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February 21, 2013 at 6:11 pm #16170
MemberSo, the announcement was as expected but still left a few questions. We didn't see the machine itself (just the controller) and no hint of price.
Background downloads are sweet, I know PS+ went a long way to helping with wait times but the feature is still welcome.
I also like the idea of being able to share gameplay footage as it'll make it so much easier to help mates with trophy hunting. And I'm sure we'll be able to bend 'Spectating' to be useful in boosting.
The Vita connectivity has been improved and being able to stream full titles to it is handy.
What did everyone make of Sony's presentation and those of the third party developers?
The new Killzone looks nice (if not revolutionary), the game Konami showcased looks fcucking sick but I though Square Enix showed just how out of touch they were by showing an extended FMV rather than gameplay. We know they make pretty videos but it's ther shoddy gameplay that's seen them diminishing in people's eyes.
And I'm not sure how to react to the huge emphasis on the “Create” side of the experience that Sony are pushing. I got excited about it before LBP and Modnation were released but the novelty faded fast and I just wanted to get on with things and play the games.
Bungie coming to PS3 is a wonderful kick in the arse for Xbox and this Destiny game sounds interesting.
And Diablo III coming to Playstation is just fcuking awesome!!!!
February 21, 2013 at 8:01 pm #72977Seibei4211
MemberThe thing I liked about the Killzone demo was that Far Cry 3-style death from above chained into a thrown knife kill. That's one of my favorite things about Far Cry 3. I don't know if Killzone 3 had that, but if more games have takedown systems like that, that's good news for me.
Once they talked about being able to record footage, spectate/stream gameplay, briefly take control of someone else's game, and streaming games from the store, I didn't care about what they talked about next. I'm already sold. I don't even care. I was just hoping for cross-game chat, but they gave me that and quite a bit more.
February 21, 2013 at 9:21 pm #72978scotty243
MemberWow, it seems to me that I'm the only pessimist here. The thing that slightly impressed me was the new Playstation Network stuff however everything else was… OK? I wasn't jumping out of my seat praising anything nor was I actually interested in any of it.
The line up of games is fairly weak (with the exception of (Watch Dogs, The Witness, and The Witcher 3), I think, and there seems to just be the basic line up of racers, shooters, etc. Nothing fresh or exciting is (besides a 3 or 4 games are) “hittin' the scene”, I think. And what the ***NO PROFANE LANGUAGE PLEASE*** is up with Final Fantasy, seriously?! I'd like to play Final Fantasy XIII-2 or whatever but I can't fathom at how this series won't die already.
Killzone looked… boring? Maybe it's because Far Cry evolved the shooter genre for me but Killzone looked fairly weak and if I didn't know any better, I would've thought it to be Black Ops III. I appreciate the fact that it seems to possibly be more of an urban battlefield approach, I guess, instead of being on a crazy warzone. From what I had interpreted from (what seems to me more of a tech demo) that I like is how it seems there could be a sort of “terrorist” attack going on, if that makes sense? I'd much rather be involved in high level “terrorist” attacks and such than watching a bunch of soldiers being blown up or shot in some deserted city.
And the PS4 no backwards compatibility makes me quote the greatest man of all time, Pvt. Hudson, from Aliens:
“That's it man, game over man, game over! What the ***NO PROFANE LANGUAGE PLEASE*** are we gonna do now? What are we gonna do?”
Also, with no pricing, release (apart from a half-assed “Holiday…”), and not even a glimpse at what it could possibly look like, I'm not sold a bit.
February 21, 2013 at 9:55 pm #72979I773D33MABL3
MemberI would've liked to have heard about how they plan on carrying across our accounts. Will it be a straight copy like having it on multiple PS3s or will it be a simultanious account like that of the Vita? And I'm also unimpressed at the lack of backwards compatibility. I'm still going to be cleaning up PS3 trophy lists so I'm not going to abandon my collection.
February 22, 2013 at 12:24 am #72980emdeepee
MemberWell this is interesting (to me anyway), under £400 (just)
February 22, 2013 at 2:29 am #72981Seibei4211
MemberI'm fine with no backwards compatibility. I'll just keep my PS3 just like I kept my PS2. Last time they tried to release a system with backwards compatibility, it cost $600. If sacrificing BC at launch is what it takes to keep the launch price down, then I'm all for that. Sony doesn't need a crappy launch price hurting sales like last time. I'm more interested in seeing how the PS3 streaming stuff will work. Save files aren't compatible, apparently, and it seems unlikely that you could import your PS3 disc library into streaming form. Like how would you be able to do that without being able to abuse the system? I'm guessing it'll work like PS2 Classics or something. Apparently PSN games won't be compatible either, which I guess makes sense. The PSN games are something that, in theory, should be free when it comes to streaming though, right? Because they're already tied to your account unlike disc games.
I read some more stuff about the controller. Apparently the touchpad can be “clicked”. Not sure how that works, but that's cool. It's always nice to have a little physical feedback. Rubber grips are cool. You can charge the controller when the system's off or on. And apparently that Options button is the merging of Start and Select. I wonder how that'll work. But at least the pause button's still a physical button.
February 22, 2013 at 7:09 pm #72984Doc-B
MemberI wasn't really sure what to expect at all from Sony, until i heard the words 'Playstation 4' a part of me was still waiting for Sony to pull some bullsh!t and reveal something else… In the past I would have been waiting, eager and confident that it would be another amazing Sony event but the past couple of years have not been so kind to them… I might even have been a little skeptical
But wow… I was pretty impressed!? The leap from Ps2 to Ps3 was so massive it was almost an obvious choice as to why it was better to have a Ps3, the price was the only thing that killed the hype. I just don't like Xbox so I'm Sony through and through… Other than 'more power' I couldn't really imagine what the drive to buy a Ps4 would be, everything I could want in a service I get from my Ps3, but I agree with Seibei, all that stuff about recording, watching and sharing has really spiked my interest.
I mean, my friend is 2 golds away from the Wipeout Plat., being able to watch him play at such a high level would be amazing, I suck at wipeout… And I know there have been stupid moments/glitches in games I would've loved to share for a laugh… The new chat features are long overdue if anything, so i'm not excited about those to much. The DL and play feature is quality, imagine the time you'll save…
I didn't really like the look of the new UI, it seemed rather cluttered… Or the fact that you use your real life details for a profile, for me it had the whole 'sign in with FB' vibe!? I like the anonymity I have just now, I don't want to share my life on PSN just play games… And doesn't that open the door to massive amounts of griefing? The security and privacy settings better be good!!
Not being BC is no big shock, and it's not like Sony is gonna drop the PSN for Ps3 in the first few weeks of the Ps4… I'm just gonna ease up buying games for Ps3 and try to finish up everything i've still got sitting. Nothing from your Ps3 will transfer over to the Ps4 unless Sony decide to move all your PSN games/saves through cloud, and it has been confirmed that the Ps4 will play used games.
As for the controller I just want it to sit comfortably in my hand, other than that i'm not to worried…
I want to wait and see how the new online service works for the Ps4 before I buy one… But a can't help but feel I'll end up buying one straight away… If it's £300-350 it'll be bought for sure…
February 23, 2013 at 5:54 pm #72988gr8jrfan
MemberI missed the livestream but from everything I've heard, the PS4 seems worth it. I'd buy the thing to play inFAMOUS: Second Son anyway. Dunno if I'll get it immediately at release but I will get it sometime in the future. The new controller's kinda weird. Everyone I've talked to about it so far has said that they hate the new one. I think it's worth it just for that Share button, right??
February 23, 2013 at 7:48 pm #72989Seibei4211
MemberI don't see what's to hate about the new controller. The shoulder buttons are improved, you've got some concave analog sticks, there's still a physical pause button, it weighs nearly the same, the feel will be about the same when you hold it, there's rubber grips on it, a built-in mic and speaker, and a headphone jack. What part of that is a step down from the old controller? If people don't like the look, I don't get it. I tend to look at the TV when I'm playing games. If the performance of the controller has improved, then truly that should be the thing that matters more.
@Doc-B: The sign in with Facebook type thing is a possible downside for me, too. However, I'd need to rewatch that part of the presentation. I know the guy mentioned that you'd still be able to use your user ID and avatar, but I don't remember to what extent you could use those. Hopefully there's some way to just opt out of using your real details. I do hate the internet's recent push to get everyone to stop being anonymous. I wonder if you could just put “Seibei4211” in the name and put an avatar as your picture though. Anyway, if Sony's thinking about doing this, I'm guessing Microsoft might be as well.
February 24, 2013 at 1:42 pm #72991Doc-B
MemberSeibei4211 said:
…it weighs nearly the same, the feel will be about the same when you hold it…
It looks like it could be a little wider than the current Dualshock to accommodate the touchscreen, and I hope the lightbar/jack won't make it lightly top heavy… Other than that it looks nice, improved rumble, I like how the D-pad buttons seem more angled and that Sony have kept the color coded input buttons. My main complain when I first saw the controller is that I thought the 'legs' (the bit you hold, i'm not sure what they are actually called?) were straight, that they lacked the curves at the top that sit on my fingers, but they do so it's all good…
I hate the idea of having to 'hold' a controller, I hardly use any 'gripping' force to hold my controller, I'm not sure about the 360 pad but it looks pretty big?
The new camera, not that looks big and ugly!?
And with all these Internet heavy features I really hope that Sony are stepping up their online 'cause the PSN as it stands is still a bit p!sh… And the company dealing with all the in-game media stuff are U-stream, the same people who hosted the suck ass live stream for the Ps4 reveal
February 24, 2013 at 6:31 pm #72992Seibei4211
MemberYeah, I noticed it's wider, slightly, but that isn't going to be a noticeable difference. Your hands are still going to rest at the same angle and the analog sticks and buttons are the same distance apart from each other and in the same spots. Actually, maybe the shoulder buttons are closer to the rest of the buttons. Hard to tell because the middle part's taller than it was, too. I didn't notice this before, but I think the legs on the DS4 are longer. I like that part, cause as it stands, there's not much room for the rest of my fingers. I don't think the light bar is going to make much of a weight difference at all. The DS4 is only 18 grams heavier than the DS3, and part of that must be from the overall extra size of the controller.
The 360 controller isn't bad. I've played a few games on it. It's definitely heavy, but it's big enough to be shaped in a way that is comfortable for your fingers. Before I had an Xbox, I thought I wasn't gonna like the controller because of the way the analog sticks aren't next to each other, but it's all fine when you're actually playing a game.
And about that new camera… It sure would be annoying to have all three systems at this point, cause now each one wants me to put some crap on top of my TV. I guess the Kinect will still probably be optional though, but if the next Xbox comes with a free Kinect, why not?
Yeah, the fact that Ustream is gonna do the streaming stuff has me a bit worried, too. That friggin' feed went out and lagged so many times during that presentation. It did not fill me with confidence. But maybe it'll work better on the PS4. Just have to wait and see it in action, I guess.
February 25, 2013 at 9:27 pm #72995Doc-B
MemberSeibei4211 said:
And about that new camera… It sure would be annoying to have all three systems at this point, cause now each one wants me to put some crap on top of my TV. I guess the Kinect will still probably be optional though, but if the next Xbox comes with a free Kinect, why not?
I prob. won't use the camera but it it handy to have bundled in I guess… You think Sony might put out a premium bundle with everything and a 'budget' bundle, a bit like the Wii U, or go with one 'as-is' bundle?
Depending on what was in the box I could see me getting a 'budget' edition tbh… Eyetoy and Move just don't interest me… If it has a swappable HDD you could upgrade yourself and potentially go bigger for less money, depending on the size Sony put in themselves…
2.5″ or 3.5″?? I'm eager to hear more about the storage device…
I just hope that all the peripherals, RAM and HDD don't push up the price of the Ps4… Sony can't afford to mess the price up!! Game bundles could be even more?? £50-55 a game this time round?? (Saying that I do have ISS64 with a £60 sticker still on the box, man those cartridge games were expensive
Just put in Sleeping Dogs… Over 1Gb of sh!t to download
That secondary custom chip, or whatever, is sounding better by the second
DL'ing stuff is a massive bore, even with a decent connection… 'You cannot perform background download of this content'
I just hope Sony can pull off all this 'almost instant access while the rest will DL in the background' and it doesn't out to be glitchy, or only supported by a handful of games…
And do you think 'free to play online' will still be an option? With all these new features I can almost smell a subscription… But if movie/music unlimited is included it might not be to bad, I don't use them myself?? Still £40?? More??
The hype of hearing about all these new things, I though some of it was pretty cool, is over for me, and I actually want to see it working to believe it….
The games sell it the least for me…
Fallout 4, Uncharted 4, Just Cause 4, RDR2… Some amazing games coming though!!
February 27, 2013 at 1:43 am #73007scotty243
MemberDoc-B said:
Fallout 4, Uncharted 4, Just Cause 4, RDR2… Some amazing games coming though!!
Just Cause 4? Where's 3!!
As for Uncharted 4, I personally would not want another Uncharted to hit the scene simply because, what more can ND possibly cook up? At this point, it'd be rather dull and “going through the motions” rather than (what I felt was) more tense scenarios. I thought 3 ended the series on a rather high note? I just don't want this series to turn into another Tomb Raider
And is no one excited for The Witcher 3?!
March 24, 2013 at 8:10 pm #73113Frederick_Playstation
Memberscotty243 said:
And is no one excited for The Witcher 3?!
Maybe because this is a Playstation website and hardly anyone here has an xbox or a capable PC to play it.
I am excited for it however.
June 11, 2013 at 5:23 am #73379scotty243
MemberMicrosoft's done. It's over. Game over, man, game over. I can't stop laughing.
Sony did everything perfectly; the entire conference was beautiful. They had made at Outlast and Final Fantasy XV but holy motherfucking hell! These bastards did it! I'd like to purchase a PS4 as soon as I possibly can!!
The one possible negative, although it really isn't a negative, is the fact that either I interpreted it wrong or it was worded wrong, but was it hinted or said Plus is required in order to play online multiplayer? Eh, whatever though since Plus has absolutely stellar benefits.
Next-Gen is something to look forward to – A symbol of hope
Long Live Playstation
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