R.I.P Michael Jackson
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July 1, 2009 at 8:40 pm #29356
Memberhahahahahahahahahahahahahahah…… oooo wow…. hahaha…. god, this thread did a number on me. wow guys, get FIRED UP!!!! thickbrow, I'd almost think you were either related to him, or his lawyer at some point, that was one hell of a defense. Pokenny, man I would have never been able to tell your dixlexic (however the hell you spell that) unless you said so, I always assumed your typos were like mine, too lazy to care or fix 'em.
man, any of you guys ever try to do some of those dance moves he did? king of pop and lock (thats the style of dance, pop and lock) for sure. I've tried, its f'ing difficult.
favorite MJ song anyone? its gotta be thriller, damn thats a classic. Hey, he could do a retake of the video, he won't even need make up anymore.
July 1, 2009 at 8:46 pm #29360Nodanod
Memberlol, 'thriller' n 'beat it' r immense
July 2, 2009 at 12:43 am #29395Thickbrow
MemberIt's so hard to narrow it down to one.
Beat It
Smooth Criminal
Billie Jean
They are all great.
As for him doing a remake of thriller I don't think that is possible now that he is dead. Perhaps you could ask his family at the funeral that is coming up. Go up to them and ask them to remake the video before they lay him to rest.
You disrespectful piece of shit.
As for you pokenny I give up. You obviously didn't even click on the links in my post. You are just a prole who believes anything the media tells him. A perfect example of Implicit memory ala Illusion of truth effect (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Implicit_memory). I guess you really can't help it. I would recommend going back to school.
As for me calling you stupid, you have proven this in your posts. First your spelling is attrocicious. Secondly you don't even bother to look up the facts when I post them right in my comment with the link. (how much easier does it have to get). Finally, you make jokes about dead people. You ARE a stupid inconsiderate disrespectful f*ck.
July 2, 2009 at 12:54 am #29396XeroTheGreat
MemberYou do know Pokenny is dislexic right? Yet you insult his spelling? Pretty harsh, the dude can't help his spelling. You have a go at him for doing this and that, then you insult him on something he can't help?
July 2, 2009 at 1:24 am #29398dizzel22
Memberhaha you know calling people a disrespectful piece of shit and a stupid inconsiderate disrespectful f*ck. is very disrespectful
July 2, 2009 at 2:32 am #29400P0kenny
MemberThickbrow said:
It's so hard to narrow it down to one.
Beat It
Smooth Criminal
Billie Jean
They are all great.
As for him doing a remake of thriller I don't think that is possible now that he is dead. Perhaps you could ask his family at the funeral that is coming up. Go up to them and ask them to remake the video before they lay him to rest.
You disrespectful piece of shit.
As for you pokenny I give up. You obviously didn't even click on the links in my post. You are just a prole who believes anything the media tells him. A perfect example of Implicit memory ala Illusion of truth effect (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I…… I guess you really can't help it. I would recommend going back to school.
As for me calling you stupid, you have proven this in your posts. First your spelling is attrocicious. Secondly you don't even bother to look up the facts when I post them right in my comment with the link. (how much easier does it have to get). Finally, you make jokes about dead people. You ARE a stupid inconsiderate disrespectful f*ck.
Firstly I do look at your links.. and this one says this 'Wikipedia does not have an article with this exact name.'
So shut the f*ck up.
Secondly I try to spell at the best of my abillity, and being dislexic I find it hard most of the time.
So shut the f*ck up.
Thirdly, like I said before, if you don't like what is being posted in this thread. Stop looking in here.
July 2, 2009 at 3:09 am #29403shadeblack
Participantman you've got some issues…
The lack of common sense on this board is hard to believe.
the lack of common sense? aren't you the one who can't interprit a simple joke, or a bit of sarcasm? Yeah I thought so.
When you make these statements that imply or outright state that he is a child molester then you are committing Libel. You are defaming him.
by the way…
I didn't make any statements against him, some kid and several court hearings did; and
I didn't defame him, some kid and several court hearings did.
The reason why you will not be held accountable for what you say here is only because nobody gives a shit about your opinion.
doesn't that somewhat prove my point?
You are a nobody.
and then again?
You have anonymity because you hide behind a computer so you throw respect and decency out the window.
LOL if you say so… believe me, there is no hiding behind a computer.
You say whatever you want, not caring if you are hurting or disrespecting others.
Will do! Y'know, you've got some nerve to say that then tell everyone else to F' off. Ya get me?
It is sad really, but in the end you WILL have to answer for what you have done.
I really don't think St. Peter will send me to hell just for disliking Micheal Jackson…
St. Peter: “Okay, one moment, I'm just checking your life history… Oh.. Whats this!? You don't like Micheal Jackson!? TO HELL WITH YOU!!!”
You have to live with yourself.
Generally speaking, yeah, we do…. Wait, you just figured that out!?
When you end up trying to teach your children about treating others with respect you will know how much of a hypocrite you are.
The last thing I'm gonna do when trying to teach my horrific offspring about respect is tell them about how the late Micheal Jackson never quite got any with the children. I'm fairly certain it might scare them.
wow, and that was just your intro… I gotta step it up a bit!
Before you talk about something you should get your facts straight.
Michael Jackson was found NOT GUILTY! period.
lol, I never said he was :/
A grand jury looked at all the information, heard from all the witnesses and found him NOT GUILTY on all counts.
doesn't mean he didn't do it. like I said, only him or the child in question ONLY knows the truth. and the truth does not always come out in the jury.
IN the CIVIL Lawsuit he settled out of court for 22million. This does not make him guilty you dumb f*ck.
again, never said it did.
A more logical conclusion would be that he paid the boy 22million so that the allegations and media coverage of the case would finally stop.
they're both the same. he pays the boy to stop talking about what he did or did not do together. at the same time, this ends the media frenzy. the logical conclusion is always to rid yourself of more problems at once, rather than one at a time.
You respect the legal system and do all that is asked of you.
so you know what i think now? actually, I think the legal system, though works, is seriously flawed. but you wouldn't know that unless you were either my friend, which your not, or if you had asked me prior to your rediculous rant, which you didn't.
In MJ's case he even allowed the Police to look and take pictures of his private parts to see if they matched up with what the boy said his penis looked like. Could YOU imagine having to do that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No. Nor do i have to, but I wasn't the one accused of molesting a child”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Why are you comparing me to micheal jackson?
…okay i just checked, and I'm fairly certain that I am not Micheal Jackson! *shock!*
The rest of that paragraph is all 'I love MJ because I love MJ' BS and therefore doesn't deserve a reply.
why do you feel the need to make jokes about him? especially after he is dead? IT IS NOT FUNNY!
…I didn't, silly.
When you wrote that statement that “Respect does not exist anymore and that by the age of 40 you will have only 2 people you should respect” I thought to myself “What a shitty attempt at hijacking the thread. What the hell did that contribute to the thread?
Not only did you misquote me, but i believe, you're the one who started talking about respect saying something along the lines of 'you people should have some f*cking respect!', to which my post was entirely accurate and within the bounds of the conversation. since you came straight out with an insult to everyone here (seriously what did you expect by that?), but you then continue your attempt by lecturing others on respect, which ironically ends up with you gaining no respect at all.
-Like i said, “Respect doesn't exist anymore”.
While both these statements are invalid (wrong) It got me thinking… … When i was young I was taught to respect others.
We were also taught that Santa comes down the chimnea to give up presents on christmas.
have a regard for other peoples’ feelings… Even more importantly, respect means treating one with dignity.
is that what you're doing, then? Should I just copy you and tell everyone to shut F' up. To shout everyone down and constantly reassure everyone that I'm right? …YOU have NO IDEA what respect in it's PURE FORM really is.
This is what many of you are lacking.
My point once again. Respect does not exist.
You have no regard for his feelings, the feelings of his family and loved ones or the feelings of the Millions of his fans.
I 'guarantee' you there are millions of his fans making jokes about his death all around the world, all the while listening to his music.
Furthermore, Why in the world should I!? I never knew him, you never knew him. all you know is his music. do you really think you know HIM just because you like his music? …p**s off!
I wouldn't expect some random person to respect me when im dead. I would hardly expect half my own extended family to!
He was found not guilty in a court of law. You should RESPCT this decision. What other evidence do you have? Do you have proof he molested children? Were you a 'victim'?
so you keep saying.
…and no, I shouldn't respect that decision at all. it's my right to have my own opinion on the matter, and i reserve that to the very end! What evidence do i have? none. What proof? NONE! but i don't need any. by the way, have you asked yourself these questions? because what you just asked me, “were you a 'victim'?”, I asked you, to which you replied rather angrily at.
But once again, this was MY point, not yours. Unless you were the either the child or MJ, YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT HAPPENED! AND DESPITE WHAT THE COURT SAID, NEITHER THEY!
Please think about what you are doing. You are making inappropriate jokes about a person who has just DIED!
yes. it is Human Nature to do so as well. for some it helps them pass the reality of it. to deny them the right to do so is to deny them their own feelings. therfore, in 'your' essay's terms is to deny them the respect they deserve to make those jokes. With this, you should at least begin to see why a deeper, more profound respect for, or from someone is earnt, rather than freely given. you hold no value to respect you should give them for doing something that to yourself seems vulgar and immoral, but if you knew that person, got to know them and deeply understood their emotions and feelings, your true respect for would be able to accurately judge them. But right now, you're entire knowledge of respect is based on the prejudice of others.
Innocent until proven Guilty. Enough said.
You forgot something there… Innocent, until proven guilty in a court of law.
July 2, 2009 at 3:59 am #29405P0kenny
MemberThickbrow said:
It’s so hard to narrow it down to one.
Beat It
Smooth Criminal
Billie Jean
They are all great.
As for him doing a remake of thriller I don’t think that is possible now that he is dead. Perhaps you could ask his family at the funeral that is coming up. Go up to them and ask them to remake the video before they lay him to rest.
You disrespectful piece of shit.
As for you
pokennyI give up. You obviously didn’t even click on the links in my post. You are just a prole who believes anything the media tells him. A perfect example of Implicit memory ala Illusion of truth effect (
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I….. I guess you really can’t help it. I would recommend going back to school.As for me calling you stupid, you have proven this in your posts. First your spelling is attrocicious. Secondly you don’t even bother to look up the facts when I post them right in my comment with the link. (how much easier does it have to get). Finally, you make jokes about dead people. You ARE a stupid inconsiderate disrespectful f*ck.
Oh and I forgot, 4 I don’t read the news papers, nor magazines becasue they are full of shit I don’t need to read. So don’t pretend you know me like you pretend you know Micheal Jackson.
so shut the f*ck upAlso I will say this, would you have let your kids stay in his house over night?
Alas what I will say also is this, if the father of the child who was ‘played with’ by Micheal Jackson was actaully played with I would want to see the man put in prisian. I wouldn’t care about money, so the fact that the man took the money and let Micheal Jackson off says a lot.Oh yeah and 5. He didn’t have a f*cking desise, talking about us getting our facts wrong. If I remember correctly, he was on stage and it burnt down with him on it. He was rushed to hospital and had plastic surgery. Hence why he is white now. Please correct me if I am wrong, but if you attempt to call me stupid becasue of my spelling, need I remind you again? I am f*cking dislexic.
July 2, 2009 at 5:10 am #29408Thickbrow
MemberShadeblack. You are truly an arrogant f*ck. You sit there and try to defend your position that making jokes about child molestation towards a person who just died is acceptable. You know nothing about the man. You also know nothing about respect.
As for you Pokenny does Dyslexia non in your family?
When you are not sitting on your grandma's computer writing your garbled impossible to read posts, you are probably panhandling on the side of the street holding a sign “Will f*ck for wood”
Dyslexic or not, can you see that little ABC button with the check mark? use it.
July 2, 2009 at 5:46 am #29410Bdamac
Memberok ok ok this has been going on far too long this back and forth thing between you too guys. Thickbrow you obviously your a fan are what ever im one too but this is getting out of hand you calling pokenny names is not going to do a damn thing but get him angry and in this e-fight no one is win plus he's dyslexic so get off his case about the spelling he cant help it. im also a person with a disability so this is pissing me off when people poke fun not that im saying that off you. pokenny your a cool dude so chill and stand by your opinion im a fan and all that people say about him dont bug me cause everybody is not going to agree about MJ if he was innocent or guilty and thats a true fact.
July 2, 2009 at 5:46 am #29411dizzel22
Memberwow u think makin jokes about a dead kiddy fiddler is what ? equal to making jokes about a guy with dislexia trying to voice his opinion or joke .
Well guess what Thickbrow your a fuckwit
Who knows why ,maybe it's because Jacko's death has upset you and you cant handle jokes
or maybe it's because your on your period and your taking it all too personally just because your a fan
But the end result is your a fuckwit ,no 2 ways about it
Get over it ,stop taking it so personally ,or dont actually it's kinda fun watchin you get pissed off
July 2, 2009 at 5:58 am #29412parnakas
MemberThickbrow said:
As for you Pokenny does Dyslexia non in your family?
When you are not sitting on your grandma's computer writing your garbled impossible to read posts, you are probably panhandling on the side of the street holding a sign “Will f*ck for wood”
Dyslexic or not, can you see that little ABC button with the check mark? use it.
You know what, im going to defend Pokenny here, even though i dont personally know him.
That is a very stupid thing to say you asshole. Is it Pokenny's fault that he has Dyslexia? NO. Did Pokenny choose to have it? NO. Honestly, you can argue with people, but that is just dumb.
I hope your children get Dyslexia, so then you can F**k off. You told Shade he knew nothing about respect? Look at what you just said. You clearly have no respect for a man who has a problem.
And when your not on your grandma's computer, your holding a sign that says: “Look at me, Im an Asshole. I will have sex with your pet for money”.
July 2, 2009 at 8:57 am #29415PS3 Trophies
KeymasterOk I think this has gone on long enough, since alot of you are unable to have a conversation without throwing insults and using a very unecessary language towards eachother I'm locking this thread.
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