Todays Youth ..
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October 9, 2009 at 1:08 pm #45393
MemberAstroDuck said:
Post edited 12:24 am – 10/09/2009 by AstroDuck
I started smoking cigarettes when I was 16 and I smoke weed now.
I didn't turn out to be a horrible person, and I didn't throw my life away.
The fact that you think so shows that your a bunch of elitists.
I'm sorry for making waves.
But that is completely ridiculous.
There are retards who smoke and think they are edgy.
Then there are those who don't hang out with crowds, got good grades, and got a good paying job like me.
And the whole “People smoke to look cool” thing is stupid.
People who smoke for peer pressure are doing it to be accepted by a group of their peers so they can feel a part of the pack.
People Who randomly start smoking start for their own devices.
Nobody does it to feel cool, especially with elitists like you guys calling them losers (more or less).
I'm sure there are a few Douchers who think it makes the look badass because they are too wrapped up in their own retarded ego to realize their an idiot for using that as a reason.
Now again, I'm not trying to make waves.
But I had to say this to add alittle perspective to your one sided thread.
That was just a completely ignorant generalization.
And before you go stating the facts you read off the back of a cereal box, or from schools which abolish anything that permits having fun (electronic and trading cards for example of the most benign). The truth is that most marijuana propaganda is bias and school, state, and government give it a bad name knowing little about the subject using flimsy non-credible tests then pushing it on the impressionable youth and religious fanatics to further their dream of what they consider a perfect society. Make sure you research the facts before you oppose something you clearly know nothing about.…..actsmyths/
Although, there shouldn't be smoking in or around school anyway.
That's just a lack of respect for it's policies and other peoples wishes not to inhale the smoke.
Thanks for the post and the unnecessary spaces but if you truly think were a bunch of “elitists” your welcome to leave . This is a forum , welcoming suggestions and personal thoughts and we like to keep it that way . If you dont like it your welcome to leave , dont let the door hit you on the way out .
Anyways , wow i never expected this to be a such a popular thread , thanks ?
October 9, 2009 at 4:35 pm #45400Miiiitch
MemberI find it really funny that when someone says that weed is bad for you(which is true) the people who do it think that they have to defend it. It has been proven buy numerous studies that weed contains THC which is the mass chemical compound in it that gets you high, while stoners enjoy that they are blissfully unaware that they are doing severe damage to their brain and it can lead to serious mental diabilities later in life, while i am fully aware that it contains healing properties the negatives far outweigh the positives. I have a friend whose brother started smoking it when we were 15 and he committed suicide last year due to the fact that he had anxiety and had suffered depression for a few years his doctors told him to stop but he didn’t listen, that was only after 3 years of smoking it. Now i’m not saying it will happen to everyone who smokes it but it will happen to the majority it may not happen now but it will happen eventually. I also agree with the fact that alcohol and cigs are just as bad, weed harms the brain, alcohol harms the liver and cigs harm the heart and lungs so i’m not simply on here to rant about weed but when people like you AstroDuck call others elitist’s you may want to look in the mirror if you can see through the smoke. Just about everything these days is bad for us and not all but most of the people will suffer from bad choices later on in life and will wonder why no one warned them but the truth is the warnings are everywhere, you just got to be mature enough to know which path to take.
October 9, 2009 at 6:37 pm #45412monkeymoobs
Memberi dont care about smokers and stoners the problem is wannabe thugs a friend of my dads was mugged but he kicked the muggers ass but he got a criminal record cos the mugger pressed charges and he got off with it cos he was 15. england has a stupid judicial system
October 9, 2009 at 7:48 pm #45419BigWoopMagazine
Member@Astroduck – its not really a one sided thread. I have nothing against anyone who smokes weed,,, really this thread started as why cigs suck and people shouldnt suck them…. but I made a comparison about the legality of it to weed and alcohol, since generally they go hand in hand for a lot of people. I also stated the reasons for weed being illegal, which I think is total bunk. I have nothing against stoners, and in fact I prefer them to drunkards, since usually they're chill happy people rather then angry nonsensical slobs. I used to be an active member of NORML, and have done my research
. I am of the view that legalization would provide a huge number of benifits to our country (just look at Canada, where its the #2 GNP, only topped by oil). Letsee… if we tax it, we make a ton of money (like cigs! hah!). We could let a ton of people out of jail who aren't really criminals, and stop paying tax money for them to be there (~$40,000 – 50,000 a year in the US). We cut out a huge profit market for gangs and other violent groups. We have a medicine to help cancer patients and other people in extreme pain. While I support the legalization, it does not mean I use it, or encourage anyone else to use it, but I certainly won't frown upon anyone who does. I do think its a smart choice to stay away from it, clear minded, on the right side of the law. I am very against ciggerettes, as they serve no purpose other than to line peoples pockets with money or lungs with tar, depending on your end of the deal. They flood our hospitals with patients that shouldn't have to be there, and its a huge detriment to our health care system. Also : “People who smoke for peer pressure are doing it to be accepted by a group of their peers so they can feel a part of the pack.” – thats called trying to be cool. dude. Being cool is essentially the equivalent of being accepted by your peers, plain and simple. WAAAAAAAAAVE.
@Miiiiitch – There is absolutely ZERO proof that THC causes any mental damage. As Astroduck was saying, and I as I said earlier, there is tons of propaganda out there. Much of it will present false truths, cleverly worded to bring you to a conclusion that is untrue. There is one study I read where they hooked some monkeys up to a gas mask feeding them tons and tons of constant weed smoke. They suffered brain damage. It was very easy to the researchers to conclude there was a correlation between these things. Its also just as easy to point out that the lack of oxygen they suffered would cause the same amount of brain damage seen… so… theres really nothing conclusive about that. In fact, there are studies that have shown it may protect against brain damage caused by alcohol. Really the point is, there is no CONCLUSIVE evidence. I am sorry to hear about your friend… unfortunately its common for people with anxiety or other psychological issues to turn to drugs, whether prescribed or not, and this usually just messes the mind up more.
@W4R – you could have posted that on any forum and it turns into a hot topic… I'm pretty sure this is a debate that started a few hundred years ago and has never been settled.
Responsibility! Thats the key!
October 9, 2009 at 9:37 pm #45430W4RG34R3D_SN1P3R
MemberBigWoopMagazine said:
Post edited 7:50 pm – 10/09/2009 by BigWoopMagazine
@Astroduck – its not really a one sided thread. I have nothing against anyone who smokes weed,,, really this thread started as why cigs suck and people shouldnt suck them…. but I made a comparison about the legality of it to weed and alcohol, since generally they go hand in hand for a lot of people. I also stated the reasons for weed being illegal, which I think is total bunk. I have nothing against stoners, and in fact I prefer them to drunkards, since usually they're chill happy people rather then angry nonsensical slobs. I used to be an active member of NORML, and have done my research
. I am of the view that legalization would provide a huge number of benifits to our country (just look at Canada, where its the #2 GNP, only topped by oil). Letsee… if we tax it, we make a ton of money (like cigs! hah!). We could let a ton of people out of jail who aren't really criminals, and stop paying tax money for them to be there (~$40,000 – 50,000 a year in the US). We cut out a huge profit market for gangs and other violent groups. We have a medicine to help cancer patients and other people in extreme pain. While I support the legalization, it does not mean I use it, or encourage anyone else to use it, but I certainly won't frown upon anyone who does. I do think its a smart choice to stay away from it, clear minded, on the right side of the law. I am very against ciggerettes, as they serve no purpose other than to line peoples pockets with money or lungs with tar, depending on your end of the deal. They flood our hospitals with patients that shouldn't have to be there, and its a huge detriment to our health care system. Also : “People who smoke for peer pressure are doing it to be accepted by a group of their peers so they can feel a part of the pack.” – thats called trying to be cool. dude. Being cool is essentially the equivalent of being accepted by your peers, plain and simple. WAAAAAAAAAVE.
@Miiiiitch – There is absolutely ZERO proof that THC causes any mental damage. As Astroduck was saying, and I as I said earlier, there is tons of propaganda out there. Much of it will present false truths, cleverly worded to bring you to a conclusion that is untrue. There is one study I read where they hooked some monkeys up to a gas mask feeding them tons and tons of constant weed smoke. They suffered brain damage. It was very easy to the researchers to conclude there was a correlation between these things. Its also just as easy to point out that the lack of oxygen they suffered would cause the same amount of brain damage seen… so… theres really nothing conclusive about that. In fact, there are studies that have shown it may protect against brain damage caused by alcohol. Really the point is, there is no CONCLUSIVE evidence. I am sorry to hear about your friend… unfortunately its common for people with anxiety or other psychological issues to turn to drugs, whether prescribed or not, and this usually just messes the mind up more.
@W4R – you could have posted that on any forum and it turns into a hot topic… I'm pretty sure this is a debate that started a few hundred years ago and has never been settled.
Responsibility! Thats the key!
Im surprised you didnt make this topic , your more into it then i am ! Ofcourse thats a great thing , your getting involved and helping out the younger ones in future responsibilities . In the end its us who will make the right choice though ..
October 9, 2009 at 9:53 pm #45432Miiiitch
Member@BigWoopMagazine – Here are a couple of links to go and look at before reading the rest of my reply(I was in no way offended by anything you said nor do I intend offend you, I respect your opinion and your entitled to have one)
Although there is no conclusive studies that prove THC causes mental damage (i stand corrected on that), marijuana does contain it and this effects the immune system which makes a person more vulnerable to many deadly viruses and diseases. Some people will be lucky enough to avoid the health problems associated with marijuana use but MOST people who use it will not be so lucky. The reason studies have shown that users show resistance to the effects of alcohol is because surveys conducted on users have shown that they drink far less alcohol then non-users so of course studies will detect the false positive to using it. Also about my mate earlier when he started using he was 17 and sadly took his own life at the age of 20. He was excellent at sports and held just about every record at my school for athletics and won pretty much every award there was to win, before he started using he never had depression nor did he suffer from anxiety but in just 2 years of smoking marijuana he was suffering from these as studies have shown that people who smoke marijuana are at an increased risk of central nervous system damage and will likely suffer from depression or anxiety and a list of others due to them using. Regardless of where you stand on the matter, marijuana is harmful and if you have friends who use it or know of somebody who does then simply pay a bit of attention to them, you’ll see the effects soon enough
October 9, 2009 at 10:27 pm #45433BigWoopMagazine
Member@Miiiiiitch – Oh I am never offended by someone providing their view on a topic. Heh, if you just called me an outright idiot with no backup… then I might be offended. I'm getting more into this topic than I really intended,,, but why stop now? Anyway, yes I see what you're getting at, and I wasn't exactly trying to say there are no mental effects… there certainly are. What I meant is that most studies have evidence, but the evidence is in a gray area where its hard to determine whether the effects were from marijuana, or something else. What you gave me is news articles, and I'm sorry to say they don't count. The news is incredibly biased, especially when it comes to these things. Here is a link to an actual scientific study that was published, and it supports exactly what you were saying:;192/4/306
Read the discussion section at the bottom for a good general summary of what they found. You raise a good point about the alcohol damage resistance thing… this is part of why many studies on marijuana and other drugs have a lot of trouble… many users take more than one drug. How do you determine precisely which drug is causing what? By the way, another reason I'm really into this conversation is that in college I was originally a psychology major. I took a few classes on alcohol, psychoactive drugs, and their temporary and permanent effects on the brain. When I realized that theres virtually no job market for psychology, and the real money is in psychiatry, I changed majors. The reason for switching is that I do not believe prescribing drugs is the solution to most mental issues (it does help with some), and I didn't like the idea of profiting off of prescribing drugs. Despite this I still find it a very interesting topic.
@W4R – yeah sorry, I totally highjacked your topic. I guess all these issues have been a prevalent issue in my life, ciggs primarily for the personal experience, and the rest from my friend's issues and my studies in college. You're right though, in the end it all comes down to the fact that its your choice.
October 10, 2009 at 2:45 pm #45505W4RG34R3D_SN1P3R
Member@BigWoop – Ofcourse i dont mind , i just decided to post my oppinions after a troubled day at school and here we are now . Get this , on thurday an ambulance came to our school because some kid was brutally beat because he wouldnt give another teen a light . He now has 5 broken ribs , a broken arm and is brutally cut . Sad isnt ..
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