Todays Youth ..
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October 7, 2009 at 3:35 am #45111
MemberRatchet525 said:
W4RG34R3D_SN1P3R said:
Ratchet525 said:
i've never seen kids do this but its pretty stupid
“All the cool kids are doing it” thats why some people do it. Just to be cool
never going to smoke..
Your what , 7th grade .. 8 th ? Trust me dude things change in Highschool , i wish it wasnt true but its life .
yeah but the highschool im going probably will not have this type of stuff
thats what i thought, youll see. people that you once knew will start changing. you can still hang out with kids that do drugs, just dont do them yourself. and just like W4RG34R3D_SN1P3R said, i knew this one kid, doesnt even know who i am anymore. he had some other family problems but still, if you hang out with kids that do it, just dont do it yourself, no matter how much fun it looks. it only needs to take one time to get addicted
October 7, 2009 at 3:42 am #45112gow2rules
Membernot as bad as what they did in my school
i'm in year 12 and boy were the teachers angry at us saying we should curb student behaviour like that as we are responsible young adults
October 7, 2009 at 3:54 am #45115WW2fighter23
Membergow2rules said:
not as bad as what they did in my school…..5770534024
i'm in year 12 and boy were the teachers angry at us saying we should curb student behaviour like that as we are responsible young adults
WOW some people just realize they are going no where and want to enjoy the time they have young. like why do people do crimes like that? its definitally for the thrill.
October 7, 2009 at 4:04 am #45116Ratchet525
Membergow2rules said:
not as bad as what they did in my school…..5770534024
i'm in year 12 and boy were the teachers angry at us saying we should curb student behaviour like that as we are responsible young adults
October 7, 2009 at 4:57 am #45118gow2rules
Memberwell at least i found out my school is elite
Sydney's elite sports high school
October 7, 2009 at 8:03 am #45127emdeepee
MemberThere were 2 “youths” on trial here in the UK recently for attempting to recreate the Columbine massacres at their High School!!!!
Amazingly they were found not guilty.
October 7, 2009 at 9:08 am #45128gow2rules
Memberemdeepee said:
There were 2 “youths” on trial here in the UK recently for attempting to recreate the Columbine massacres at their High School!!!!
Amazingly they were found not guilty.…..259044.stm
the jury have to account why they wanted to do this and other social factors
but then again bullies in school are still a major problem around the world and most governments are oblivious to how to curb these acts of bulling and their consequences
October 7, 2009 at 1:09 pm #45134W4RG34R3D_SN1P3R
MemberRatchet525 said:
W4RG34R3D_SN1P3R said:
Ratchet525 said:
i've never seen kids do this but its pretty stupid
“All the cool kids are doing it” thats why some people do it. Just to be cool
never going to smoke..
Your what , 7th grade .. 8 th ? Trust me dude things change in Highschool , i wish it wasnt true but its life .
yeah but the highschool im going probably will not have this type of stuff
Los Andgeles california ? I dont mean to be stereotypical but isnt that a state of violence and drive bys ? I once watched the news of L.A and the main headline was a drive by shooting on a young couple walking down the street . Ofcourse you have two more years , and maybe things will change but peer pressure and oppurtunities will never change .
October 7, 2009 at 2:20 pm #45144iruleu
Memberim 15 in 10th grade. and half my grade started doing drugs, drinking, smoking…everything. i hear people talking about this crap way to much. i dont do anything and never will. i got friends who wont start (thats wat they said and so far they havnt….got two more years to go
October 7, 2009 at 2:53 pm #45145BigWoopMagazine
MemberLA isn't as bad as it sounds, I have some friends who moved out there after college, and I interviewed at UCLA for a job. The thing with it is when you see headlines its always about the bad news, rarely the good news… and that can be generalized to the world. People love to read about misery.
@WarGear – yeah thats right I spelled it with letters cause I didn't feel like figuring out the numbers… heh. any way, yeah friends do play a huge influencial part in our lives. Just don't forget, smoking ciggerettes may be a dumb choice, but it doesn't make you a bad person. Don't shun anyone for making their decisions, just make sure you keep making your own decision.
@WW2Fighter – The legality of weed and tobacco are both based on taxation in the US, although many people (generally any school “educational” staff) will try to tell you otherwise. General summary of what happened: the cannibus plant has a root portion known as hemp. When fully grown hemp has a large number of uses and a main one is pulp production. This pulp can be used to make paper. When the US was being founded, the people founding it were rich white land owners. Despite creating a “land of the free”, really they wanted to create a land free of England's taxation, and keep their money. At the time, the way to do this was by having land full of trees that could be sold for money, which would keep them in power. The hemp from cannibus was seen as a threat to their business, and since they were in power, they made it illegal. Of course, to help justify this they spread tons of propaganda about how it was the devil's weed, and its evil, etc etc blah blah blah to hide the truth. Again, a very very general summary there. Now fast forward to present date. Marijuana is still illegal, even though there are known medicinal uses for it. Tobacco is legal, with no medicinal uses, and extremely addictive properties. Alcohol is legal, with no real medicinal uses, and a high toxicity level… as in, it can kill people. For marijuana to kill you, you have to smoke more than your own weight's worth (a feat that has yet to be accomplished). Does this all sound bass ackwards to you, or is it just me?
Sorry for the essay guys, but I've had many events in my life that make me passionate about this sort of topic. I guess the main thing is that people will make bad decisions, but it doesn't necesarily mean they're bad people. It sucks watching good friends slide down that slippery slope. So don't just watch, help them back on their feet if you can.
October 7, 2009 at 9:09 pm #45168WW2fighter23
Member@BigWoopMagazine – when you put it that way, it does sound stupid. but also if you made ciggerettes illegal, most people cannot just stop. some people think the drinking age should be lowered for some reasons to 18. those reasons are you can get married at 18, but cannot legally drink champagne and men can go to war at 18 but cannot come home and have a beer. people like drinking because you try to forget about things, and weed does the same. now weed has been proven not as bad as drinking for you (as you said weed doesnt kill people). my social studies teacher (really cool guy) said if weed was legal, companies would make it and the money for it goes to companies. when you make it illegal, the people that sell it are gangs and the money for it goes to illegal hands. back to the drinking, i dont think it the age should be lowered, i think to be able to go to war, and legally kill another man, i think they should raise that age to 21. but then again, look at places like italu, they have no drinking age, they also have less crimes commited while the person is drunk than the US. overall, it think weed should be legal, it doesnt harm you, and if you think it does, no one is forcing you to do it, ciggs should be legal, only because people cant quit, no they are bad for you healthwise, and drinking age, dont really have an opinion, either raise it to 25, along with the age to go to war, or dont have one. if you raise it, like i said in another post, people start drinking 4 or 5 years before the legal age, no matter what country. so they would start near 21, the actual age. if there wasnt an age, people wouldnt do it as much because all of the sudden, you are not breaking the law, so it is not cool anymore. if you dont want to drink, then its fine by me. it should be more of the persons choice. by the way i do not smoke, drink or do drugs, and i will never do them. maybe drink, but only for special occasions, not to get drunk, when i am of age. again, sorry for the essay
October 7, 2009 at 9:32 pm #45170monkeymoobs
Memberemdeepee said:
There were 2 “youths” on trial here in the UK recently for attempting to recreate the Columbine massacres at their High School!!!!
Amazingly they were found not guilty.…..259044.stm
that story just seemed to be kids messing about they had no weapons to use so thats why they got off
October 7, 2009 at 10:49 pm #45186parnakas
MemberFact: High School changes people.
You are might hang out with some of your old friends, i still do, but there are a lot of new friends that you will make..
So much people smoke Weed, that people feel pressured to smoke it themselves. I mean, Weed has never killed anyone, and it doesnt really do anything, other than give you a high, then you feel like shit afterwards.. Weed is actually better for you than cigs or alcohol believe it or not.. but you still shouldnt do it..
But the problem with a lot of kids is that, once they smoke weed, and they like it, and realize it wont do anything bad, they start to say: “Well, if that didnt do anything, let me try this!”. then they get into the hard drugs, get addicted and bye bye life.
I have witnessed this several times, even to some friends of mine..
High School is great, just be yourself… do what you feel is right. You'll be fine.. im in grade 11, and have never done any drugs.. and i dont plan on doing them..
October 8, 2009 at 12:09 am #45191Miiiitch
MemberI think the major problem with today’s youth is simply the fact that they are exposed to adult circumstances way too early and their immaturity levels play a major part in the wrong choices they make, they’re simply not ready to be exposed to that type of material. I’m 19 so i’m still young so i’ve seen & been victim to the type of peer preassure that alot of teens face, i was smart enough to make the right choices due to the stern and strict childhood i had but alot of parents these days just give up. I remember back when i was 14 my friend brought smokes to school that he stole from his dad and after school we all tried one my dad just happened to be picking me up from school that day and didn’t tell me needless to say he was furious i was made ro read the entire bible from cover to cover 5 times before i was even allowed to ask to go out again, i’m not the religous type at all but it helped say i hadn’t been caught chances are i’d still be smoking today because i would have got away with it. Society in general thes days is on a steady decline but unfortunatly the youth are the one’s being influenced by it the most. I’ve seen alot of my friends give in to temptations and they’re never the same again, it’s sad to see one stupid mistake ruin their life.
October 8, 2009 at 1:23 am #45199shadeblack
Participantthe only thing i have to say is quite simple.
don't judge “todays Youth” by what two misguided people did.
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