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January 8, 2009 at 1:30 am #13712
Memberi was just wondering, do u actually enjoy the games you play? or do you buy games just for the trophies?
i mean have you played the online modes for fun? or u cant cuz ur 2 busy getting trophies?
its kind of sad seeing people buy games JUST for trophies, i mean, its not like trophies DO anything.
trophies are definitively awesome but wasting money just to get them is stupid.
if your buying a game, make sure your interested in it, not just because it has trophies
i was bored lol so i posted this….. but im seriousJanuary 8, 2009 at 2:32 am #20230kingawol
Memberi get your point…. as much as i hate to admit , i've bought games just for trophies (pjm ) and played some my mates offered me (gti rally …) 'cause of the trophies (i'm no good at car games…but my friend loves 'em) … but see: i ended up liking PJM and buying savage moon for a more adsult tower defence…(its really cool) , also , even though i hate racing games , the idea of getting more trophies than \a friend made me play loads of wipeout (im still crap but i'm proud of my 20 perfect zone laps…kinda like you can be proud of a new shirt or s/thing…) … all this to get more than my friends and prove by a+b that i'm better at this or that game… really , i wouldnt spend 70 euros on a game just for trophies , but they do add to the time i spend playing those i buy. i'd never have looked for a fallout walkthrough otherwise , just wandered around 'til i got bored of it- trophies don't make a game , but they might make you play them more thoroughly . so they add to the value of a game because i would have put wipeout down quicker. i don't have enough time to get plat on all of 'em , nor the skill , but i get more out of those i buy (i'll be trying to get some on mirrors edge or cod5 , and would never have done some of the stuff if it weren't for a trophy…) …. dunno if there's a point to trophies , it's about PLAYING and having fun with it , but it's fun to do some of the stuff , and your friends can check it out. some games just ain't worth their retail price , and trophies can't make up for that. you won't see me buying alone in the dark inferno or everybody's golf or whatever ….
January 8, 2009 at 2:34 am #20231kingawol
Memberps. i got wipeout to play against my friends
pps. maybe alone in the dark & everybody's golf are great , i'm just not interested in 'em
January 8, 2009 at 2:45 am #20232MartynRowland
MemberWhY So SeRiOuS??¿¿?? LOL (loved the batman film) I play games what i like i dont buy a game am not gonna like. i used to love playing CoD4 online but got a bit boring after about 20 days online play time and since then i havent found a game i like online. I do love trophies but i wouldn’t rush to the shop to buy a game just because it had them i have to like the game iswell. but every game i play has trophies. by the end of january every game will have trophies so all them people who buy games for trophies are gonna have to work hard to keep up lol.
January 8, 2009 at 10:24 am #20242Oz-Metalhead
MemberI found that im playing games that i normally wouldn't play just for the trophies. But it is a good thing because i have new experiences and end up enjoying most games. Trophies for me are my 'reward' for doing all the things in a game….and a sort of a self satisfaction really. And a way to brag or look good to other players lol
I hope sony bring out some sort of reward system for trophies….
Im addicted to trophies i will not lie….i love the sound when u get a trophy!
Alone in the dark inferno is good for one thing……easy platinum! Rent it in one night get all the trophies and save you lots of cash! It's an okay game to spend a night on…
January 8, 2009 at 11:33 am #20243kingawol
Memberkinda feel that way too…. (dunno if i'll rent alone in the dark though…)…. at the end of the day i wouldn't buy a game i don't like for trophies , but like PJM people who played it said it was great , so it made me try it , and i found i enjoyed tower defence…. so if it makes you experience new games , thats cool , as long as you don't play a game you DONT like just to get the trophies… i guess.
January 8, 2009 at 1:21 pm #20246DdAsHbOY
I like trophies!! Only now buy games with em but I only buy the games I like that has trophies, not a bunch of **** games just to add to my trophy count…………
January 8, 2009 at 5:37 pm #20252edge4eva32
MemberNo. It is true I am addicted to trophies, but I do not buy a game just for trophies. I generally rent the games that have trophy support. Currently I have over 29 games for my PS3, but only like 6 of them (GTA 4, LBP, Fallout 3, Dead Space, Bioshock, Buzz, and CoD 5) have trophy support. In fact 3 of them were given to me as gifts. I rent a game for 2 weeks, and if I like it then I get as many of the trophies that I can. The exception would be FarCry 2, because I only played the game 20 minutes and hated playing every second of it due to poor controls and graphics and storyline. Trophies make a game more challenging in my opinion. Especially if you are trying to get a platinum trophy. So I do believe trophies can make a game's replay value increase.
January 8, 2009 at 5:39 pm #20254shadeblack
ParticipantWell… I consider myself a SeRiOuS gamer. but sometimes i do lay back a bit. like everyone says fallout 3 are really easy trophies and if you're a serious gamer you can get them all in under a week. Even though i love RPG's, Fallout 3 isn't really doing it for me, so i might not even bother to get the 100% So… I consider myself a serious gamer and also a trophy manic-depressive; but I'm probably not gonna go for 100% with fallout 3 because im just not into it enough.
…Where was I… Oh right… I get games that appeal to me either personally or provide some form of sentimentality. However, I DID once buy a game purely for trophies, and I ended up really liking the game. so I think trophies have probably taught me not to be so indecently judgemental about a game's potential. Saying that, I'll still only go for games I know i'll at least going to enjoy.
January 8, 2009 at 6:06 pm #20255kingawol
Memberi think that's the point : if you like a game , trophies add value 'cause it's stuff you might not bother doing otherwise. but then even if i like a game i might not bother , like doing bioshock on v.hard with no vita chambers.. loved fallout 3 though….
January 8, 2009 at 6:23 pm #20256J.Bowles
MemberI probably wouldn't get a game now without trophies, or it would have to seriously appeal to me. I wouldnt buy any psn games though, they all just suck.
January 8, 2009 at 10:39 pm #20259parnakas
Memberyea if the game u like has trophies, it adds so much value.
i really do hope sony rewards us people that are ALREADY high trophy levels with some nice stuff, because trophies really DO NOT do anything. they are fun to collect but when people use them to brag, i find it pretty stupid. I'm level 8, 443 trophies, and there some guy with 500+ who is braging to my friend (who just started collecting), about all the trophies he has. Luckily theres no one on this site who pulls that shit
January 8, 2009 at 10:49 pm #20260edge4eva32
MemberI agree with some of the others' view. Now, Resident Evil 5 is a game that I am dying to get. It is not getting here soon enough for me. Now the game has trophy support, but I want the game just for the game. The fact that it has trophies just adds more to the value in my book.
Not all PSN games are bad J. Bowles. Superstardust HD is an AMAZINGLY addictive game. Warhawk is a good game, but I dont really play it much now or days. Wipeout HD is an amazing game too. So not all PSN games stink.
I agree Parnakas. I too hope that all our trophies will be of some value. Similar to Xbox 360's points for downloads and such. Sony should do it similar. I'd love to download some free add-ons, free psn game, movies, etc.
January 8, 2009 at 11:31 pm #20263masterplanman713
MemberI never thought that I would like trophies this much… the point of no return for me was when the fallout 3 patch was released, that was all she wrote. Now I might rent a game if it has no trophy support, but u won't see me adding anymore games 2 my collection that does not support trophies. I like to compare with all the people on my friends list…I wish the ps3 had something to let u know how many have looked at your collection.
January 9, 2009 at 12:05 am #20276Hurley48
Memberthe ONLY thing the I will do only for trophies is play gta 4 online the games i will buy only if i like even more now wih the mandatory support i didn't get silent hill 5 and boune conspiracy because i was saving money for games with trophies even so i was only buying if i liked it and i did now i have Far Cry 2 and LittleBigPlanet because of trophien and because i loved then i'm planning on get dead space now looks a very good game also Mercs 2 and Fallout 3 then i'll have to look more
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