PSN back online NOW!!
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May 17, 2011 at 8:29 am #69766
MemberMay 17, 2011 at 8:32 am #69767emdeepee
MemberDon't know what happened here, but I'm gonna complain to admin and demand he gives me a free £20 PSN voucher!! 😉
May 17, 2011 at 6:04 pm #69768Knoxie
MemberPile of shite if you ask me.
May 17, 2011 at 8:31 pm #69769Doc-B
Member@ Dizzel…
It's the whole ethos of Sony that upsets me… The way they go about their business. The cut of their jib as it was.
I've never been upset about PSN being down and I've never been upset with Sony for how long things have taken. The only thing i was worried about when the system did fail was,
, my trophies… I didn't expect anything from Sony ever, it was Sony that offered, along with other things, a 'welcome back package'; And it was Sony that got my interest up.
For me this is like being offered a polished turd i never asked for… The 'welcome back' package is just a small part of what p!sses me off about Sony in general.
It turns out i spent to much money with Sony/Ps3 to actually get anything from this incentive offered to make sure i keep spending money with them… That's weak!?
I love the products and services but I'm really not fond of the company.
I just wish there was something in the 'Welcome Back' for me…
I'm going to be even less impressed when the new 'user requested features' are added to PS+ exclusively… If there added ever that is…
May 18, 2011 at 2:28 am #69770I773D33MABL3
MemberAgain, Doc's sentiments parallel my own.
Sony were hacked by an outside source, it wasn't their fault and I'm not going to lambaste them over being just as vulnerable as every other online service out there.
And I can appreciate how much this cost them. The service might be free, so they didn't lose out on any fees, but re-building a network and hiring digital security companies can't be cheap.
Through the whole outage my one issue with Sony was their muck PR. Every bit of information we got, spent several days grinding though the rumour mill before Sony came out and (partially) confirmed it. I didn't expect them to instantly know what had happened their system and explain it to us, but it wouldn't have been too much effort to keep us up to date.
As for the welcome back package? Like Doc I felt that Sony used it to mollify us but were deliberately vague about what they were going to give so as to raise our expectations but not actually promise anything of worth. I didn't ask for the package but once it was tabled I did expect Sony to offer up something good that actually implied “our apologies for the outage and thank you for staying with us”.
I know that sounds unreasonable, but that is how companies do business. People go with the brand/service that offers them the most free crap. In the bar I work when a customer drops their drink, I replace it. I don't have to; they dropped it and it was their own fault. But that small gesture keeps them coming back.
And I'm a little worried that now the service is fast approaching the 'full functionality' date, a few of the interesting features we were offered (Changable PSN ID, Cross game chat etc. ) seem to have been quietly forgotten about.
May 18, 2011 at 4:39 am #69771iruleu
MemberDoc-B said:
HardAndSloppy said:…
tells of what we are supposidly getting. sounds awesome, i was actually about to buy infamous again, so good deal for me
And to think i actually liked you
Are you kidding… Seriously?? It might seem slightly alluring to some people, who have no games or money, but i think its a joke!!
Infamous(2009) is a DL game… So no trade in value there I'm afraid. Plus you could prob. get it for £5 in any 'bargain bin'… I think most people already have??
Wipeout HD… I bought this at launch about 3 years ago or something, this is a fav. of Sony to punt on people… Like everyone is gonna be like “WOW, this game looks good… I just forgot all about the last few weeks”
R&C:QFB is fun… But hardly a 'game'?!
Dead Nation I already own
LBP(2008) – If I didn't buy it then i don't really want it now… And it'll prob end up being a DL
Two PSP games… Well… Thanks for something that i can't use i guess?
Sony back at it's best… At sucking balls. Poor.
well no shit they're going to give you crappy games! what were you expecting? Half of the store? To me it is just fine. To me, they dont need to give you a “Welcome Back” Package. It isnt their fault that they got hacked.
Oh and P.S… R&C isnt one of the games, check the Playstation blog…
May 18, 2011 at 9:36 am #69773Seibei4211
Memberiruleu, R&C is one of the games, just not in the US.
May 18, 2011 at 6:51 pm #69774Doc-B
Memberiruleu said:
well no shit they're going to give you crappy games! what were you expecting? Half of the store? To me it is just fine. To me, they dont need to give you a “Welcome Back” Package. It isnt their fault that they got hacked.
Oh and P.S… R&C isnt one of the games, check the Playstation blog…
You, eh, did read the other posts right?
May 18, 2011 at 11:40 pm #69779iruleu
MemberSeibei4211 said:
iruleu, R&C is one of the games, just not in the US.…..e-users-2/
ohhh i see. It didnt say that on the one that i checked. I just checked one. My bad! But still, it seems like some of you were expecting new games. And to me, thats pretty obvious that they probably wouldnt.
May 20, 2011 at 7:55 pm #69785tommyflop
MemberFirst off i'll say i'm glad psn is back but it wasn't the end of the world. It gave me a chance to mop up a few trophies i wouldn't otherwise have gone for, i also got platinum #16 on mega drive collection. I'll agree that sony didn't HAVE to give us anything apart from the ps+ users who will rightly be given back the time they lost. However, the only people who gain from the “sorry, here have a couple of OLD games on us” are the newer users and casual gamers. More hardcore gamers already own or have owned the games on offer. Dead Nation prob being the pick of the bunch being relatively new. I've been quite lucky having never had Wipeout HD or Infamous so I'll gladly take those two. Maybe a free £10 or equivalent currency would have been more realistic but they were NEVER gonna do that cos everyone would have used it for new stuff. So the people who prob deserved the most got the least. At least our accounts and Trophies are still intact and we should all be thankful for that. So its back, as long as sony do everything they can to not let it happen again (and god knows they should with the money they've lost) I just hope it didn't hit any smaller developers too hard, they're the ones who really lost out. All we lost was 24 days of friends lists and online gaming. Not exactly something to throw a tantrum over. I'm not having a go at anyone by the way, i agree with Doc and I773. BTW I773 where is your bar? Can i come check it out and throw drinks around? Sounds like you know how to treat people, you should work for sony!!!!!!!!!!!!!
May 23, 2011 at 7:17 pm #69805Doc-B
MemberSome store credit would have been nice, but 77million x 20 is a pretty big bill for Sony, I suspect that in the long run Sony will save money and keep the masses happy by offering what they have…
I'm not sure if you've all heard… But the PSN store might be back on the 24th… As in tomorrow.
I'm looking forward to the store going live again… It's like going to the shops from the comfort of your room
Plus I'll be able to redeem all my DLC/online pass codes
The whole 'hack' situation hasn't put me off buying content from the store and i can't wait to check all the stuff I've missed out on… I've read that Sony might update the store twice a week until everything is caught up, but not every one's happy about that it seems…
Here are some estimated costs for Sony over this whole situation thus far…
May 24, 2011 at 5:53 pm #69812Seibei4211
MemberStore's not coming back today. It should be back in May, but not today.
May 24, 2011 at 7:15 pm #69818Doc-B
I thought after reading this – – things were looking good…
I read about PSN being down (4pm-12amGMT) again this morning, thought it would be to bring the store back online but no…
Only another week of May left so it's not really that bad
Here's a source confirming it's not back till at least the end of May –
June 2, 2011 at 9:37 am #69870emdeepee
MemberWell the stores back, but since every man and his dog are tryign to access it its not without problems. Managed to download the Infamous 2 demo, but thats about it so far.
Burnout Paradise and Duel of the Planeswalkers for free for PS+ members too!!
June 2, 2011 at 1:13 pm #69871Ninjacat
MemberYeah, it errors a lot due to the sheer amount of people trying to get on haha.
I've got all my Plus stuff, but I am disappointed that I can't get Burnout. I mean, I have it on disc with all the DLC but I'd like my friends to be able to download it so I could go back to it. One of my favourite games ever.
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