The Dark Knight Rises ***Spoilers***
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July 27, 2012 at 3:01 am #16153
MemberThis movie seems to be dividing opinion and gathering a nice bit of discussion in the main movies thread but it's hard to actually flesh out a post without giving away vital plot or events in the movie. So this thread is for those that have seen it and want to chat about it properly.
(Anyone that hasn't seen it and still clicked into this thread deserves to have the film ruined for them!)
So I'm going to start with my own personal rating; a fairly dodgy 6/10. That's a bit harsh considering how far ahead of most other movies TDKR is but, in terms of what it could have been, I think it's fair.
I am not that critical when it comes to movies. I view things in broad strokes and generally if a movie entertains and excites me I'll overlook small mistakes or stupid decisions. Take The Dark Knight for example. I can't think of one single plot hole. Not because they're not there, but because I was so enraptured by the movie I never even thought to look.
TDKR has not been so fortunate. My first issue was with the pacing. I understand that the movie has to be a reasonable length but I still felt it was far too compressed both in terms of editing and the actual story timeline. Batman's transformations from cripple (leg) to superhero and later from cripple (back) to superhero were ridiculous. There are professional athletes that strive for months to come back from injuries half as bad. I know it's a movie but I like them to be slightly believable.
Also, Batman's exile to the hole, happened awful quickly considering it was supposed to be on the other side of the world. The whole city is surrounded by cops and the army but somehow Bane smuggled him out and returned unnoticed. And Bruce's return was just clumsy. He climbs out of the hole with nothing but somehow gets across the planet and into a fortified city… The director avoids having to explain how by just completely ignoring it. And does anyone else think that with just a little more planning and ingenuity (a plank? more rope?) that the hole might have been a lot easier to get out of?
Major events like the fall of the city into anarchy are just background and never properly examined. I know it all has to happen in a single movie but it really is a big deal to not even throw a montage!
And then there's the host of small problems like day suddenly becoming night while Bane escapes from the stock exchange. According to his download it happened in less than five minutes. In the plane hijack (which did look awesome) I was watching his troops sliding down between the planes wondering how, at that speed, they weren't trailing behind the plane being whipped along like streamers. Again, I know it's a movie but Batman isn't The Fast and the Furious, it generally uses physics.
But by far the scene that bothered me most was the police charging Bane's henchmen at the end of the movie. On their way into the sewers the cops were being led by hundreds of SWAT team officers all armed to the teeth and covered in body armour. Yet in their final charge it's basically the traffic corps running with pistols and truncheons. Not that they need have worried! Because luckily for them, Bane's trained killers armed with machine guns suddenly develop the accuracy of Bond villains and can't hit shit!
And I'd love to know how the cannons on Batman's bike (after doing their best to destroy single vehicles all through the movie) managed to vaporise about eight cars to clear the barricade at the end…
There were other things that bugged me but I can't remember them now. And while all the obove crap is me at my most pedantic and unforgiving, had the movie actually excited me at all I wouldn't have noticed any of it (except the police charge, that was retarded.) The first two installments had me glued to the screen and on the edge of my seat. Sucked into the story from the first scene and grinning like an idiot. TDKR just seemed to build forever without ever really taking off and it's my disappointmet that's really fueling my ire. A lot of the above might suggest I dislike the movie. I don't, I'm just indifferent to most of it. And after the first two masterpieces that really is well short of the mark.
July 27, 2012 at 4:33 am #72101scotty243
MemberI actually have to agree on the pacing of Batman/Bruce Wayne becoming crippled on and off. I thought it was a little too much but I did like seeing him rise out of The Pitt.
Saying that The Pitt was one of my favorite scenes in the film, I wish it was a bit longer showing him on his final last try up. It was cool seeing him broken and to RISE but I wish it was more impactful than just him jumping and then skipping most of it. Maybe the reason I liked it so much was because it wasn't filled with explosions and people dying but instead it was a more quieter moment and showed that any person can fall, but with courage, hope, and anger could make you overcome your fears and conquer them. I could be taking The Pitt too far, but I absolutely loved it.
Alright for the police charging the criminals at the end, I did find it a little too ridiculous because all these criminals have guns and you're just going to charge them?? The one thing I wanted to see was an all out brawl between both sides in that street which they kinda showed in the trailer. I thought I was going to be wowed and I was actually on the edge of my seat waiting for it to happen but it never showed.
The thing I absolutely LOVED in this film was Robin John Blake. Not only is Joseph Gordon-Levitt my favorite actor, but in this film he just blew me away. I was totally invested in him and he was the thing that made me enjoy the film more. Seeing how uncorrupted, dedicated, and herioc made me root for him. Hopefully we can get a film about him someday?? I honestly do think he should be in the Batman universe instead of this film alone. Whiny fanboy,”But his name is Robin, and Robin is in the comics.” First of all, go fcuk yourself because there was no John Blake in the comics and Robin's character never had the name of Robin dipsh!t.
I've been seeing stuff about this film being super emotional and people crying but the only time I got a little bit of tears in my eyes was when Batman died (I know, but to me Bruce Wayne lived and Batman died. NOT Batman lived or whatnot.) I just couldn't find anything else to be super emotional about, maybe Alfred's last talk with Bruce about Rachel's letter was pretty impactful.
To me personally, I found The Dark Knight Rises to be less memorable. I still have scenes in my head from The Dark Knight where the police go into the construction building and Batman is trying to save the real hostages while trying to get the SWAT team to stop. Most of the stuff that I remembered was mainly due to the trailers but I did enjoy seeing Robin Blake having the Bat-Cave at the end was probably the most memorable and The Pitt. The fight where Batman has his back broken was a little too quick and didn't feel quite memorable as it should have been.
I have few things that bothered me terribly after exiting the theater and thought about. During the final fight, where the hell are all the civilians?? It seemed like all the city consisted of was cops and orphans. If I was in the city (and I bet some of you guys would too) I'd fight back and take back the city I love (although I know I'd get my ass handed to me badly
). Whiny fanboy,”But they are in there houses trying to stay safe from the fight.” Well, if the word is spreading around the city that a nuclear bomb is about to go off, I sure as hell either do 2 things: Fight or get the fcuk out of there.
The second thing that bothered me was the final battle with Bane and Batman. It just happened so quick and it seemed anti-climatic because it just didn't have the feel of THIS IS IT. I was really disappointed with that alot…
The third thing that bothered me is the whole nuke thing at the end. I know Bane is a terrorist and stuff but nuking a whole city just felt a little too much and save the world-ish for me. Hopefully you guys understand the short paragraphs…
And the twist and turns in the plot. I saw them ALL coming besides the Robin thing, of course. I kinda thought Batman would die and Blake would inherit or become the new Batman before I saw the film and it happened! The whole Talia Al Ghul thing was hinted all through out the trailers (at least it was for me). What else? I don't know but it's as if Christopher and Jonathan Nolan went in my damn dreams and stole those plot points
. Lol
Oh and Bruce Wayne's prints. I wished Batman's identity would be revealed and during the final battle, Bruce would have everything but his mask on and fighting for his city. I don't know but it sounds cool to me…
Overall, I really enjoyed the film despite the flaws I listed. I highly enjoyed Robin Blake alot
on screen and wished he was in the Batman universe. Is it the perfect, epic, and best Batman story to have come out? Not in my opinion but it's a pretty damn good film. Hopefully when I get the chance to read Knightfall and No Man's Land, they'll be the Batman story for me. Maybe even The Long Halloween….
July 27, 2012 at 2:38 pm #72082emdeepee
MemberFor me one of the problems was that it seemed to be more about Bruce Wayne, when all I wanted to see was Batman kicking ass!
Also, did Bane die? Did the Mayor die? These things 'seemed' to happen but there was never any confirmation (unless I missed something, I did go to a late showing after a long day at work).
I thought Anne Hathaway did a good job and banished the memories of Halle Berry too.
One final thing. I wished they'd left Cillian Murphy's involvement to just Batman Begins as his two pointless cameos in the subsequent films have kind of diminished the impact of that character for me!
July 27, 2012 at 7:30 pm #72083scotty243
Member@ Emdeepee
That's one of the reasons it felt so anti-climatic to me. Bane just died and we didn't get that EPIC final battle where Batman just rises and uses all his strength to beat him. I was waiting for that part too
As for Cillian Murphy I thought he was actually going to be in the final battle, guess not…..
I hate to be following you guys but the more and more I actually think about this film, some of it just doesn't make sense. For instance, the nuke. I could sound completely stupid on this part but hear me out, wouldn't the radiation have gotten into the water and spreaded through the air into Gotham? Or was it far enough to where it couldn't have? Ah, I don't know.
Ra's Al Ghul's cameo seemed kinda pointless to me too….
July 27, 2012 at 10:27 pm #72080gr8jrfan
MemberI was going to write a post doing some sort of theories to 1773's points but it'd literally look like I was grasping at straws and I stopped and deleted it all when I laughed at how ridiculous my theory for the missing guns and armor was. It's not our job to do the guessing here. It's the movies to explain it to us. While I think some parts such as the plane breach and police charge were far fetched, I kept in mind it was for the sake of the movie. Crazy shit like that probably happens in the comics so it's not too much of a bother as well. I won't deny I was genuinely hyped at these parts despite the utter stupidity.
The mayor is definitely dead. For a small second you saw the box he was in blow up in the stadium. Bane is also dead. He was killed by the blast from the bike. I agree that the last fight could've definitely been longer. Look at the prequel Star Wars films. If there's a single thing they did right, it's the end fight scenes. It's literally them slashing at each other across a gigantic area for at least five minutes until somebody dies or gets injured. It shouldn't be smack, smack, climb up stairs, punch punch punch, kick through door, end. To top it off with the bike shot… Pretty anticlimactic.
On the occupation: In an occupation, you're being fed rumors basically. Noone knew when the bomb was going to go off. For example, that one team that met up with Fox said that they thought the bomb would detonate in a couple days but Fox corrected him, stating it'd go off in 23 hours. Another thing, everyone's probably way too scared to face them. For god's sake, they hung the team on top of the bridge for everyone to see. That'd scare off the ordinary guy, I think… Let's say if you even knew what was going on, it'd be a rumor. “A ragtag group of police are going to lead an assault on Bane by charging into tank and enemy fire.” Does that sound successful to you? I'd be with you on taking the chance of taking the city but I'm not sure if everyone would be so courageous especially when there's a madman with a bomb detonator in his hand…
The only two things that bothered me were when Gordon lit up a flare and the Bat symbol was burnt into the building. Like what the fcuk? You had the time to set that up while your city's in danger?
And the other being how Catwoman suddenly knew how to drive the bike and use the feature that spins the wheels around sideways…
All in all, I really enjoyed the movie. I saw it twice, even
I think the Dark Knight might be slightly better but I just really don't like to compare the movies when they're in a trilogy. I loved all of them and I'd rate TDKR a respectible 8.75/10. It was all out action and in my opinion, the little things didn't detract from my experience. Bane is super badass and maybe one day we'll get another Batman movie with Blake. They don't need Bruce, they just need to know Batman saved them
All characters were great, taking away Chris O Donell ice skating and whatnot…
Not much else comes to mind at the moment. I'm shocked to see some of you weren't as pleased as I was…
Edit: What was your guys' interpretation of the pitt? To me, it was Bruce Wayne's life. He fell (his parent's death) and only when he mustered all of his strength and spirit he overcame it. He climbed until he discovered the bats (Batman) and that contributed to him making the jump (Bane, his greatest foe) Eventually he made it outside to freedom (his life beyond the suit). I may be overthinking it, he could just be fcuking climbing, but I think that's exactly what the pitt meant.
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