Murder Sony wrote…
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March 7, 2010 at 11:21 am #15463
MemberName of victim: Kog's ps3
Estimated time of death: 8:30pm GMT
Cause of Death: YLOD
Eye witness: Kog
what was eye witness doing at time: Playing monopoly on iphone
Conclusion: Ps3 is well and truly f***ed for the time being
ok, enough joking around now my ps3 has indeed died (violins out please!), the annoying thing being i wasnt even playing it whilst it happened, i managed to get it to work for 2 mins this morning to sync my trophies heavy rain trophies (phew) and get heavy rain disc out (double phew) but now i get the yellow light (which actually looks pretty neat, if it werent for the circumstances id spend some time to admire it). anyway i broke the bank getting a new tv only a few weeks ago and for the time being wont be getting a new ps3, so my options;
Fix it myself-dad reckons its possible for us, just got to take apart and heat some crap with a heat gun but this is only a short term solution from what ive read (i know there was a ylod repair guide on here somewhere but i cant seem to find it)
Get Sony to repair it-dont like this idea, they'll repair it probably for a high price and i believe i could get some refurbished crap back, and maybe risk losing my 60gb model which i DO NOT want to happen!
get a 3rd party company to repair-this is what im mainly thinking of doing, its pretty cheap and for the stuff we need to buy to fix ourselves (a decent soldering iron) and the hassle it may be easier to do this providing we can find a trustworthy place…
So i wont be online for awhile (probably a good thing due to exams and coursework), if i am i'll be a t a friends house letting him get the heavy rain dlc/soundtrack and theme. Oh and before you say it, i know-i have rotten luck
March 7, 2010 at 12:30 pm #59153pobert06
MemberSorry to hear that KOG..
But I'm in your situation too.Playing MW2 yesterday then PS3 went out,guess what it's Mister YLOD again come back to haunt me.Atleast the console lasted 2 months before it went YLOD again.Sending it to be repaired again for free to my repair guy cause I got warranty thank god
If I were you I'll just get it fixed thru a 3rd Person company cause if you send it to Sony you'll lose all your data in your HDD.Even if you back them up and restore them to what Sony will give you,you will not restore the copyright protected saves and you can't earn trophies with the refurbished PS3 that Sony will send you.
March 7, 2010 at 1:37 pm #59160Ninjacat
MemberAwww man! I keep thinking my PS3 won't turn on one day ): Almost 2 years though, and it's still working alright (:
March 7, 2010 at 2:58 pm #59164Doc-B
MemberFirst the T.v – Second the Ps3 – Bad things always come in three's…
March 7, 2010 at 3:24 pm #59166kingofgames73
MemberDoc-B said:
First the T.v – Second the Ps3 – Bad things always come in three's…
actually first was my parents both getting and both needing seperate operations within 2 weeks, so i think ive had my fill of bad luck for the year
March 7, 2010 at 3:41 pm #59158Doc-B
MemberSorry to hear that man… Hope sh!t gets better for ya…
Least i'll be able to overtake your trophy level
March 7, 2010 at 5:08 pm #59168parnakas
MemberSorry to hear the news!
I really hope this doesnt happen to me, with my launch 20GB PS3 model..
Hope you can resolve this issue!
March 7, 2010 at 6:11 pm #59171Domba_car
MemberDamn… Peoples PS3 dying everywhere… Maybe its the swine flu? Is monopoly any good?? Lol, joke. Sorry to hear that, I would try to fix it without doing anything big. If no, get a Slim. They are amazing!! Good Luck
, you'll need it!
March 7, 2010 at 6:48 pm #59174kingofgames73
MemberDomba_car said:
Damn… Peoples PS3 dying everywhere… Maybe its the swine flu? Is monopoly any good?? Lol, joke. Sorry to hear that, I would try to fix it without doing anything big. If no, get a Slim. They are amazing!! Good Luck
, you'll need it!
yes it's actually one of my most played apps atm lol, been playing it till by battery was flat today! after some research i need to reflow the solders on circuit board, i could do this with a heat gun but that is very temporaral, better off getting some boffin to put it in his fancy oven and do it proper, then once its done im backing up the ps3, then getting a slim and treansfering data over, now my question
i understand to transfer games i have to deactivate accounts, do i have to deactivate all activated accounts on my ps3s? or if i leave some deactivated can i still copy minus the games that havent been deactivated?
is it yet possible to copy over game saves? i dont want to put them onto a usb stick because i wont earn trophies on them after copying back onto a slim
If i were to back up whole ps3 onto a external hdd will i be able to recover the psn games onto a new slim?, im doubting it due to crappy copyright laws but still…
Final question, anyone bought final fantasy on iphone yet? is it actually any good, tihnking of buying for my brake on the ps3
March 7, 2010 at 7:51 pm #59179Ratchet525
MemberSorry to hear that man
Must really suck and I hope it doesn't happen to my launch 80 gb model or any other person here..*knock on wood*
March 7, 2010 at 8:11 pm #59180GHOST305
MemberI was in that situation a couple of months ago…It cost me $175.00 to get it repaired from sony. I was worried that i was going to get a different model and lose my backwards compatable 60gb. But sony just repaired it and it was the same one ( i made sure by checking the serial number).
March 7, 2010 at 9:25 pm #59184Finch_92
Memberkog- sorry to hear that but what a you are saying about something is untrue last week i fixed my ylod 40gb connected a mp4 player to it and copied my saves on to it then transferred them to my slim and im earning trophies on my copied saves so thought id let you know u can copy them and still earn trophies. good luck getting it fixed
March 7, 2010 at 9:46 pm #59185pool96
Memberkingofgames73 said:
Domba_car said:
Damn… Peoples PS3 dying everywhere… Maybe its the swine flu? Is monopoly any good?? Lol, joke. Sorry to hear that, I would try to fix it without doing anything big. If no, get a Slim. They are amazing!! Good Luck
, you'll need it!
yes it's actually one of my most played apps atm lol, been playing it till by battery was flat today! after some research i need to reflow the solders on circuit board, i could do this with a heat gun but that is very temporaral, better off getting some boffin to put it in his fancy oven and do it proper, then once its done im backing up the ps3, then getting a slim and treansfering data over, now my question
i understand to transfer games i have to deactivate accounts, do i have to deactivate all activated accounts on my ps3s? or if i leave some deactivated can i still copy minus the games that havent been deactivated?
is it yet possible to copy over game saves? i dont want to put them onto a usb stick because i wont earn trophies on them after copying back onto a slim
If i were to back up whole ps3 onto a external hdd will i be able to recover the psn games onto a new slim?, im doubting it due to crappy copyright laws but still…
Final question, anyone bought final fantasy on iphone yet? is it actually any good, tihnking of buying for my brake on the ps3
My friend has the most addicting app ever on his I-touch.
It's called Directing Traffic (I think)
I would tell you what it's like but my laptop is about to die.
and Oh, yeah. Sorry to hear bout your PS3, it sucks.
March 7, 2010 at 9:53 pm #59189kingofgames73
MemberFinch_92 said:
kog- sorry to hear that but what a you are saying about something is untrue last week i fixed my ylod 40gb connected a mp4 player to it and copied my saves on to it then transferred them to my slim and im earning trophies on my copied saves so thought id let you know u can copy them and still earn trophies. good luck getting it fixed
really? thats interesting and helpful thanks!, but also i do know that various game saves have got protections on them kz2 jumps to mind) im hoping heavy rain doesnt have a save protection or someone may feel the wrath of my blitzkreig
oh and redbren thanks for the name of the app, i'll check it later (im relying on iphone for gaming more now) are you sure its not called traffic rush? i have that already…
March 7, 2010 at 9:59 pm #59192Miiiitch
MemberDamn that sucks man, hope you get it fixed soon. Also I just checked and Heavy Rain can't be copied.
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