I hired Saints2 only had it for 3days so this is based on only a few days play.
I think it similar to the first Saints, few changes but more in the direction of GTA4, at many times i just thought i was playing GTA4.
The graphics are ok but for the most part i think GTA4 looks better with more use of HDR lighting and such and also has a more real look than Saints does, saints is more a cartoon looking textures, hard to explain but i hope you know what i mean? some things look great like explosions and seeing smoke poring out of a blown up car looks incredible.
To be honest the whole GTA/Saints was great a few years back and while i do enjoy them alot it just getting a little old and can end up just being a game where you spend more time doing nothing than playing the missions hence why Trophies would really give a game like this more life, why it dont have it is anyones guess.
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