m8, had exactly the same problem, 2 days ago – posted a topic on here.
Basically,If ur out of warranty, unless u want 2 exchange ur unit 4 a new 1, along with £128,00 and get another refurbished 60/80 gb console, thn ur disk is stuck.
Force eject will work only if ur P/S is NOT a 60gb. mine is a 60 gb, and im gon2 have2 dismantle the console now, will post results l8r, (probs 2moz) and try 2 get disk out while not damaging it (my F***n MW2 in as well
) Phone Sony if u want2, but i expect u'll have the same result as me, 22 minute phone call – just 2 be told the above, – part exchange with £128, and 2 try force eject.
I dno if this is any big help, but i feel ur pain
its horrible not being on my ps3, (altho can use brothers occasionally :P) am gon2 have 2 get a Slim for xmas……
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