Trophy Q&A
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March 20, 2010 at 4:57 pm #15505
MemberI noticed we have another thread which discusses the web-site you get for getting platinum. However I felt maybe we could use a second thread for people to help each other on getting specific trophies.
Right now, I am having trouble getting Maxed Out. I just beat the walkthrough a second time, was very diligent in getting the orbs throughout the game, I think I missed only one gorgon eye and one phoenix feather and I still fell 8,000 orbs short. As far as I can see, you can't start a new game with your weapons maxed out to where you had them when you finished the last game.
I played on God (about to go to Titan, wish me luck). Does this have anything to do with it?
March 21, 2010 at 1:06 am #60053gow2rules
Memberwith maxed out your best bets are playing on easy thats what i did and i got it a good hour before the end
basically in easy you get twice the amount of red orbs compared to the other difficulties also the is a glitch but i don't now if it works or not
“1st you need to of beaten the game, and beaten all the challenges of Olympus to unlock the combat arena. Then set up the arena so you don't have infinite health, a difficulty higher then easy. (I used titan) and some enemies set to attack you. (the more powerful the enemies the better.) now go into the arena and die, and keep dieing until it asks you if you want to switch to easy, and select no. It will then take you out to the main menu and give you the maxed out trophy.”
i'm not sure about this glitch but its worth trying
March 21, 2010 at 2:11 am #60054parnakas
MemberI played through the game on easy, and got more than enough orbs to max out everything, just be sure to look around for those red chests, and always kill enemies whenever you can.
I couldn't max everything out on Normal, not enough orbs. But on easy, they give you so much red orbs.
March 21, 2010 at 6:29 am #60058KevinGBP12
MemberHm. I would have guessed on the higher difficulties you get more orbs. I have no problem stampeding through easy once! I'm likely to avoid Chaos in all ways, shapes and forms.
Thanks guys!
March 21, 2010 at 9:48 pm #60073czesionyo
MemberI play the hardest mode possible (the one before Titan Modem) and I have to say that this game is quite challenging. Anyway right now Kratos just flew down the chain of olympus to, propably, brake the chain and I have all Eyes/Feathers/Horns and I have to upgrade last level of the last wepon.
Still do not have the MAxed Out and the one to kill 100 with apollos bow. I think I will have to do this on easy then :(.
March 25, 2010 at 3:04 pm #60211Oz-Metalhead
MemberTitan mode is available from the start in GOW 3…
I went straight onto that skipping easy and normal.
I've just returned to the chain of fate after the labyrinth and only have 1 weapon to max out, needing only 10 red orbs for that.
So it is definetly doable on Titan mode 1st playthrough. I've opened just about every red orb chest and have found all upgrades aswell.
I havn't finished GOW 3 yet due to work and Final Fantasy 13 distracting me.
March 25, 2010 at 3:53 pm #60213BigWoopMagazine
MemberLet it be noted too, that just like the previous god of war titles, finding all the feathers, eyes, and horns as early as possible will cause the rest of those special chests to yield red orbs instead – which should help a lot. Also, use evade a lot to try to keep your combos going – constantly getting high combos yields many more orbs. Pay attention to when you can get brutal kills for extra orbs too, and use them. EDIT: A good example is the lost souls you see randomly all over the place – you can kill them normally and get squat, but grabbing them yields a +5 orb bonus. Its not a lot, but do it enough and it adds up – at the end of my normal run I was a mere 2000 orbs short of maxing out, and a few more chests plus some of these grabs probably would have had me there.
@Kevin – getting more orbs makes the game much easier – hence, easy mode give you more orbs. When you play the harder modes, you probably want to plan ahead of time which things to upgrade and when, since you'll get less orbs and have much more limited options.
Is anyone else dissapointed theres no trophy for beating the hardest mode? I know I am.
March 25, 2010 at 9:22 pm #60228parnakas
MemberBigWoop – Yea, its weird that there is no trophy for beating it on the hardest mode, but i wouldn't call it disappointing.
I mean, im still going to do it, but theres no pressure to beat it. I though it would be that secret trophy on the list at the end, but it was just beating that box without dying (highlight to show trophy).
March 26, 2010 at 6:38 pm #60253BigWoopMagazine
Memberparnakas said:
BigWoop – Yea, its weird that there is no trophy for beating it on the hardest mode, but i wouldn't call it disappointing.
I mean, im still going to do it, but theres no pressure to beat it. I though it would be that secret trophy on the list at the end, but it was just beating that box without dying (highlight to show trophy).
Yea, I guess its just cause I know I'll do it anyway (GOW fan HARDCORE!!! RAAAHHHH!!), and it'd be cool to get credit for it. I was dissapointed with the collection too that there were no difficulty trophies, since I had already done both of them on the hardest mode, and wouldn't have minded doing it again. Ahhh well, at least I'll know in my heart that I can fully rock the GOW universe, and therefore I am a video game badass…. right?
March 26, 2010 at 11:45 pm #60282Oz-Metalhead
MemberWe're all bad ass for playing as Kratos 😉 lol
Just to confirm guys, i finished Titan mode with everything maxed out with 10,000 red orbs to spare.
All i need to do is get that last secret trophy for the Plat. Which is mighty easy even on Titan mode just by quiting and reloading autosave if you ever die….
Also i was dissapointed with the Challenge of Olympus. It was sooooo easy compared to the first 2.
I have yet to try the Challenge of Exile. I wonder if this is any harder. But alas seeing as it is not trophy related i'll probably never finish it lol.
March 27, 2010 at 1:42 am #60286parnakas
MemberBigWoop – hellz yea man.. totally badass.
Oz – I hear you. The Challenges were TOO easy. Never thought i would say that about GoW. The only one that actually took time was Bare Hands, but that was still pretty easy.
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