New T.V on a budget
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February 17, 2010 at 11:09 am #15402
Memberhey recently my samsung 19″ tv died on me (4-6 weeks out of guarantee), opened it up saw brown steaming substance and diagnosed it as well and truly ****ed, and i have now been using the 47″ downstairs, but my parents arent to happy about that for some reason. so im looking for a new tv to buy from a uk retailer/website, or ebay/second hand that is/has the following;
below £230 (or a bit over)
1080p resolution
between 19″ and 23″
has hdmi port
not to fussed on the Hz, couldnt spot the difference between 50 and 60 on ps2 anyway
being mountable is not needed
if any of you guys know anything that meets these requirements please post a link
EDIT:been looking at
(problem with that is my dad doesnt trust using his credit card over the internet due to having had details stolen several times, including off sony once, so unless i can pay over phone thats a no go)
(this looks pretty good but im not sure if the low contrast ratio will be any good)
(once again dont know what a low contrast ratio effect will have)
(now this looks pretty impressive, slightly bigger than what i need, also a bit more pricier but that contrast ratio looks good though i'll admit that i dont know if a high ratio is goo or bad or vica versa)
February 17, 2010 at 2:47 pm #57970Doc-B
MemberIMO you should hold out till you've nearer the £500 mark… You'll get a much better T.v.
800:1 is a crappy contrast ratio, try to get something about 10000:1 or higher… The contrast ratio measures the capacity of a display device to produce the brightest colour and the darkest colour and it is usually expressed as a ratio of their light intensities.
February 17, 2010 at 3:26 pm #57972BigWoopMagazine
Memberokay… so a few tips of advice, I did a lot of research when I bought my new tv a while back.
First, if you want a cheap tv, plasma is the way to go right now, most places are ending manufacturing these and are trying to unload them… They get really good contrast ratios, which gives you great colors, but theres a few issues. They burn in real easy, so never let it sit on a still screen for more than a half hour to an hour (you can fix this by switching to a “snowy” channel for a couple minutes at the end of a session, causing all the pixels to alternate rapidly between white and black). They are susceptable to glare, so lighting can effect how well you see the screen. They are a little heavier than the LCD and LED models. Thats about it.
Don't bother with 1080p unless your screen is going to be 60″ or larger. You will not be able to tell the difference in resolution on a smaller screen, unless you're literally two inches away from it. Its a waste of money, especially when right now a majority of games only run at 720p or 720i.
The single factor that will effect your image the most is the contrast ratio. The contrast ratio is a measurement of the brightest whitest white that can show on the screen vs the darkest blackest black that can show on the screen. There are two ways of measuring it, or two types: dynamic and static. Static (this is the important one) is when the ratio is found on the screen by measuring the white vs black at the same time. Dynamic (the one most manufacturers list) the two measurements are made at different times. This means that they can fiddle with the settings to get the tv to show really white whites, and then adjust them again to get the blackest black. This gets them really big numbers that seem really cool (if you see 1million:1, its dynamic). If you can find a tv with a static contrast ratio of 5000:1 or higher, you're doing pretty good.
The last thing you really need to think about is your refresh rate. This effects things more than you would, because different input signals run at different fps. As long as the refresh rate is a multiple of the fps, you get a smooth clean running image. 120hz is currently the lowest one that will do that. Most plasmas get really good refresh rates of 600hz (mine does at least). LCDs can do 120 easy, but you'll pay a lot more for 240 or more. Really I would just make sure to get at least 120 and not worry more than that. I heard a rumor a while back that if you have a higher refresh rate, your tv may be 3D ready, but I'm not sure theres any truth to that.
Hope that helps, took me a bit to type that, but it took me a couple months to come up with all that information reliably! Beware of salesmen, they'll always try to get you to pay for what you don't need. Beware of professional calibrations, they do improve your image quality but I don't believe for a second that they're worth $300. You can buy a blu-ray calibration disc and do it yourself on your ps3 for about $30, its not as good but it does what you need. Good luck.
Update: I googled it quick, since its been a year since I've looked at tvs. It appears to be near impossible to find plasmas under 42″, so they're out of the price range. Here's a tv the shows the difference between contrast ratio:
If you look in the overview you can see that it lists both that static and dynamic (neither are very good here, but LCD's kinda suck for that). Most of the time your lucky if they tell you the static, usually only the dynamic will be listed, and often times they won't even list that (bullshit! that should be standard!). As another example, my current tv has 10,000:1 static, but 1million:1 dynamic. So if they show dynamic ratio, its a blown up number.
February 17, 2010 at 10:13 pm #57993parnakas
MemberI would recommend waiting a bit, and saving up a bit more money, as you can then start looking at better T.Vs.. i got mine for about $600 on sale early last year, its a Sony Bravia, and it is wonderful, beautiful picture quality.
EDIT: Um.. i know that this is in Canadian dollars, but i actually thought this TV was great, and i think it met all of your needs.
Not sure how you would get this, but hey, i figured i might as well post it!February 17, 2010 at 10:23 pm #57995tommyflop
MemberI suppose it depends on your income, not sure how old you are, i'd say wait too but that depends on how long your parents are prepared to put up with you taking over the tv, the longer you wait the better your tv will be, there's loads of good deals around but definitely buy new, not ebay or a friend. i have a 37″ phillips 1080p, not that big but it's a quality tv, it was around £700 2 years ago, u can pick up a decent 28″ for around £300 these days so bide your time and don't rush in, at the end of the day it's your gaming that will benefit. Good Luck!!!
February 17, 2010 at 10:58 pm #57997Ninjacat
MemberI currently play on a 22″ LG and it's a beaut (:
February 18, 2010 at 12:41 am #58001Miiiitch
MemberI'm not sure what your local stores are being in another country and all but when you do have the cash to get a new TV always make sure you barter, it helps if your paying in cash as most salespeople are enticed by the sight of money. I bought a new TV just last week and I got a 55″ Samsung LCD and they're asking price was $3400 I talked them down to $3200 plus the manager threw in 10 Blu-Rays of my choice so just make sure you know what you want before buying. Also do some research on the TV because most salespeople don't expect you to know what your talikng about but if you do know it'll help you to barter for a fair price.
February 18, 2010 at 3:14 pm #58025BigWoopMagazine
MemberAgreed with mitch on the research part. Especially if you're like him and dropping $3200 on it (holy shit! I hope that thing is 3D ready!!). I told you most of what I found by doing technical research, but definitely try to figure out which tvs you want by looking online (avoid the damn salesman), but go to the store to buy it. You always have to see the image first.
EDIT: If you've pre-ordered GOW3 from gamestop, you have a slim chance of winning a tv… just go here:
February 18, 2010 at 11:06 pm #58057parnakas
Member$3200 on a 55″ TV? Holy Expensive Cakes Batman!!! There are 70″ LCDs available for $3000…
At that price, it should wipe your ass after you take a shit!
February 19, 2010 at 9:35 am #58105emdeepee
MemberThink miiitch is talking about Oz Dollars, but that is still a fair chunk of change!!
February 19, 2010 at 11:36 am #58106kingofgames73
Memberthanks for all the info guys, im sticking to a smallish 24″ tv (in the end i got the one on the last link i posted) now simply because my room is to small to support anything bigger, and around here theres nothing that special on tv's smaller than 32″ . however all the info will be handy for when i actually get around to re-arranging my bedroom i should be able to attach something a lot better on my wall and when i have more fundings (only bought a 1080p camcorder a week ago), and with all these new games coming out, and my spending money on the china trip means i could be wating another year before i get anything `fancier` but the way i see it im just paying another £300 for a few inches and a better known make written on it
February 19, 2010 at 2:43 pm #41175Doc-B
Member“Every inch counts” – She said….
February 19, 2010 at 3:30 pm #41181BigWoopMagazine
Member@KoG – right now I think you're better off waiting to get something bigger anyways – with sony's new 3D revolution on the way, you could wait until the 3D tvs have saturated the market a little more, and hopefully by then they'll have made some improvements and dropped the prices, so maybe you could get one of those and really take advantage of the power in your ps3. At least, thats what I'm waiting for. My tv is only a year old and has a good lot of life to it, so I'm just going to watch how the 3D market goes for a while and plan on my next tv being involved with that.
February 19, 2010 at 10:25 pm #58114The General
MemberI know “they” are trying to make it the next big technology, but I just don't see many ppl wanting to wear those goofy glasses all the time…
February 19, 2010 at 10:29 pm #58117BigWoopMagazine
MemberThe General said:
I know “they” are trying to make it the next big technology, but I just don't see many ppl wanting to wear those goofy glasses all the time…
Right – however, one of my supervisors told me recently that while walking through the hospital we work in, he saw a 3D monitor. Ahem… let me reiterate – while walking around he saw a 3D image on a tv. He wasn't wearing 3D glasses. I don't know how they do it, and I haven't seen it myself, but it probably has something to do with holographic imaging. As far as my searches go I can't find one marketed to the public – I'm sure its enormously expensive and probably only used for diagnostics, this is generally where you'll find the best imaging tech in the world. But if it exists now, I predict that one day in the distant future it will be in our homes for an affordable price. That would be AWESOME.
But holy crap – proof that its in the works (and this article actually explains sort of how it works). Note its two years old, I'm sure R&D has been working on it since.
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