parnakas said:
ThE_MoH said:
parnakas said:
He's right… Banks are too simple for him.. he must be robbing secret intelligence from the government then selling it back to them for bare cash!!
A wise man you must be!!!
just kidding.. or maybe not..
but anywho, Bioshock 2 is now my 10th game in my current collection. Lucky me!
which games have you got? 
Well, if your asking me, i now have 11 in my current collection..
Heavy Rain, Bioshock 2, Borderlands, GoW Collection, MGS4, LBP, Uncharted 1, Uncharted 2, InFamous, R&C ACiT, and Motorstorm: PR.
I think it's better to own good games,than to own every game that came out.
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