So i read today that SOE (Sony Online Entertainment), in what they called “An effort to reduce costs and streamline its global workforce.”, have cancelled the planned 2011 spy based MMO called 'The Agency'… Along with firing 205 of their staff and closing 3 studios.
It's a shame really, because i was looking forward to an MMO i might be interested in… I enjoyed playing Alpha Protocol and was looking forward to playing something that provided a 'deeper' experience, whilst staying with the stealth/RPG/espionage theme.
When will there be a decent MMO i can play on my Ps3
, not saying DCUO isn't good… I've not played it myself and TBH I've not really seen anyone playing it much either, it's just not interesting to me – Superhero-ism… And i'm not into FF games… Free Realms anyone? 
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