Trophy number, level or number of Platinums?
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October 31, 2009 at 7:59 pm #48370
MemberIn my opinion the most important are
1. Platinum
2. Level
3. Numbers of trophiesYour have to put alot of times, perseverance, skills etc… in getting a platinum.
Trophies amount can be boosted easily by renting a lot of games and only doing the easiest, level also goes with the amount of trophies but it will go up faster if you get platinum instead of bronzes.3355 trophies
39 Platinums
Level 20October 31, 2009 at 9:27 pm #48378Ninjacat
MemberWow, you've earnt your place at the top of my list of people with platinums! That's a lot.
October 31, 2009 at 10:36 pm #48385edge4eva32
I tried that originally on normal mode, along with a few other strategies… and it didn't work. I mean, it would once or twice, but I couldn't kill him that way, and on hard one shottie blast and you're done. Too easy to screw up. I run away, shoot backwards at the resin, and after a few hits when hes bleeding, toss my grenades. Still not too hard, and it seems more reliable.
anyway – a revision to my earlier comment. In the end what I really pay attention to is your actual performance as a player when you're in a game with me. Trophies do not indicate skill, most of the time. I only care about trophies when I want to know how much I have left to do in a game I purchased.
I havent had any problems like that. Honestly the AI of Laz is quite hilarious. It just keeps repeating the same patterns over and over again. Once you figure out the pattern then there is no way you could lose.
November 1, 2009 at 9:53 am #48463Oz-Metalhead
MemberIn my opinion what matters to most of the hardcore gamers is the amount of Platinums.
Buuuuuuut which Platinums you have also is of interest here, some people can brag that they have 10,20, 30 or 40 Plats etc but they could all be easy kids games or that ridiculous Hannah Montana game, which i'd like to point out i don't have. lol
For example i have 47 Platinums for a total of 2691 trophies, a good 20 of those are easy games like AITD, Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs, Terminator Salvation, Sega Collection, Cabela's Outdoor Adventures Etc. But alot of them are harder to come by plats that require a bit more effort and concentration, for example, Bionic Commando, Ghostbusters, Sacred 2, Borderlands, Demon's Souls etc.
To alot of newcomers to the addiction that is trophy hunting a high ammount of Platinums/trophies will look good, but to the more seasoned hardcore gamers the ammount of Platinums plus what actual Platinums you have are of more importance. I for one think more of a gamers dedication if they have several very hard to come by Plats rather than a bunch of easy kid's games.
So for me it isnt neccesarily the ammount of Platinums, Trophies Or Trophy Level but what Platinums they have based on the difficulty of those Platinums. That's my rant
November 1, 2009 at 11:58 pm #48570W4RG34R3D_SN1P3R
MemberUmm yeah what Oz said .
November 2, 2009 at 12:08 am #48571ideal4living
Memberits all about the level for me, then the individual amounts of each trophy, platinums, golsd, ETC. then the whole number of trophies.
November 2, 2009 at 1:59 am #48576NinjaMidget
MemberI agree with oz, its all very well having 30 or so platinums but it depends on what platinums they are. For example, I pride myself in having the COD WAW, Bioshock and Batman plats (the batman one because i ended up in the top 15 in the leaderboards for one of the challenge rooms) because those platinums took me so much to get.
But not to say I dont have easy platinums (burnout, uncharted). But I think it'll always be about quality everytime over quantity!
November 2, 2009 at 2:25 am #48578gr8jrfan
Memberim somewut proud of my uncharted plats. i used a guide for the treasures but i beat it on crushing so its stil an acheivement
November 2, 2009 at 2:47 am #48579edge4eva32
MemberI agree with Oz. It is about “what” games that someone has plat. I mean it is sad to see grown men brag about platting Hannah Montana lol Games that require more skill/time/patience such as R2, Bioshock, etc. Those gamers have more respect from me.
November 2, 2009 at 3:18 am #48585Finch_92
Memberlol i platinumed hm and to this day wish i had never done it i used to trophy whore ne thing then though WTF am i doing. i now only play games i enjoy.
not to say i have only easy plats i have mirrors edge and cod w@w which to alot are pretty hard just wish i hadnt stooped so low to play a kids game for some stupid trophies lol NEVER AGAINNovember 2, 2009 at 3:21 am #48588parnakas
MemberIm proud of my U2 plat, because i didnt use a treasure guide.. so im happy i got it.
other than that, Uncharted 1 was pretty easy, same with Wolverine.. but Terminator was a joke..
November 2, 2009 at 3:26 am #48590Finch_92
Memberyea lol terminator is the biggest joke of a game ever 2.3hrs i beat it on hard in what a load of crap
100 treasures with no guide nice i barlay have the patience to go through a game with a guide! i find it so tedious. im proud i finished U2 in 1day plus the plat took me friday-tuesday to achieveNovember 2, 2009 at 3:26 am #48591Finch_92
Memberyea lol terminator is the biggest joke of a game ever 2.3hrs i beat it on hard in what a load of crap
100 treasures with no guide nice i barlay have the patience to go through a game with a guide! i find it so tedious. im proud i finished U2 in 1day plus the plat took me friday-tuesday to achieveNovember 2, 2009 at 3:29 am #48592parnakas
MemberFinch_92 said:
yea lol terminator is the biggest joke of a game ever 2.3hrs i beat it on hard in what a load of crap
100 treasures with no guide nice i barlay have the patience to go through a game with a guide! i find it so tedious. im proud i finished U2 in 1day plus the plat took me friday-tuesday to achieve
i love Uncharted, so i didnt find that difficult to keep playing for hours looking for treasures..
2.3 hours? disappointing… only took me 2
what a dumb game.. lol
November 2, 2009 at 3:32 am #48597Finch_92
Memberlol take in to consideration my fag brake and we are close
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