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May 5, 2009 at 1:29 am #14050
Memberthis page can be used to just rant about anything…
Money : What is money? Is it not just paper with numbers written on it? People become slaves to money. Theres an expression: “Money cant buy hapiness”. Well in todays world, money IS hapiness. Thats what we live for. We live to achieve money. We work for money. We work for money, then we spend it on our own personal needs. The government forces us to make money. If we dont, we can not live. We can not eat. We can not use a toilet.
So, we are working for ourselves. A lot of people wouldnt just work to make something for someone else to use, unless they got a reward, or payment. Why cant everyone just help each other? Why cant everyone just forget about money? Because money is order. Money is what makes the world go round. Without the simple piece of paper with a number written on it, everyone goes crazy. We lose the one thing in life that we use to grasp onto, and it gives us reason to live. It is THE ONLY reason we go to school. We go to school, so we can get a job to make money, which we use to live.
And what is the main cause of war? Money. People fight for oil, etc. because they cant afford it. USA spends BILLIONS of $ / on warfare, and weapons. They could use that money to help the poor people, that live a bad life because of lack of money.
Imagine. Just imagine what the world would be like without that simple piece of paper. If people just helped each other out, without needing a payment, the world would be a much better place. But that would probably never happen. People are brainwashed by the paper too much, and need money to feel like they have done something. When people accomplish something, they need something to show other people that they have done that thing. Like a big house to show that the person must have a good paying job.
If you disagree, plz comment…. i like discusions lol And yes, i did write this, this is my own personal opinion.
May 5, 2009 at 1:55 am #24536gamer47
MemberFirst, love the to-the-point title. Rants. haha Awesome!
As for your rant on money… you dont know how many times Ive thought about this! I HATE money.. and yet its deemed necessary in developed societies not only to survive (which is the most important thing) but to be able to afford all the unnecessary comforts we have grown accustomed to. I am pretty much a hypocrite on the matter.. because I cant technically hate money or say I dont need money but.. gahh! (Yes, gahh. lol)
The only area I cant wholeheartedly agree on is the part about education. I recognize now, especially with post secondary institutions in Canada, its become more about them chewing us up, taking as much $ as they can and then spitting us out. I know schools are more focused on being good businesses while maintaining the facade that they are ONLY focusing on bettering society… BUT I would have to say money isnt the only reason people may go to school. The law has a lot to do with it. You cant drop out in Canada until you are at least 16, kids! haha. But seriously, I value my education because as much as the tuition prices disgust me, I am still enhancing my foundation of knowledge. If money didnt exist but school existed for its intended purpose.. EDUCATION.. that would be better
And getting back to the money again… theres a huge focal point I could discuss on the relevance of money equating to power. But if I got started on that you would have a bigger novel to read from me than you already do lol
May 5, 2009 at 2:35 am #24541P0kenny
Memberhaha love it. Jeremy Clarkson would be proud.
Why do we have the option to play music from our phones without headphones? I was out getting lunch and desided to eat in a fast food resturant when a group of kids came in, who I would consider to be chav’s, sat down near me and started ‘banging out some tunes’ on their tinny bloody phones. I did not want to hear it, the resturant was already playing music for the customes. Now what is the point of the resturant playing music when some chavy prats want to come in and play music on their f*****g phones! and if anyone goes up to them to ask them to turn it off, all they do is give you lip. I think that it is inconsiderate, uncoth and goes to show what type of people they are. It is the same on a bus, how much does it cost to buy headphones? Not much, sure if there are a few of you, you can’t share headphones… Then play it at home or in a park well out of ear shot of people who find it distasteful. Whats more is the attitued of these younglings! They don’t seem to have any respect to anyone. They chew with their mouths open because everyone wants to see what they are eating, Put their dog shit trainers on the seats of busses… Wear their hair to epasize their stupidaty and wear nothing but tracksuits. I mean tracksuits are for the gym, not for park benches asking everyone who passes by to get them achole/fags from their nearest shop becasue they are 12/14, whilst playing some shitty music from their crappy phones.
May 5, 2009 at 3:22 am #24545gamer47
“Put their dog shit trainers on the seats of busses” stood out to me. I was on the bus one day and the bus driver actually stopped, pulled the bus over, walked down the aisle to some guy and said “Hypothetical situation; a lady has a very important job interview to attend. She's wearing white pants. She chooses to sit where you currently have your feet… when she gets up she realizes there are feces on the backside of her pants. Because of you. Now turn the tables and imagine you're the one with the important interview. How would you feel?”
The 'cool' guy apologized put his feet down then proceeded to take off his hoodie and wipe down the seat where he left dirt from his shoes.
Go bus driver! lol
Some people just don't have common courtesy.
May 5, 2009 at 3:31 am #24549P0kenny
Memberlol at the ‘cool’ guy.
May 5, 2009 at 3:34 pm #24591KILLER369
Memberi hate popularity.
popularity makes people do stupid things like smoke, drink, crime, drugs etc. and if your not popular such as me then the puto pricks standing in their dum ass little circles make fun of you, but wen you present an intelligent argument to the narrow minded imputent pendejo’s they start acting “hard” and agresive. so wat do i do? i ask them “are you hard?” they say yes. i ask “how hard are you?” they say “harder than you” i say “wat are you fu**ing gay? coz ur standing round a bunch of guys” HA HA HA HA HA HA.
then its usually time to leg it….
May 5, 2009 at 4:02 pm #24599shadeblack
Participantask them if they like fish sticks!
May 5, 2009 at 4:04 pm #24601kingawol
MemberShadeBlack said:
ask them if they like fish sticks!
do you like to put fish sticks in your mouth ???
May 5, 2009 at 8:43 pm #24614Knoxie
Memberkingawol said:
do you like to put fish sticks in your mouth ???
do u like 2 have fish sticks 4 tea ???
May 5, 2009 at 8:59 pm #24620shadeblack
ParticipantNuFc_kNoXiE_KiLa said:
kingawol said:
do you like to put fish sticks in your mouth ???
do u like 2 have fish sticks 4 tea ???
May 5, 2009 at 9:02 pm #24621KILLER369
MemberLol i did 1ce but they dint fall for it.
its so funny having a bunch a fagy bitches chasin ya. if they get to close tho i just start scramblin up the mountain. im very skillful in mountain warfare lol
May 5, 2009 at 11:49 pm #24625XeroTheGreat
MemberOne thing that makes me sick: stereotypes. They are all around us. I'll take for example a classic stereotype: The hard worker in school who comes in, does his/her best, stays out of everyone elses way, and for this gets called some stupid name like a 'Geek' or 'Nerd'. Nobody deserves that, and I think it's sick that it happens.
Oh and to the original post, Life without money would be more corrupt in my opinion. It is common for someone to think that money is the cause of everything, and in some senses, it is, but how would the hard workers get rewarded more than the lazy people who hardly contribute to society?
May 6, 2009 at 12:41 am #24626Ratchet525
Memberparnakas said:
this page can be used to just rant about anything…
Money : What is money? Is it not just paper with numbers written on it? People become slaves to money. Theres an expression: “Money cant buy hapiness”. Well in todays world, money IS hapiness. Thats what we live for. We live to achieve money. We work for money. We work for money, then we spend it on our own personal needs. The government forces us to make money. If we dont, we can not live. We can not eat. We can not use a toilet.
So, we are working for ourselves. A lot of people wouldnt just work to make something for someone else to use, unless they got a reward, or payment. Why cant everyone just help each other? Why cant everyone just forget about money? Because money is order. Money is what makes the world go round. Without the simple piece of paper with a number written on it, everyone goes crazy. We lose the one thing in life that we use to grasp onto, and it gives us reason to live. It is THE ONLY reason we go to school. We go to school, so we can get a job to make money, which we use to live.
And what is the main cause of war? Money. People fight for oil, etc. because they cant afford it. USA spends BILLIONS of $ / on warfare, and weapons. They could use that money to help the poor people, that live a bad life because of lack of money.
Imagine. Just imagine what the world would be like without that simple piece of paper. If people just helped each other out, without needing a payment, the world would be a much better place. But that would probably never happen. People are brainwashed by the paper too much, and need money to feel like they have done something. When people accomplish something, they need something to show other people that they have done that thing. Like a big house to show that the person must have a good paying job.
If you disagree, plz comment…. i like discusions lol And yes, i did write this, this is my own personal opinion.
Lol i actually wrote an essay paper on how chaotic the world would be without money.
May 6, 2009 at 12:52 am #24629KILLER369
Memberthe most ironic thing about humanity is the things we need to survive will eventually be our downfall or death.
May 6, 2009 at 1:32 am #24630P0kenny
MemberHowever Killer, the fact we strive to servive wouldn’t be our downfall. Simpley becasue serviving is what we do best.
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