Todays Youth ..
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October 6, 2009 at 9:24 pm #14865
MemberIm not trying to sound like an eighty your old man who just got egged yelling ” Darn you babbling kids !” Im here to complain . Im 15 and currently attend 10th grade , im no punk , i just go to school , study , hang with friends .. the average teen day . Well , on my way outside of school , i couldnt help but notice the 14 year old kids smoking … yes thats right . The first 4 weeks into highschool teens are already throwing their lives away to a mere cigarette. Heres hundreds on companies trying to preserve health and stop this, and then we get the grade 9ers just throwing it all away . This kind of stuff really grinds my gears , the ignorant teens these days that dont use the minds that were given to them is steadily rising .
Keep in mind this is my rant and not any one else's . So what do you guys think … have you seen this before ? Care to share an experience ?
October 6, 2009 at 9:31 pm #45073monkeymoobs
Memberyeah i can ***NO PROFANE LANGUAGE PLEASE*** chavs i dont mind smokers but there some douchebags round where i live who do nothing but throw stuff at people who have a life then get there 20 year old brothers on you when you nail one in the face with an apple that they threw at you first and the police do nothing cos there kids bout time we started executing these mother f****rs before they get out of hand.
October 6, 2009 at 9:47 pm #45077BigWoopMagazine
MemberI've done this before. I started smoking when I was 13. I tried to quit about 8 times before I finally did my freshman year in college (18yrs old). The only way I could do it was to get a friend to take my cigs from me any time I lit up, and luckily he lived 2 doors down from me in the dorms, and was bigger than me, so it would have been stupid to hit him. I still wish I had never started, I still feel pain in my chest randomly from time to time. It was amazing the stuff I hocked up after that. Well, amazingly gross. Anyway, good for you for being smart. It doesn't do anything for you and realizing that is what made me want to quit. They just smell bad, taste bad, cost money, make you feel like shit, and I can't name one positive thing. However, in my defense, and others, teenagers always make dumb choices. I made a dumb choice, and so did they. You'll probably make different dumb choices, no offense intended. Unfortunately, this one in particular is an addictive dumb choice, and its one you can make 5 or more times a day, easy. A big problem with most people is that as soon as you tell them not to do something, they want to do it. Suddenly your “cool” for breaking the rules. This is not always the case (it can be, but use judgement!). Anyway the thing that really gets me is why are these things even legal? They contain one of the most addictive substances known to man, nicotine, which has absolutely no medical use, is not a food, and is a drug. Looking at US laws, it really doesn't make sense, until you realize that its because of taxes. Our government makes so much money on taxing these things, that it doesn't matter how many people die of horrible cancer, they still won't outlaw them. When you work in the cancer ward in a couple hospitals, and see cancer patients that still want to go out for a smoke, and then think about why this is legal… well, it really makes you sick. At least, it makes me sick. Kudos to you dude. The best thing you can do now is be a role model to your peers and talk to your friends about it if they partake. Seriously, it even sounds stupid to me as I type it, but its the only thing that works. No teenager wants to hear it from an authority figure or some stupid ad on tv, but when their peers stop accepting them, sometimes it has an effect, cause they realize “oh god, maybe I'm not cool!”. Sorry for the essay, but you asked!
October 6, 2009 at 10:01 pm #45079x_D3adk0wn_x
Memberi smoke myself and have since grade 10, but it has gotten worse since i was in my early teens.. kids today are FAR more into drugs, and everything else than when i was their age.. hell there's kids i know that are more tangled up in drugs, sex, and booze at 14 than i ever was, and i was my no means a saint during my teenage years, in fact i was described by an ex-girlfriends siblings as a “hard case”, and a lost cause, in an attempt to sway her judgement away from being with me..
these days kids are in a world where the things that can harm them are more readily availible.. I was atually saddened to learn that in the very small town where my grandmother lives, a place where i spent a good portion of my childhood, that it is easier to get your hands on coke than a friggin joint these days..
sciocity as we know it appears to be on a steady systematic decline and theres not much we can do about it.. the horomones pumped into animals destened to be food these days causes the younger generation to mature sexually faster than any other generation before it.. The economic state we are all in forces younger people to steal, or sell poison to their peers more than before.. and the amount of kids turning to hard drugs is astounding..
as mentioned above, the kids have no authority figures that the respect so they become nucances and hang out at malls and outside stores causing problems for people.. and i have to agree with Monkeymoobs for the most part.. line em up and shoot em down.. lol
October 6, 2009 at 10:23 pm #45080lynx_450
MemberI know what u are on about. theres this girl i know who is 13 and is already pregnant. she smokes takes drugs etc and is only 13. i think this is just ridiculous they just start to hang out with the wrong people then their life gets ruined. its there choice though.
As Jigsaw once said “I wanna play a game”.
October 6, 2009 at 10:30 pm #45081Domba_car
MemberI have seen 6 graders smoking. I can't smoke, if I would smoke about 10 cigaretes just now I would probably die… I have a heart problem, its nothing big but its there. I hate kids that smoke, and I hate smoke!
October 6, 2009 at 11:08 pm #45084W4RG34R3D_SN1P3R
MemberBigWoopMagazine said:
I've done this before. I started smoking when I was 13. I tried to quit about 8 times before I finally did my freshman year in college (18yrs old). The only way I could do it was to get a friend to take my cigs from me any time I lit up, and luckily he lived 2 doors down from me in the dorms, and was bigger than me, so it would have been stupid to hit him. I still wish I had never started, I still feel pain in my chest randomly from time to time. It was amazing the stuff I hocked up after that. Well, amazingly gross. Anyway, good for you for being smart. It doesn't do anything for you and realizing that is what made me want to quit. They just smell bad, taste bad, cost money, make you feel like shit, and I can't name one positive thing. However, in my defense, and others, teenagers always make dumb choices. I made a dumb choice, and so did they. You'll probably make different dumb choices, no offense intended. Unfortunately, this one in particular is an addictive dumb choice, and its one you can make 5 or more times a day, easy. A big problem with most people is that as soon as you tell them not to do something, they want to do it. Suddenly your “cool” for breaking the rules. This is not always the case (it can be, but use judgement!). Anyway the thing that really gets me is why are these things even legal? They contain one of the most addictive substances known to man, nicotine, which has absolutely no medical use, is not a food, and is a drug. Looking at US laws, it really doesn't make sense, until you realize that its because of taxes. Our government makes so much money on taxing these things, that it doesn't matter how many people die of horrible cancer, they still won't outlaw them. When you work in the cancer ward in a couple hospitals, and see cancer patients that still want to go out for a smoke, and then think about why this is legal… well, it really makes you sick. At least, it makes me sick. Kudos to you dude. The best thing you can do now is be a role model to your peers and talk to your friends about it if they partake. Seriously, it even sounds stupid to me as I type it, but its the only thing that works. No teenager wants to hear it from an authority figure or some stupid ad on tv, but when their peers stop accepting them, sometimes it has an effect, cause they realize “oh god, maybe I'm not cool!”. Sorry for the essay, but you asked!
Thanks man , i try my too keep it straight and i think im doing a pretty good job . I forgot to mention how choice of friends can have a huge influence , and like how yours helped you in your dorm , it all comes down to who they are in the end and if they care about you or not . Noone said life or highschool for that matter would be easy , and ofcourse when i first walked in i praticly shit myself because all the Grade 12s would be looking down on you , but id rather be that studying nerd going somewhere than that Drug Addict 18 year old going no where . Ive been offered once by a guy i met in Science and kindly said no , i dont really intend to try drugs or smoke for that matter but then again theres always a first for something right ?
October 7, 2009 at 12:12 am #45088parnakas
MemberNot a lot of people smoke cigs at my school…
but Weed.. wow. pretty much everyone.. i dont do that crap, i just find it stupid. Most of my friends dont do it, but there are some who do do it.. and the moment they start doing it regularly, you can see a decline in lifestyle. One kid was getting a 90% average.. then he started smoking up, and now gets 60%.. pretty sad..
Dont do drugs!!
Sorry for the double post =(
October 7, 2009 at 1:38 am #45098Ratchet525
Memberi've never seen kids do this but its pretty stupid
“All the cool kids are doing it” thats why some people do it. Just to be cool
never going to smoke..
October 7, 2009 at 2:38 am #45087WW2fighter23
Memberparnakas said:
Post edited 12:13 am – 10/07/2009 by parnakas
Not a lot of people smoke cigs at my school…
but Weed.. wow. pretty much everyone.. i dont do that crap, i just find it stupid. Most of my friends dont do it, but there are some who do do it.. and the moment they start doing it regularly, you can see a decline in lifestyle. One kid was getting a 90% average.. then he started smoking up, and now gets 60%.. pretty sad..
Dont do drugs!!
Sorry for the double post =(
im 15 in 10th grade too. i dont think there are many kids left in my grade that hasnt tried weed. i am one of those who doesnt. people do some hard drugs at my school too. its really not good. and to answer BigWoopMagizines question, why arent ciggs illigal? i do think its because of taxes and think of all the people who are on ciggs, they cant just stop, by the way good job on quitting. also why is weed illegal? the people who get the money from selling weed goes to illegal hands like gangs. if it was legal, it would go to companies and it is not addictive. i agree that kids do want to break the rules, they feel supior and a thrill with they do illegal things like drink, smoke weed, steal or do drugs. people like that thrill. we discussed this in my social studies class. we have an exchange student from denmark and she says the drinking age is 16. she also says kids start drinking at 12 because they get close to the legal age and want to start getting that thrill. in the us kids start at 15 or 16 to start getting that thrill, once someone turns 21, they dont care as much because they dont get that thrill of when they were doing it illegal. ok now i am way off topic, but back to smoking ciggs, i definitally think its worse than weed because it can cause more health problems and you can get addicted and waste so much money on it, but you cant make it illegal because too many people are already addicted to it. i also think when cops find you high or drunk, they make a profit from the fines. but kids are really throwing their lives away young, and it really isnt right. oh yeah, and DARE program, i dont think it works, i think it just informs kids about drugs and then they want to go try it, just my opinion. and it is illegal to buy ciggs if you are under 18 or something, my teacherf said he had kids ask him to buy ciggs for them outside of 7 11. kids need to wake up and smell the rest of their lives, it is probably going to be hell. and im also sorry for the off topic essay, but a topic like this is worth speaking up about and saying what you think. sorry if there is typing errors, im typing fast so i can do homework, im procrastinating
October 7, 2009 at 2:46 am #45100W4RG34R3D_SN1P3R
MemberRatchet525 said:
i've never seen kids do this but its pretty stupid
“All the cool kids are doing it” thats why some people do it. Just to be cool
never going to smoke..
Your what , 7th grade .. 8 th ? Trust me dude things change in Highschool , i wish it wasnt true but its life .
October 7, 2009 at 2:54 am #45103WW2fighter23
MemberW4RG34R3D_SN1P3R said:
Ratchet525 said:
i've never seen kids do this but its pretty stupid
“All the cool kids are doing it” thats why some people do it. Just to be cool
never going to smoke..
Your what , 7th grade .. 8 th ? Trust me dude things change in Highschool , i wish it wasnt true but its life .
agreed. just about no one was doing drugs or smoking until freshman year.
October 7, 2009 at 2:59 am #45104W4RG34R3D_SN1P3R
MemberWW2fighter23 said:
W4RG34R3D_SN1P3R said:
Ratchet525 said:
i've never seen kids do this but its pretty stupid
“All the cool kids are doing it” thats why some people do it. Just to be cool
never going to smoke..
Your what , 7th grade .. 8 th ? Trust me dude things change in Highschool , i wish it wasnt true but its life .
agreed. just about no one was doing drugs or smoking until freshman year.
Yup . Its sad but true (Metallica:D) In fact , some guy i met about 3 years ago just dissapeared , i mean i see him in the hallways and all that , but he doesnt even talk to me anymore . I look at him in the hallways to say hi and all i get is the straight stare pretending im not there, which is sad because me and him were really cool together . Like i said , things change , in Elementary you have what , 200 – 300 kids ? Now in my school theres about 1500 and its a survival of the fittest thing .. You gunna give in to pressure or fight it and be yourself ?
October 7, 2009 at 2:59 am #45105W4RG34R3D_SN1P3R
MemberWW2fighter23 said:
W4RG34R3D_SN1P3R said:
Ratchet525 said:
i've never seen kids do this but its pretty stupid
“All the cool kids are doing it” thats why some people do it. Just to be cool
never going to smoke..
Your what , 7th grade .. 8 th ? Trust me dude things change in Highschool , i wish it wasnt true but its life .
agreed. just about no one was doing drugs or smoking until freshman year.
Yup . Its sad but true (Metallica:D) In fact , some guy i met about 3 years ago just dissapeared , i mean i see him in the hallways and all that , but he doesnt even talk to me anymore . I look at him in the hallways to say hi and all i get is the straight stare pretending im not there, which is sad because me and him were really cool together . Like i said , things change , in Elementary you have what , 200 – 300 kids ? Now in my school theres about 1500 and its a survival of the fittest thing .. You gunna give in to pressure or fight it and be yourself ?
October 7, 2009 at 3:15 am #45108Ratchet525
MemberW4RG34R3D_SN1P3R said:
Ratchet525 said:
i've never seen kids do this but its pretty stupid
“All the cool kids are doing it” thats why some people do it. Just to be cool
never going to smoke..
Your what , 7th grade .. 8 th ? Trust me dude things change in Highschool , i wish it wasnt true but its life .
yeah but the highschool im going probably will not have this type of stuff
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