JakeSteel2k4 said:
Yeh so I've been a die hard xbox live member and only got a ps3 for games like Metal Gear Solid 4 and God of War 3. But recently ive been gettin more into collecting trophies and competing with 2 coworkers in trophy count. Anyways add me if u want, could use more friends on PSN to play with, have plenty on xbox live. currently playing Heavy Rain and Bad Company2 on xbox360. I have Uncharted 2, RE5, Warhawk, SF4, Soul Calibur 4, and MGS4 to play online on ps3. looking to get Red Dead Redemption and UFC 2010 on ps3 in future along with God of war 3 of course.
PSN Tag: JakeSteel2k4
Xbox360: JakeSteelV2
and no my name isnt Jake, just like the tag is all
Welcome. :]
I'll add you a bit later, could use more friends to play with as well. lol
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