, we all have to choose our side. who ever is right gets to be on top.
another thing, i noticed no body has actually disputed what i said about the pyramids. thats a change.
now if you or anyone else for that matter corrects me on things they themselves have no proof over, i will search the interenet endlessly, till i find the right stuff i need to back me up. (when that happens i will continue till i am either hands down beeten, or hands down won)
I don't think its a matter of winning or losing. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and their own beliefs. It doesn't need to go from a simple discussion to a full blown side choosing battle. I personally typed so much out earlier because I was trying to explain one particular theory as I think it was misinterpreted. Not because I think the theory is right, or the only thing that is plausible. That being said… I can now easily turn around and discuss theories of other scientific merit, or theories that are religious, philosophical, mythological, tribal ..etc… all dealing with the origins of our being. I can do this not because I am hypoctical, but because I find it both interesting and important to understand different perspectives on any given matter.
That's why I asked for some sources from you. Not to discredit you, but simply to learn more about something I am unfamiliar with.
I'll take a look at your links soon. Thanks for providing them.
May 2, 2009 at 10:20 am #24322KILLER369
your welcome.ratchet:
no i am not crazy. the name of the creatures is “Extremophiles (organisms able to survive in extremeenvironments)”l8scent:
right now we dont need to worry about winning or losing, but in the futer we will.
history has shown that the side you choose affects everybody and everything around you.take religion for example. ruled the world since the dawn of man. and only now we find out its bull.
and now ppl are treating science/technology as the new religion.
its all about choosing sides in this game we call life
May 2, 2009 at 10:30 am #24323gow2rules
Memberback to the australia topic in 1999 australia had a republic referendum to see if the public wanted to be a republic and have a president . Roughly 55% of the nation voted “no” and all states voted “no”.
May 2, 2009 at 10:41 am #24325kingawol
MemberKILLER369 said:
your welcome.ratchet:
no i am not crazy. the name of the creatures is “Extremophiles (organisms able to survive in extremeenvironments)”l8scent:
right now we dont need to worry about winning or losing, but in the futer we will.
history has shown that the side you choose affects everybody and everything around you.take religion for example. ruled the world since the dawn of man. and only now we find out its bull.
and now ppl are treating science/technology as the new religion.
its all about choosing sides in this game we call life
and you're treating aliens like your religion. i agree with you that the 'side you choose etc…' , but deal with the real issues (like how we get scr***d up the a** by our governments , by major corporations , or by out greedy nature ) , dont look to the stars for answers. thats my opinion , and until you have FACTS you wont convince me.
and stating 'extremophiles live on the sun' …. we(you) know this because….???? massive difference between living at 110 degrees celsius and on the sun. scientists (from Rice Uni , amongst others) theorise they could be found on mars and some satellite of jupiter.
obv. as l6scent said , everybody's entitled to their own opinion. (those things are like ***holes…)
May 2, 2009 at 10:41 am #24326kingawol
Membergow2rules said:
back to the australia topic in 1999 australia had a republic referendum to see if the public wanted to be a republic and have a president . Roughly 55% of the nation voted “no” and all states voted “no”.
what is australia ? (politically i mean…)
May 2, 2009 at 11:10 am #24328gow2rules
Memberpart of the uk if the queen diddn't like a law she could change lol the royal family has more power in australia than the uk
May 2, 2009 at 11:53 am #24330kingawol
Memberseriously ? you might see it that way
but you are an independent country , with a prime minister etc. , as such not a part of the UK , thus not a member of the EU.(that was Shade's primary topic) and not going to be… but i still find it strange , though , in the UK basically the queen has the power to refuse a prime minister…i think thats about it…
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