Trophy Whore – ‘Trophy Collector’..
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July 14, 2009 at 4:47 am #30413
MemberWell in my opinion I think that if people don’t want to get 100% of trophies in games then it is no big deal(just because you do Collbreast it DOES NOT make you any better at the actual game then anyone, as you constanly try to say. Deny you say that on here but i’ve got the messages that say otherwise). At the end of the day all that matters is that you play a game and have fun.
I have made some bad choices with games i have bought but that is because i have a diverse taste i’ll play anything(except hannah montana) and i always give the game a go no matter what, just because i get a few trophies on a game i don’t like does that make me a trophy whore? NO does it make me a bad gamer? NO. I have access to any game i want most of which i can get for free as my uncle owns a few EB stores.
Incase you’ve all forgotten as of Jan 1st this year all games must now support trophies, I personally love harry potter i’m 19 now but when it first came out i was much younger. I have all the books all the games and a lot of other stuff to do with the series, I played the new harry potter game and got the platinum but even though i’m a fan of the series people who are so lost in their own ego would stil call me a trophy whore.
So basically no one’s opinion of themselves matters these days, they’ll always be those who think what they want of you regardless(Collbreast) but am i going to let the opinion of some nobody i don’t even know personally stop me from getting any game i want or have an affect on how i play the games that i get? HELL NO!!
July 14, 2009 at 5:19 am #30414iruleu
MemberMiiiitch said:
I have access to any game i want most of which i can get for free as my uncle owns a few EB stores.
July 14, 2009 at 5:25 am #30416Ratchet525
Memberiruleu said:
Miiiitch said:
I have access to any game i want most of which i can get for free as my uncle owns a few EB stores.
I know
July 14, 2009 at 5:27 am #30418Miiiitch
Memberyeah i know, i only have to pay for special editions like infamous and the assassins creed 2 black edition but i only pay like 30 dollars.
July 14, 2009 at 5:28 am #30419Ratchet525
MemberMiiiitch said:
yeah i know, i only have to pay for special editions like infamous and the assassins creed 2 black edition but i only pay like 30 dollars.
now thats really lucky too
July 14, 2009 at 7:59 am #30421Bdamac
Membergood for you man save money anyway you can
July 14, 2009 at 4:02 pm #30446gamerben
Memberi will always play a game though at least twice, once without trying for trophies, second trying for trophies, and sometimes a third on the hardest setting, but games like uncharted (i have plat) i still play because i enjoy them, same with race driver grid and even some ps2 games
July 14, 2009 at 4:28 pm #30452BigWoopMagazine
MemberI like to collect trophies purely for the challenge that they provide. Some are really fun, and those are the ones I do, but some are just rediculous (10,000 kills online in Resistance 2, and I hate their online mode) so I just don't bother. Like I plan on getting the platinum in Dead Space because I love that game, and I waited a few months to play it on impossible mode,,, the enemies are so threatening now that its actually scaring the hell outta me again. I recently went back to Prince of Persia to get that platinum, and was really dissapointed to discover that I got the “be gentle with her” and “speed demon” trophies for free when I bought the epilogue. I knew they wouldn't be hard, but I like the idea of having that challenge in a fun game that was otherwise easy. I played through Uncharted like 4 or 5 times because I completed all the in game challenges well before the trophy system came out, and then played again to platinum when they patched it… it gave me a good excuse to play through a fantastic game again, and still gave me a sense of accomplishment. I can definitely tell by the end of the first play through of a game whether or not I'll get the platinum, because if it wasn't fun enough I won't bother. I should have had the platinum three times over for burnout paradise because I've played it so much and had my data deleted so many times… and I don't own a web cam, but I don't care… I just love that game. I have the platinum for Infamous, but damn, I still get an urge to play it because that game is so fantastic, and like was said earlier theres more to do for a 100%. I'm borrowing prototype from a friend rigth now, and while very bad ass and cool in certain ways, I can tell I have no intention of platinuming it. Trophies are what you make of it,,, a fun challenge, bragging rights if you want, or simply a horrible waste of time if you don't enjoy the journey.
July 14, 2009 at 4:46 pm #30454Collbreast
Participantonce again mitch fails to see the point.. oh and to answer your questions, YES & YES!
July 14, 2009 at 5:06 pm #30458BigWoopMagazine
Memberin mitch's defense, you do have to try a game before you can decide if its good or bad… and you can't really help it if you earn some trophies in the process… for example, I have noby noby boy trophies.. and that game isn't fun at all… I definitely had to try it first though, because some people think its awesome.
July 14, 2009 at 5:14 pm #30459Miiiitch
MemberCollbreast said:
once again mitch fails to see the point.. oh and to answer your questions, YES & YES!
just got a pm from this idiot saying he’s been a game tester since he was 7, your a joke and you can only come up with the lamest comebacks about my race ha grow up you nobody.
July 14, 2009 at 5:19 pm #30460Miiiitch
MemberBigWoopMagazine said:
in mitch’s defense, you do have to try a game before you can decide if its good or bad… and you can’t really help it if you earn some trophies in the process… for example, I have noby noby boy trophies.. and that game isn’t fun at all… I definitely had to try it first though, because some people think its awesome.
cheers for defending me mate but noone will ever be able to get through to this guy as his head is way too far up his a**. i wish i could show you guys the replies i get from him. he said in one that noone could get 100% on trophies on half the games he’s played. by any chance collbreast are you or are you related to kingofallgames or possibly killer369.
July 14, 2009 at 6:24 pm #30466iruleu
MemberMiiiitch said:
BigWoopMagazine said:
in mitch’s defense, you do have to try a game before you can decide if its good or bad… and you can’t really help it if you earn some trophies in the process… for example, I have noby noby boy trophies.. and that game isn’t fun at all… I definitely had to try it first though, because some people think its awesome.
cheers for defending me mate but noone will ever be able to get through to this guy as his head is way too far up his a**. i wish i could show you guys the replies i get from him. he said in one that noone could get 100% on trophies on half the games he’s played. by any chance collbreast are you or are you related to kingofallgames or possibly killer369.
hahaha nice…but yea. wats so wrong about getting trophies? its wat makes a game fun. and it gets you some nice competition. collbreast just thinks hes the best
July 14, 2009 at 6:49 pm #30469Miiiitch
Memberi’m not against getting trophies, people like collbreast though who think they’re the best because they get 100% on all games need to pull their heads out.
July 14, 2009 at 6:55 pm #30470shadeblack
Participantsee what i was saying about people throwing words around?
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