Red Dead Redemption Trophy Guide
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June 15, 2010 at 1:07 am #15649
MemberRed Dead Redemption
49 – Trophies
1 – Platinum
2 – Gold
12 – Silver
34 – Bronze
Estimated time for Platinum 50-60 hours
1 missable trophy – Spurred To Victory
Legend of the West – Platinum
Simple just get all the trophies excluding DLC.
That Government Boy – Bronze
Complete the mission Exodus in America.
Land of Opportunity – Bronze
Complete the mission Assault on Fort Mercer.
Sons of Mexico – Bronze
Complete the mission the The Gates of El Presidio.
No More Fancy Words – Bronze
Complete the Mission An Appointed Time.
A Savage Soul – Bronze
Complete the Mission at Home With Dutch.
The Benefits of Civilization – Bronze
Complete the Mission And the Truth Will Set You Free.
Into the Sunset – Bronze
Complete the Mission The Last Enemy That Shall Be Destroyed.
Nurture or Nature – Gold
Complete the Stranger Task unlocked in Blackwater after completing The Last Enemy That Shall Be Destroyed.
High Roller – Bronze
For this trophy you need to win 2000 chips in a single round of Texas Hold em Poker this includes the chips you place into the pot too. I would do this at either of the Poker tables in Blackwater as pots can go above 2000 chips often at these tables. Make sure you actually have some good cards before you go for this trophy as you don't want to be losing all the chips only go for it if you have at least a 10 or 2 of the same card giving a guaranteed pair which wins most rounds. Remember not to bid to high when going for the trophy as you don't want the other players to fold until you have 2000 in the pot so raise it over time as not to scare off any unsuspecting victims. But once you have 2000 in the pot try as hard as you can to scare everyone into folding as you don't want to work this hard to get beat by a lucky bastard with higher pair.
No Dice – Bronze
For this trophy you need to win a game of liars dice without losing a die to make things easier try knocking into people around the table if theirs more than one person their so you only have to beat one person i found it easiest in Thieves Landing as this also unlocked part of an Outfit needed for 100%. Anyway the aim of the game is to try and give as accurate a prediction as you can of how many dice of the same number are on the table you can look at your own to see how many you have giving you an idea and as long as their is at least the number you predict on the table you won't loose a dice if they call bluff. As your opponent looses more dice it becomes easier as sometimes the opponent may say for instance when he has 1 die left their is 3 4's yet you only have 1 and he can only possibly have one too so watch out for their silly mistakes and you'll have this in no time.
What About Hand Grenades – Bronze
Possibly the most frustrating trophy in the game for me for this trophy you must get a ringer in a game of horseshoes this means to throw a horseshoe so it lands with it's two sides on either side of the post it's a game of timing and can be completely random a friend of mine got it first go but for me it took 32 mins of playing to get lucky so just stick at it it'll happen sooner or later.
Austin Overpowered – Silver
For this one you must Complete these 3 hideouts in single player Twin Rocks, Gaptooth Breach and Pikes Basin it sounds challenging but I can assure you it's about 15 mins of work there very simple and you don't even have to complete the guys tasks at each one as long as you kill the bad guys and get out alive. Anyway Twin Rocks is situated in the top of the map in Austin like all the rest hence Austin overpowered between believe it or not two twin rocks. Gaptooth Breach is alongside the rail road in the South west it's an abandoned Mine shaft full of TNT for easy explosive kills on your enemies or irritating deaths because you misjudged the size of the explosion. and finally Pikes Basin in the north east the entrance is between two sheer cliffs so it's easy to spot.
Evil Spirits – Silver
For this one you only need to takedown 2 gang hideouts Tumbleweed and Tesoro Azul the first in Austin it's an abandoned town with a mansion at the top where the gang leader is. And Tesoro Azul is in the South West of Mexico so when you unlock Mexico after the the Gates of El Presidio mission head over there and clear it out to get you next trophy.
Instinto Asesino – Silver
Again only 2 hideouts this time Fort Mercer and Nosalida the first can only be done after the mission The Assault on Fort Mercer and the 2nd after you unlock Mexico it's situated on it's most western peak after you beat them both you have another easy Silver.
Fightin' Around the World – Bronze
This one is quite fun and it's simple just knock some idiot out in all the saloons in the game preferably not a woman or lawman cos you might get in trouble and don't worry about getting killed fist fights can only knock you or your opponent to the ground not kill them or you. There is 7 saloons in the game their situated in.
. Armadillo
. Rathskellers Fork
. Thieves Landing
. Blackwater
. Escalara
. Chuparose
. Casa Madrugada
Strange Things Are Afoot – Bronze
From time to time you will come across some maniacs more commonly referred to as “Strangers” they show up as Question marks on your mini map and map theres 19 in total but one is optional and not required for 100% completion but will unlocks this trophy. Anyway Just simply do as they ask and you'll get your trophy.
People Are Still Strange – Silver
Same as above but do 15 of them.
Buckin' Awesome – Bronze
For this you must break in these 3 horses they are the 3 best in the game so it's worth doing it as then you unlocks that horse for sale or you can just keep the one you broke in. Anyway you'll find them in…
. Kentucky Saddler – You break this one in at either of the 2 Horsebreaking jobs in Chuparose or at the Ranch in Austin it's simple just keep your character stable by moving the the left analogue stick while horse tries to buck him off they can take from 10 – 45 seconds to break in depending on how well your balancing.
. American Standard Bred – This Black Horse can be found strutting round your ranch in Elizabeth lasso him then climb on and break him in then he is all yours.
. Hungarian Half Bred – This one like to roam around the plains of Mexico and you can't miss him completely White again lasso him and break him in and then the trophy is all yours.
Clemency Pays – Bronze
for this one you need to capture a bounty alive by lassoing him, hogtying and placing him on your horse to be transported off to jail and on your way to the jail try to make sure none of his friends accidently shoot him as him or you for that matter as it's very annoying.
Dastardly – Bronze
Sounds fun but is glitchy as hell took me 5 goes to get this done but really it's simple find awoman preferably a whore as she deserves it and makes funny noises as she rides on the back of your horse, then lasso her preferably when the law isn't looking or your gonna have to pop em or any bloody witnesses but back on track but her on the horse and go to the railroad out of the way of towns and dangerous animal locations as they tend to ruin the fun place across the tracks not along them or she'll get wedged under train causing a major catastrophe as then there is a hoe holding up the train forever making you have to load up your save again. If done right though wait for the train and watch her get the hardest ploughing of her dirty little life. Also i would do this either Austin or Mexico as the blue train in Elizabeth wouldn't work for me she'd just get decimated and no trophy.
Exquisite Taste – Bronze
Buy any of these 5 weapons the all needed for 100% so don't be tight with your cash and buy the best.
. Lemat Revolver – 9 shot medium power
. Semi Auto Shotgun – 5 shot high power
. Carcano Rifle – 5 shot high power
. Evans Repeater – 22 shot medium power
. Mauser Pistol – 15 shot medium power
Bearly Legal – Bronze
Besides being my favourite trophy name of all time this needs you to kill and skin 18 bears. Don't be too hatey to run in and start finding bears as their formidable foes 2 hits will kill and 1 will kill your horse so if you still going for the spurred to victory trophy leave him at home for this one and bring a buffalo rifle instead unlocked after the 5th hunter challenge if not any shotgun or rifle will do provided you get a headshot so stay sharp. After skinning a few consider saving as you don't want to die when you collected 17/18 and have to restart like a certain someone but don't worry too much it's fairly quick to get as their in high population throughout Tall Trees in Elizabeth and their pelts are worth a fair bit too.
He Cleans up Well – Bronze
very easy just make yourself $70 no questions asked and head over to |Thieves Landing and buy the suit from the tailors this suit allows you to cheat while playing poker as it's perk.
More Than a Fistful – Bronze
Simple make $10,000 throughout your story you can spend as much as you want. Easy money is made from Bounties, Selling Pelts of Animals especially the later hunter challenge pelts or gold bars found in the treasure hunter challenges.
Frontiersman – Bronze
For this your going to need to complete rank 10 of any ambient challenge theres 4 to choose from.
. Master Hunter – Hardest finding little animals is a bitch and don't use high powered weapons on them for gods sake they just disappear
. Sharpshooter – 3rd easiest although the my first completion.
. Survivalist – 2nd Easiest use survivalist maps to help you find the herbs your looking for.
. Treasure Hunter – Easiest can be done in 20-30 mins with a guide or just use your head not too hard.
The Gunslinger – Silver
How this is a silver is beyond me but i'm not complaining just go to options change aiming from normal to expert and score a headshot if your using a sniper you won't even see the difference.
Man of Honour/Chivalry's Dead – Bronze
For this your going to need to get to either highest or lowest honour rank and highest fame rank honour is earned by helping people and completing missions like fame but honour is lost by killing innocents or lawmen or domesticated animals.
Gold Medal – Bronze
For this one i did the mission Political Questioning in Armadillo ( i know the names wrong but you'll get the jist of it sorry) for this just run straight up to the saloon get on your horse follow the baddie to his hideout and headshot all 5 guards with dead eye to make sure you don't miss and then pop the ugly mug in the face when he walks out and the trophy is all yours. Missions are replayable from the Stats part of the pause menu.
Manifest Destiny – Bronze
Easy and Fun just kill all the Buffalo on the Great Plains if you skin them their pelts and meat is worth a large sum so do it if your low on cash or your after the The more than a fistful trophy as theres about 20 of them. Happy Hunting
On the Trail of De Vaca – Bronze
Find all locations on your map you could do this the old fashioned way or you just buy maps from dealers throughout the west to help boost this you can these maps at…
. Hennigans $25
. Armadillo $30 another at $40
. Thieves Landing $35
. Chuparosa – $45 another $50
. Blackwater $55
. Manzanita $60
You'll need all of these maps to unlock.
Friends in High Places – Bronze
First of all your going to need a Pardon Letter press select and look in your inventory for one if you have one make your way to Chuparosa in Mexico preferably before you reach highest fame rank and have all bounties halved to save you the effort. Climb up on top of the Saloon there crates at the back which act as a staircase which only you can use. Once up there you'll realise that it's got a low wall all round the building to take cover from enemy fire and if you stay still you loose your wanted level. (I've gotta give credit to gow2rules for showing me this one thanks mate.) so start killing everyone so the mexican army comes after you kill these guys and if they all die but you haven't got a $5000 bounty yet run off over the wall and camp save your game and head back to where you were and kill all the new people there repeat if needed once you get a $5000 bounty stay still behind cover until you loose your wanted level now climb down and head the the telegraph station across the street and hand in your Pardon Letter and the trophy is yours.
Redeemed – Gold
This for completing single player to 100% for this you'll need to of have…
. Completed all 57 missions
. Completed all 18 of the stranger tasks (excluding the the I Know You stranger task)
. Finished 9 Outfits (excluding Waltons Gang as this is a PS3 exclusive outfit and apparently you don't need it)
. Finish all Gang Hideouts
. Complete 20 Bounties Dead or Alive. 8 in mexico 8 in Austin and 4 in Elizabeth
. Complete all 4 ambient Challenges
. Collect all 5 Rare Weapons
. Complete all 5 Jobs 3 Nightwatch 2 Horsebreakers
. Win at all Gambling Mini Games one of each
. Complete Map Locations
. Buy all 13 Safehouses
Spurred to Victory – Bronze
For this simply finish 20 missions with the same horse so don't hitch any other horses you ride while you wait to get this trophy i recommend starting after you wrangle the Stallion with Bonnie as it's a good Horse. This Trophy is missable so makes sure you get it or have to replay the story again.
Heading South On a White Bronco – Bronze
First of all you going to need to break the Hungarian Half Bred then makes your way to armadillo and and enter the saloon go upstairs over the bar and start shooting keep killing everyone until you've killed at least 20 lawmen or every lawmen in town then run off and camp but don't save go to your map while in camp and mark up the marshes between Macfarlanes Ranch and Thieves Landing then travel to destination from camp as soon as you start you will have the marshals on your back so head across the marshes towards the river separating Austin from Mexico the reason why head across the marshes is to slow down the marshals so you can loose them once lost stand next to the river on the Austin Side until the trophy comes up.
Mowing Them Down – Silver
For this you need 500 mounted weapon kills this is easiest done in Multiplayer with a friend to watch your back in El Presidio there is many Cannons on the walls to hold off lawmen attacks so obtain a bounty by shooting a guard or even a lantern and start your killing spree this took me 45 mins to get and was rather tedious but if you want Platinum your gonna have to suck it up.
In a Hail Of Bullets – Silver
I got this by the end of the Story but it's even easier to obtain in multiplayer doing gang hideouts keep grinding away and you'll get there. BTW it's for 500 Pistols and Revolvers kills
Long Arm of Marston – Silver
I also got his by the end of the story but again it's easier to do while doing gang hideouts just keep doing it you'll be there in no time. 500 Kills with repeaters, rifles and shotguns
Bullseye – Bronze
This is for 250 Headshots easily obtainable in either single or multiplayer use dead eye on single player to maximize your chances.
Unnatural Selection – Bronze
Sorry animal lovers but for ths one you must kill one of each wild animal not domesticated so non wild horses and dogs are safe but evrything else must die there is 26 different species to kill heres a list and popular location for them…
. Armadillo – Mexico throughout
. Bears – Tall Trees
. Beavers – Tall Trees
. Bighorn – Tall Trees
. Boars – Tall Trees
. Bobcats – Tall Trees
. Buffalo – The Great Plains
. Cougars – Rio Bravo
. Coyote – Everywhere
. Crows – Everywhere
. Deer – Everywhere
. Ducks – During the Mission based stranger task Nurture or Nature there is lots of ducks at the end.
. Eagles – Tall Trees
. Elk – Tall Trees
. Foxes – Tall Trees
. Hawks – Mexico
. Wild Horses – Everywhere
. Owls – Everywhere at Night
. Rabbits – Everywhere
. Raccoons – Tall Trees
. Seagulls – Blackwater Docks
. Skunks – Armadillo near the building at night
. Snakes – Listen for hissing Everywhere
. Songbirds – Tall Trees
. Vultures – In sky after cleared gang hideout
. Wolves – Tall Trees
Have Gun Will Travel – Silver
Complete all gang hideouts in 1 public session either alone or with friends and strangers takes about 40 mins fairly easy
Slow On The Draw – Bronze
Get 10 assists in 1 public session gang hideout. Get a Friend and head to either Gaptooth Ridge or Sollomans Folly and see who he shoots then finish them once complete vice versa can be irritating.
Hit The Trail – Bronze
Get from Blackwater to Escalara before sundown at midnight be in Blackwater mark escalara on your map and ride at a steady speed it's quite easy i had plenty of time to spare so just don't career of the side of a cliff.
Posse Up – Bronze
This is where being popular helps lol get 7 friends together and if you don't have 7 friends use the thread on here to find some other people to help the posse leader gets the trophy so leave once you get it and let the next posse leader invite you back in so he can get the trophy and so on til you al get it.
The Quick and Everyone Else – Silver
You can either just win 3 FFA matches in a row fair and square like i did or get some friends together and let eachother win 3 in a row and kick anyone who joins your session as it must be done in public.
How the West was Won – Silver
Reach top rank online before the recent update boosting your level was easy on sollmans folly but Rockstar ruined our fun and know you get a 3rd of the XP you would so if you wanna level quick first sign out and delete the update if you've already downloaded it and start the game cancel the download and start a single player game then pause choose multiplayer and LAN fortunately the online scores are saved to your hard drive not an online server so you can boost your level in LAN the full XP like god wanted it to be and if you got mates bring em round n have a LAN party to liven things up rather go solo.
Go Team – Silver
Win 4 team games in a row fortunatly me and my posse are pretty good and we got this without “cheating” but if you must do the same as The Quick and The Dead but with a friend in team games.
Most Wanted – Bronze
Simple last 10 minutes whilst a public enemy ( $1000 Bounty) and then evade the law you can do this the same way as Friends in High PLaces but have a friends keep an eye on you as some people are douchebags and will try n kill you whilst your a public enemy as you must do this in Public.
Red Dead Rockstar – Bronze
The final Trophy Yay!!! but you already got this probs just kill someone with this trophy which is almost everyone and it's yours.
Hope you found this useful guys and have fun going for Platinum i sure did
June 15, 2010 at 6:58 am #62604The General
MemberGreat guide man.
June 15, 2010 at 2:49 pm #62610monkeymoobs
Memberthanks mate
June 15, 2010 at 2:57 pm #62611gow2rules
Membergreat guide as usual
August 21, 2010 at 12:31 am #65560monkeymoobs
Memberjust wondering when this guide is gonna get added to the list cos I spent bloody ages making this lol
August 21, 2010 at 12:56 am #65567Miiiitch
MemberYou know it takes at least 2-3 months to be ''evaluated”.
August 21, 2010 at 1:04 am #65570GHOST305
MemberQuick question regarding the “killing all animals” trophy…I've killed every animal except the buffalo. I've also done this in multiplayer. Is that a problem? or can I find a buffalo in multiplayer? My friend did this trophy in multiplayer also…
August 21, 2010 at 1:56 am #65578gr8jrfan
MemberDid the buffalo glide after being killed and then were just dropped or did the bullet(s) kill him dead in his tracks? Only the latter counts.
August 21, 2010 at 1:58 am #65579Ratchet525
Membergr8jrfan said:
Did the buffalo glide after being killed and then were just dropped or did the bullet(s) kill him dead in his tracks? Only the latter counts.
October 3, 2010 at 7:55 pm #66990JEG050
Participanthow hard is this game to platinum? just wondering as i may borrow it from a friend.
October 10, 2010 at 2:01 am #67109Doc-B
MemberIt's not really that hard… But the level 50 trophy would take a while and there are a couple of online silvers that could be a pain.
But the game itself isn't difficult…
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