R.I.P Michael Jackson
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June 30, 2009 at 4:24 pm #29304
Memberdizzel22 said:
haha still taking it too seriously champ
ha keep dreamin
June 30, 2009 at 4:25 pm #29306dizzel22
Memberonce you pop you cant stop .Unless your the king of pop
June 30, 2009 at 7:55 pm #29317Knoxie
Memberdizzel22 said:
once you pop you cant stop .Unless your the king of pop
June 30, 2009 at 9:19 pm #29320Ps3 Freak
MemberWhats the difference between Sir Alex Ferguson and Micheal Jackson?
Ferguson will be playing giggs next year, Micheal won't be…
July 1, 2009 at 1:10 am #29331dizzel22
MemberSince Jacko's passing all 3 of his UK tour dates will have to be cancelled .
Nick (aged 3)
James (aged 7)
Mitch (aged 5)
July 1, 2009 at 2:09 am #29334shadeblack
ParticipantMiiiitch said:
ShadeBlack said:
Miiiitch said:
indeed and he never touched any children so i don’t know how those jokes started but they’re pretty lame
the case was settled by money, therfore no one really knows except him and the child.
were you the child?
that doesn’t mean he was guilty does it, and as for your other pathetically immature question look at where i’m from before trying and failing at being funny.
my point entirely. I can't believe i need to explain it, but you couldn't have been the child and therefore you don't know.
Sigh… The use of sarcasm is lost on some – what a shame!
July 1, 2009 at 3:06 am #29335PS3 Trophies
KeymasterJuly 1, 2009 at 8:06 am #29336dizzel22
MemberIt is sad MJ passing away from food poisoning , 9 year old wieners are no good for you .If he had just taken his own advice and 'Beat it' he'd still be alive today
July 1, 2009 at 10:18 am #29337Thickbrow
MemberThe lack of common sense on this board is hard to believe.
When you make these statements that imply or outright state that he is a child molester then you are committing Libel. You are defaming him. (for those of you too stupid to know what that means…or too lazy to look it up, it means damaging his character and reputation)
The reason why you will not be held accountable for what you say here is only because nobody gives a shit about your opinion. You are a nobody. You have anonymity because you hide behind a computer so you throw respect and decency out the window. You say whatever you want, not caring if you are hurting or disrespecting others. It is sad really, but in the end you WILL have to answer for what you have done. You have to live with yourself. When you end up trying to teach your children about treating others with respect you will know how much of a hypocrite you are.
Response to other posts:
Shadeblack. Before you talk about something you should get your facts straight.
Michael Jackson was found NOT GUILTY! period. A grand jury looked at all the information, heard from all the witnesses and found him NOT GUILTY on all counts. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/People_v._Jackson. IN the CIVIL Lawsuit he settled out of court for 22million. This does not make him guilty you dumb f*ck. A more logical conclusion would be that he paid the boy 22million so that the allegations and media coverage of the case would finally stop. I know it might be difficult, but picture picking up the newspaper or turning on TV and all you see are people accusing YOU of molesting kids. You respect the legal system and do all that is asked of you. In MJ's case he even allowed the Police to look and take pictures of his private parts to see if they matched up with what the boy said his penis looked like. Could YOU imagine having to do that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Someone accuses YOU of molesting a child and then to prove your innocense you suffer through the indignity of having to expose yourself to the police and have them analyze and take pictures of your penis. MJ did this! Then after you prove your innocence you are faced with another year or two of a civil case! He just wanted all of it to end. He was getting treatment for painkillers and no doubt he had serious thoughts about ending his own life. It was family and friends that urged him to settle out of court so the Media circus would finally come to an end. (the media was really bad at the time. Wacko Jacko, Peter Pan or pervert? it was every day on every news station). MJ, his family and friends have suffered enough…why do you feel the need to make jokes about him? especially after he is dead? IT IS NOT FUNNY!
Shadeblack. When you wrote that statement that “Respect does not exist anymore and that by the age of 40 you will have only 2 people you should respect” I thought to myself “What a shitty attempt at hijacking the thread. What the hell did that contribute to the thread? You then wrote that “respect has to be earned”. While both these statements are invalid (wrong) It got me thinking… … When i was young I was taught to respect others. To respect others because they are human because they have feelings. I decided to read an essay on respect (http://www.beyondintractability.org/essay/respect/?nid=6573)
Here is an excerpt from this essay:
Respect… It means being treated with consideration and esteem and to be willing to treat people similarly.. It means to have a regard for other peoples’ feelings… Even more importantly, respect means treating one with dignity.
As stated in my first post. This is what many of you are lacking. You have no regard for his feelings, the feelings of his family and loved ones or the feelings of the Millions of his fans. He was found not guilty in a court of law. You should RESPCT this decision. What other evidence do you have? Do you have proof he molested children? Were you a 'victim'?
Please think about what you are doing. You are making inappropriate jokes about a person who has just DIED! These so called 'jokes' are based on allegations that were not substantial enough to gain a guilty verdict in a court of law. His family, friends and millions of fans are Grieving his loss and it hurts them to read these statements. It also reflects negatively on you. Just because you can retain your anonymity on a message board should not give you licence to say these type of harmful things towards another human being. Innocent until proven Guilty. Enough said.
Response to Pokenny:
In respose to Miiitch's comment you wrote: “Miiiitch your right, it doesn't mean he was guilty… However it doesn't mean he was innosent. This is going to be one of those unanswerable questions like… What hurts more, being kicked in the nuts, or giving birth? We will never know.
First off the word is spelled Innocent.
Secondly with that type of logic I could accuse you of anything I want and there is nothing you could say because it COULD be true. Again Innocent until proven guilty.
and Finally, Giving birth is far more painful than a kick in the nuts. Picture pushing a mentos out your pee hole. Also the pain of giving birth to someone like you who has become an inconsiderate and uneducated asshole who thinks its funny to make jokes about child molestation towards someone who just DIED would be more painful than 10 kicks to the nuts.
ps. Pokenny, Earthsong had nothing to do with respecting 'opinions' you stupid f*ck. It has to do with the destruction of the planet. and harm to humans and animals.
Here is a link to the lyrics. point out the part where MJ sings about how I should respect your opinions.
July 1, 2009 at 10:59 am #29350P0kenny
MemberResponse to Pokenny:
In respose to Miiitch's comment you wrote: “Miiiitch your right, it doesn't mean he was guilty… However it doesn't mean he was innocent. This is going to be one of those unanswerable questions like… What hurts more, being kicked in the nuts, or giving birth? We will never know.
First off the word is spelled Innocent.
Secondly with that type of logic I could accuse you of anything I want and there is nothing you could say because it COULD be true. Again Innocent until proven guilty.
and Finally, Giving birth is far more painful than a kick in the nuts. Picture pushing a mentos out your pee hole. Also the pain of giving birth to someone like you who has become an inconsiderate and uneducated asshole who thinks its funny to make jokes about child molestation towards someone who just DIED would be more painful than 10 kicks to the nuts.
ps. Pokenny, Earthsong had nothing to do with respecting 'opinions' you stupid f*ck. It has to do with the destruction of the planet. and harm to humans and animals.
Here is a link to the lyrics. point out the part where MJ sings about how I should respect your opinions.
You know what, that is your opinion and I respectthat, however I am not a stupid f*ck. Oh and about the spelling of innocent. I'm Dylixic you f*cking prick.
Oh and Micheal Jackson was only given the not guilty sentance because he gave money to the boys father's… Alas the father's droped the charges and there for there was no court case and so Micheal Jackson was 'not guilty' of comming anything, bcasue there was no longer a court case. Also how do you explain wine in coke cans?
Earth song. Are you f*cking blind, the whole song is about respect of opinion, yes it is about the destruction of the world as well. However if you read between the lines, you will see that due to leaders of the world not respecting anothers persoanl opinion can cause wars (WW1 and WW2). So Micheal Jackson wote a song about it and did a video about it… Although he looks daft in the video, when the world is returning back to it's original state, with all the wind. He has a f*cking hardon.
By the way, I don't know if you realise, but insulting us your as bad as us. If you don't like what is being writen down in this thread then I suggest you stop posing in it.
July 1, 2009 at 1:27 pm #29338dizzel22
Memberoh come on guys who cares ,yeah the guy was a great dancer and musician ,who knows if he touched any kids ,but 1 thing is certain ,there is no doubt about it he was wierd ,really really wierd and if you didnt know him personally get over it.
He may have been a saint , but on the other hand he may have had a go at every kid he met you just dont know ,just as Thickbrow said noone cares about us writing stuff here haha which makes me wonder why he does.
July 1, 2009 at 5:55 pm #29342parnakas
Memberdizzel22 said:
oh come on guys who cares ,yeah the guy was a great dancer and musician ,who knows if he touched any kids ,but 1 thing is certain ,there is no doubt about it he was wierd ,really really wierd and if you didnt know him personally get over it.
exaclty, he was EXTREMELY WEIRD!! When he was 30 something, Oprah asked him, “Are you a virgin”, and he giggled like a 2-year-old, and said “I cant believe you asked me that!”. Your 30 dude!! your not a 10-year-old.
Another thing, why did he have sleepovers with kids in the first place? Sicko.
July 1, 2009 at 6:12 pm #29343monkeymoobs
Memberthickbrow why are you telling us to show respect when you show people with different slightly contaversial opinions none yourself
July 1, 2009 at 6:16 pm #29344Ps3 Freak
MemberSo to sum up this thread… Micheal Jackson wasnt a child pido but he was weird… and this weirdism was caused by a lifetime of being inprisoned by “mind forged manacles” (Quote taken take the poem London by William Blake) So RIP MJ
July 1, 2009 at 6:36 pm #29348parnakas
MemberPs3 Freak said:
So to sum up this thread… Micheal Jackson wasnt a child pido but he was weird… and this weirdism was caused by a lifetime of being inprisoned by “mind forged manacles” (Quote taken take the poem London by William Blake) So RIP MJ
pretty much!
and you forgot some of the jokes made…
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