ok crisis centre over disappearing members
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December 28, 2009 at 11:25 pm #54017
Memberwell i think this is a bunch of bull too. yes there are d-bags joining the site. what site doesn't have them though? this site isn't overpopulated with people so it's not as common to see d-bags here as it is with other sites. that's why i think ppl are freaking out. because lately we've had a lot of new members (about half) being complete jackasses to some of the vets of this site. and they are used to the flourishing apt that has no arguments except for “which is better bagels or toast?” (btw toast lol) but now it's basically just members hating on members in topics which shows why people think things are deteriorating on apt. which they are. anyways people are just over reacting and it's just dumb. this is still one of the nicest communities on the web. the friendly environment is getting a bit less friendly each day. basically all we need to do is first find out what the deal is with admin. 2nd when he comes back it would be great to have a few moderators appointed to help prevent future bs problems like this. 3rd ppl on here need to quit being such babies about ppl trolling. it's bound to happen anywhere you go. hate to break it to you but like 70% of the world consists of complete jackasses lol. just ignore dumb comments ppl post. if they troll on you then who cares ignore them. this is getting way too out of control first it was hating on apt but now it's even spreading on the psn. it's sad to see such a great site go downhill and so many members leaving but i hope most will return. i intend to stick with apt until the end of it. i hate to see every1 leave but i refuse to do so as well because this site is great. but the thought of getting rid of off topics is dumb. this site was built on off topic thoughts lol. btw gow2rules i love how you always try to lighten the mood lol nice one.
anyways i hope to see no more members leave and happily welcome new members. here's to the improvement of apt
December 28, 2009 at 11:29 pm #54009pool96
Member*applauds Cory*
Trust Cory to be the voice of reason – this is exactly why I would have you as the first moderator to be appointed if Admin ever comes back.
December 28, 2009 at 11:32 pm #53987parnakas
Memberredbren said:
*applauds Cory*
Trust Cory to be the voice of reason – this is exactly why I would have you as the first moderator to be appointed if Admin ever comes back.
yes, Cory is awesome!!
I didnt know rednecks were capable of such compassion!
And admin has been on recently.. he edited Antony's post in one of the newer threads, took out a website or something like that..
December 28, 2009 at 11:49 pm #53945CoryAllen
Memberi saw that. locked the thread as well lol.
lol clearly you lack in your knowledge of me fellow rednecks. we've always been known to show compassion and such. opening doors for ladies, good manners, treating our ladies good, blah blah blah rednecks are great. i highly suggest you ditch canada and come to the south lol. you can get you a big truck go mudding and hunt
ah lol
anyways yeah i don't think one mod is enough. as we already knew admin has his hands full with the site already. so 1 person would just put us back where we were pre-chaos. so at least 2 mods would be suitable
edit: also if we had mods we could incorporate some of these brilliant ideas like adding a reviews section and stuff. small improvements. that is if admin would allow us to…
December 29, 2009 at 12:18 am #53911pool96
MemberI hear you Cory, I am an Irish redneck but were called boggers 😛
I live 60 miles from the nearest city so you cant question my credentials. lol.
December 29, 2009 at 12:40 am #53810CoryAllen
Memberlol all right i didn't know there were irish rednecks! that's whats up man lol. boggers. i like that lol
December 29, 2009 at 1:25 am #53803Knoxie
Memberalso theres too many licky arses on this site, actually, wayyyy to many. in some cases theyre worse than pricks.
lol @ boggers, sounds like a dirty toilet name red.
December 29, 2009 at 10:07 pm #54104Ratchet525
MemberNuFc_kNoXiE_KiLa said:
lol @ boggers, sounds like a dirty toilet name red.
December 30, 2009 at 6:24 pm #54159W4RG34R3D_SN1P3R
MemberLets face it , the place is falling down . I joined this site because it seemed cool , i mean all of you were friendly , welcoming , and ofcourse i was always getting the news i needed to keep up to date with everyday PS3 news . Im not going to point fingers , and im not looking for another war, everybody has thier own place on this forum , its your choice on how your going to use it . This Avatar business is stupid , it got out of hand , but people like Gnilisa continuously bringing it up isnt going to make matters better . I myself would like to see this place go back as it was , a happy community that has the potential to be one of the best out there .
If it wasnt for this site , i would have never met you guys unless by strange coincidence . Your a great bunch and im always down for some gaming and just chilling out in chats . We all know you for your own specific traits , and thats what makes each and everyone of us unique in our own way . Leaving this site would be stupid , i know i would regret it , and aside from the harsh downfall theres always light at the end of the tunnel . I hope all of you guys can see where im going with this , so what do you say ? Lets get this site running again .
December 30, 2009 at 6:36 pm #54161emdeepee
MemberAdmin's back on here a lot more, so thats a good start
December 30, 2009 at 7:28 pm #54165Ninjacat
MemberW4RG34R3D_SN1P3R said:
Lets face it , the place is falling down . I joined this site because it seemed cool , i mean all of you were friendly , welcoming , and ofcourse i was always getting the news i needed to keep up to date with everyday PS3 news . Im not going to point fingers , and im not looking for another war, everybody has thier own place on this forum , its your choice on how your going to use it . This Avatar business is stupid , it got out of hand , but people like Gnilisa continuously bringing it up isnt going to make matters better . I myself would like to see this place go back as it was , a happy community that has the potential to be one of the best out there .
If it wasnt for this site , i would have never met you guys unless by strange coincidence . Your a great bunch and im always down for some gaming and just chilling out in chats . We all know you for your own specific traits , and thats what makes each and everyone of us unique in our own way . Leaving this site would be stupid , i know i would regret it , and aside from the harsh downfall theres always light at the end of the tunnel . I hope all of you guys can see where im going with this , so what do you say ? Lets get this site running again .
Oh no wait…
That's better. I'm on your side, along with the other cool kids on here, Monkey, King, Chad, Parn, Ratchet, Mitch, Pokenny, Redbren and Knox (can't believe I said that, but it wouldn't be the same without you.). There's loads more but unfortunately I don't know you all enough/ don't remember you at this time. If we had mods the site would be better policed, as long as the mods aren't cocky and they use the power responibly. They can help clean up the forum, moving threads to their proper sections/sub-sections, and get rid of silly threads and ones that get out of hand e.g The Avatar thread amongst others.
I don't want to see this once wonderful community simply brushed under the rug because of immature people. The internet is full of them and we NEED people to keep them at bay. Admin needs to understand, because the site is so great, it needs a bigger management force. It's too big of a job for one man. We all have to take responsibility for our own actions and responses to other people. We need to stop being so bloody short tempered and let the slightest thing tip us over the edge. We need to work together and help each other if we want APT to survive.
I don't want to leave either. This is a great place, full of amazing people. Or at least, it was. But we can get it back to that.
(epic speeches ftw)
December 30, 2009 at 7:33 pm #54166kingofgames73
Memberthis site definetely needs a few moderators, it’s expanded to a point where it simply needs some backup as apposed to a single admin whom has a (probably) busy life, holidays, work etc to contend with, although, however, every website is gonna have the odd idiot, just ignore them `a comedian wouldn’t exist without an audience` (you’ve heard it all before no doubt), I do believe some people need to stop overreacting, leaving a site over a simple argument? it just seems slightly petty considering you can have massive arguments with your best friends at times (not to mention you’ll find it hard to fin a website wihout one argument)….but still everyone has their opinion and reasons i guess..
sorry for the bad typing errors/missing of odd word etc my keyboard is nearly dead…December 30, 2009 at 8:19 pm #54175iruleu
MemberI773D33MABL3 said:
“One thing is for sure we need threads to be more about games rather than off-topic crap , some of it is good fun but it just dominates this site”
Very true. I think the only real downturn on this site was when the place was getting spammed with nonsense threads about people’s favourite cheese and ice-cream. That sh*t was an exercise in tedium.
and bagels vs toast. man that was awesome lol….but yea i dont want to see this site fall. i mean i met a lot of great people on here and its fun to play and chat (i know i dont actually talk tons srry friend was over). I know we have our arguments which are normal but if its a flame war or something thats different.
December 31, 2009 at 4:07 pm #54208parnakas
MemberGlad everyone liked the bagels vs. toast!! I started that!
and im sure this site go to the way it used to be.. just give it some time, to adjust to the new members, and pray for some moderators.
December 31, 2009 at 5:00 pm #54220iruleu
Memberyea i really hope it goes back to being nice. it was fun then.
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