Uncharted 2 Treasure Guide
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October 20, 2009 at 7:05 am #14949
MemberUncharted 2 Treasure Guide
I hope this helps! If anyone has any questions message me and I'll be glad to help out!
Chapter 1
1. Wrathful Deity Statue- after Nate wakes up there is a tree on the right. Head around to the far side of it and it is near the base of the tree.
2. Saraswati Statue- along the way there will be a dead body laying in the snow, the treasure is next to it. This is the dead soldier who you pick up the 92FS from.
3. Tibetan Snuff Bottle- after shooting the lock to open the train car door, go outside and immediately look up. There is a soldier hanging above you with the treasure attached to him. Shoot it down.
4. Bhutanese Lime Box- after climbing up the vertical car you will have to jump across to the next car, but 1st drop down into the gap. Next to the big metal box on the side closest to the vertical car is the treasure.
5. Thogchag Ghau Amulet- after the huge explosion happens that sends the train barrel rolling you'll have to jump to the next cart. At this cart once you get into it turn around and you'll see the treasure. Use the tiny piece of floor left on the side to get to it.
Chapter 2
6. Byzantine Gold Coin- after climbing out of the sewer it is in the corner of the room on top of a storage box.
7. Glass Evil Eye- after climbing the metal grate that leads to the area with the steam shooting out, turn around. There is a little platform across from the grating. Jump over there and the treasure is at the back of the platform.
8. Ottoman Ring- at the first box you have to shut off, follow the wiring. There will be a dark statue you walk by and the treasure is on it's shoulder.
9. Silver Amulet Box- this is in the first courtyard. It's in the dark corner underneath the elevated walkway and arches to the far left of the gate. At the base of one of the pillars will be a planter with the treasure on it.
10. Silver Belt Buckle- in the second courtyard on one of the stone leaves of the fountain.
11. Ivory Chess Knight- when crossing the rafters, on one of them there will be a ledge to climb onto. Climb up it and the treasure will be by the windowsill on the right.
12. Ottoman Bracelet- when Flynn uses a rope to help you get to the bars that are above sewer pipes you are near the treasure. Drop to the molding below the bars and follow it to the right. Around the other side of the building will be another sewage pipe. The treasure is in there.
13. Antique Pocket Watch- after climbing up the ladder to get to the iron bars you'll drop down onto a blue roof. You can run around the roof instead of jumping on it and you'll come to a building with a banner on it. The treasure will be by the banner. Shoot it down.
14. Antique Pipe- even though the alarm is going off in the display room, be calm and head left towards the gate. There's an alcove right before you get to the gate on the left with the treasure tucked in there.
15. Jeweled Bracelet- when in the sewers heading to the exit, opposite the exit is a pipe which would be on the left. The treasure is in front of it.
Chapter 3
16. Yuan Dynasty Coin- in front of the huge ancient tree Is a log that makes a sort of ramp. Go up it and you'll be in an area with a treasure hanging in the tree. Shoot it down.
17. Yuan Dynasty Jade Animal- you will come upon 2 enemies, kill them. Then you will come upon a small group of enemies after that. After taking care of them head to the right and there's an alcove with some wreckage in it with the treasure in the middle of it.
18. Jade Pei Pendant- heading towards where you have to plant the 4 charges, you will have to do a climbing sequence. Instead of going straight for the usual spot, go towards the upper right path and you'll find this hidden path that has a small stream. Follow the stream to the end and you'll see the treasure.
19. Amber Jade Chimera- you will drop down and be forced to melee fight 4 enemies. Then you will climb up the rope to get back to Sully. After climbing up, head right and jump across the waterfall. Follow the path to the handles made of stone, climb them, and jump to the poles behind Nate. Then cross the mast to get to the rock ledge. Then climb to the wreckage. The treasure is in it.
Chapter 4
20. Mongol Paiza Passport- in the area surrounding Lazarevic's tent after you defeat all the enemies, there is a mast next to where the fallen tower is at. At the top of the mast is the treasure. Shoot it down.
21. Jade Belt Slide- before entering the room where you find the resin, there will be statues surrounding the top of the entrance. On the right one the statue will have the treasure sitting on it's wrist. Shoot it down.
22. Yuan Dynasty Helmet- after you discover the skeleton holding the ritual dagger/key to everything in the game, turn around toward the exit and look up and to your left. There will be the treasure just shoot it down.
Chapter 5
23. Strange Relic- after the helicopter flies over take out the man standing in front of you. Then drop down and take every one else out. Then go to the right and you'll come to a slight ally where you'll see a sewer. Drop into it and at the end is the strange relic!!!
Chapter 6
24. Silver Dress Clasp- after you see the resistance is in trouble you then have to take on the enemies. Once you take them all out, go to the front of the large golden shrine and shoot down the treasure that is in the middle of the emblem.
25. Brass Bird Lamp- in the same area next to the golden steps is a street light with signs attached to it. Climb the light and signs to get to the top where this treasure is at.
26. Copper Rice Measure- right before you land on the roof that you use to enter the hotel, go to the right before entering and past the big windows there will be a treasure.
27. Yuan Dynasty Urn- while trying to get Chloe out of the elevator you will come across a lot of enemies. Afterwards you will go up a staircase. Go to the top floor of the stairwell, leap from the steps to the elevator shaft, and drop into the shaft to find this (very well hidden) treasure.
28. Enameled Snuff Bottle- before going across the stone pillar go along the left side of the roof. Around the corner there will be a suitcase with the treasure in it.
29. Incense Burner-this treasure is right before jumping down to the building that starts the helicopter battle. It's the area you get to by unrolling the bridge out. Climb to the top of that small brick building with the large green tank of some kind on it and the treasure is next to it and the A/C unit.
Chapter 7
30. Worn Pendant- from starting area where the couch is, head to the right to the destroyed building and the treasure is on a box.
31. Nine Jewel Ring- at the top of the courtyard fountain is a bell and inside the bell is the treasure. Shoot it down.
32. Ankhora Water Vessel- after crossing the water stream by using the old cars go all the way to the far left wall and next to the statue jump down. The treasure is in the corner of the walls down there.
33. Silver Shiva Amulet- when you are walking towards the temple's steps there will be a tractor bed slightly to the left with the treasure sitting in the back of it.
Chapter 8
34. Bronze Altar Spoon- in the first room turn around to the door behind you to the right and go through it to the climbable wall. At the top is your treasure.
35. Bronze Varaha Statue- in the room with the ceiling that threatens to crush you is a treasure. When you're facing the gear wheels it is along the left side on top of some skeletons.
Chapter 9
36. Copper Lakhe Mask- after causing the second blade to drop you will drop to the level where the steps in the wall came out so you can climb down. Climb down and head to the large statue face until which is a dead end. There will be a treasure there.
37. Carved Jade Figurine- after dropping down the third blade, between the large statue face and the mirror there will be a treasure up high. Shoot it down.
38. Bronze Ganesh Statue- around the altar are pillars. The third pillar on the left has a treasure behind it.
Chapter 12
39. Nepali Bronze Lion- in the starting area to the right where the gated alley is, is the treasure.
40. Yuan Dynasty Lotus Jar- climb to the top of the fire escape and the treasure is at the top.
41. Cham Lion Mask- if you look inside of the boarded door you shot out, to the right will be this treasure in some rubble.
42. Jeweled Statue Crown- after riding the zip line you will land in the train yard. Go to the left side of the path. Along the wall right past the pile of rubble will be the trophy.
43. Three-Stone Coral Ring- when heading to the train that you ride away in there is a bunch of barrels you stand on to jump to the train. Next to the barrels is a wooden box. Hop onto the box, then the rusty ledge, then follow the ledge to the bars, and finally grab the treasure of the box.
Chapter 13
44. Miniature Bronze Stupa- climb in the window of the first train car and go to the back of the caboose. There is your treasure.
45. Yama and Buffalo Statue- on top of the train cart that you climb onto that has an enemy in between the 1st and 2nd vents there is a treasure. It's between the 2nd and 3rd vents.
46. Newari Bronze Figures- as you go to the next few cars be looking down the left side for a set of hand rails to climb down onto. When you find them climb down and enter the open door. The treasure is next to the blue barrels.
Chapter 14
47. Gilded Bodhisattva Statue- drop down onto the left side of the starting cart. There should be a small ledge and an open door. Drop to the ledge and enter the cart. At the front is the treasure.
48. Tibetan Saddle Ring- at the end of the passenger cart there are some closed doors with a treasure next to them.
Chapter 15
49. Tibetan Prayer Wheel- after you finish the snow fight head back to the entrance. To one side of the entrance will be only 2 large cargo containers. Go that way and there will be a moss shotgun sitting near one of them. The treasure will be near it.
50. Tibetan Silver Vase- from the last treasure, climb up the trains. Pass the car that is running perpendicular to another and on it's left side look to the top. There will be a treasure there. Shoot it down.
51. Tibetan Knife- next to the cliff edge past the metal box will be this treasure.
Chapter 16
52. Ram's Head Thogchag- from where you start there is a yak to the right. Head that way, pass the tree by the yak, and the treasure is by the cliff edge.
53. Bronze Buddha Statue- when heading to see Schafer you will pass from the open square to the courtyard through a sort of gate. Before going through the gate look to the right and you'll see a blue ladder. Climb it and go to the left and from the stone wall jump down to the grass. The treasure will be waiting for you right in the grass.
54. Singing Bowl- next to the building that Schafer is in is this treasure. Right before walking up the stairs head left and next to a tree, a rock, and the blue building it's waiting to be taken.
Chapter 17
55. Tibetan Ritual Blade- after swinging from the rope to the ladder and dropping down from the ladder, turn around and go the opposite way of Tenzin. On the edge of the path and to the right will be the treasure.
56. Clay Deity Head- after Nate and Tenzin see the wolf and grab the rope you will have to swing to the other side, but first turn the rope's path to the right to the other platform and jump there. A treasure awaits you there.
57. Bronze Chenrezig Statue- during one of your next platforming sequences you will come to a rope hanging by the ice wall, before grabbing it climb down the left side to find a side spot with a treasure at the end of it. It's in the snow.
58. Skull Cap Drum- after the icicles drop behind you there will be a stream. Follow it to the edge of the cliff then turn right. There will be a kind of rocky path and at the end will be the treasure.
59. Silver Needle Case- before dropping down to where the skeleton holding the PO8 is, check out the left side of the ice block. There'll be a treasure there in the snow.
60. Bronze Stupa Ornament- after defeating the guardian that attacks Tenzin, you will pass a body with a PO8 along the path. From there continue walking past the body, follow the ledge around the rocks and through a gap, and jump across to the small alcove. The treasure awaits you there.
Chapter 18
61. Mandala Thogchag- when you're climbing the huge prayer wheels stop on the last one before jumping off and go to the back side of it. Next to one of the wood guards is the treasure.
62. Dipa Oil Lamp- when you jump from the gear to the rope, before jumping to the ledge, swing towards the broken wall and the treasure is attached to it.
63. Tibetan Flint Lighter- after swinging from the rope, the first horizontal gear you come to will have a treasure nearby. Just ledge hang from that gear and it'll bring you around to a ledge hidden from view that has a treasure attached to it.
64. Bronze Dorje- ok when you have to climb the wall and follow it's path to grab a hold of the vertical gear that is rotating clockwise, stay on that gear. When you get to the top, get on the adjacent beam. Go to the far right and jump beam to beam then to the platform where the treasure is located.
65. Tibetan Ceremonial Axe- when staring at the lever that you pull to bring down the statue hands, go left and ledge climb until you get to the statue head. The treasure is in it's eye. Shoot it out and grab it.
66. Trigram Thogchag- after you jump across all the large statues that make a path to the even larger statue, stop in front of the statue. There is a treasure in the crown of the statue. Shoot it down and grab it.
Chapter 19
67. Amber Skull Bead- in the square that has the gun turret, there is a treasure. On top of the building across from the turret is the treasure. Next to a tree on the side of the building is a stack of hey you can climb on to get to the roof.
68. Antique Ghau- after taking out the GAU soldiers move back to the darker side of the building and look for the treasure at the bottom of a tree that is next to the wall with red doors.
69. Bell Thogchag- when fighting on the roof turn around and go up the small set of stairs to the area with the blue roof. The treasure is in there.
Chapter 20
70. Yak Horn Carving- right before you climb over the brick wall while trying to escape, stop. There is a treasure at the bottom of this wall on the right.
71. Bronze Tsongkhapa Statue- after the tank comes through the wall blowing you back, where the shotgun and grey soldier are hiding in that alcove is a treasure. By the wall on the left is the treasure.
72. Tibetan Trumpet- after the tank almost runs off the cliff and causes drake to almost fall, you will climb onto a roof. In between that roof and the next is a bit of a drop down. The treasure is in the middle of it. The multicolored flag is right after the drop off. Use that as a point of reference.
73. Gilt Tara Statue- after firing your 2nd RPG shot you will climb to the roof of a building then jump to the next. From there drop down onto a ledge. To his immediate left a treasure awaits.
Chapter 22
74. Tibetan Silver Earring- after climbing up the ladder in the opening area there will be a truck to your left. On the other side is a white gate, at the top the treasure. Shoot it down.
75. Ritual Crown- in the courtyard after you take down all the enemies in the right side is the treasure. The edge of the cliff that protrudes out the most is where to go. Ledge hang from there and move to the right until you get to the handholds that lead to the pole. The treasure is on the end of that pole.
76. Silver Official Seal- after you push the cart forwards for cover, head left. On one of the broken walls are some handholds, climb them and follow the path to the left. The treasure is along the path. This is also an easy way of taking out that turret!
77. Silver Offering Pot- in the area where drake has to climb around the building because the doors are locked is the treasure. This is the part where Elena talks about not causing a lot of commotion. After jumping the first gap stop right before the next steps and ledge hang and go right. Move down the red handles and head right to the ledge. The treasure is at the end.
78. Tibetan Turquoise Ring- while climbing the tower following the path up the handholds, you'll have to follow them around the corner for a second. When you get there drop down onto the roof and get to the floor below it. Then look up at the far left wooden beam holding the roof up. There is a treasure there so shoot it down.
79. Carved Wooden Ghurra- after clearing out the bridge and the ground level of the second tower, move to the right side of the bridge where it connects to the tower and climb the handles. Climb down and at the very bottom handhold is the treasure.
80. Bronze Tiger Bell- after taking out all the snipers but before heading to the bridge, go back to the first floor and go to the outer walkway. On the far right is a broken ledge by some rocks, jump to it, and climb up the platform. Walk around to the back and drop down 2 levels then look up and to the right is the treasure. Shoot it down.
81. Antique Bronze Lion- after you and Elena climb up you will enter a room with a staircase to the left and a lot of enemies in the area. Before exiting this area go to the back exit which is basically a roofless part with a destroyed wall. On the top of the wall is a treasure. Shoot it down then climb the dresser, jump to the ledge above the frame, and then jump to the window to grab the treasure.
Chapter 23
82. Tibetan Ritual Vase- when you get to the first rope you see, you jump onto it. The pillar you almost hit when you jump on has a treasure attached to it so swing and grab it.
83. Tibetan Conch Horn- in the courtyard go to where the man firing the RPG was standing. From there jump over the stairs to the platform and in the back corner is the treasure.
84. Bronze Oil Lamp- in the center of the square is a lion statue. Stand so that you are looking at the lion's tail from behind. From there look up to the highest beam in the left corner, there is a treasure there so shoot it down. Climb up the ladder against the building and the treasure is up there near the edge of the walkway.
85. Ancient Sword Guard- after entering the window, in the first floor in the center of the ceiling is a treasure. Shoot it down.
86. Tibetan Coral Earring- before climbing the bars, from the broken stone path drop one level to the lower roof. Look at the underside of the above roof, on the very far left next to the last red beam is a treasure waiting to be shot down.
87. Tibetan Square Ghau- after climbing to the tiled roof, ledge hang on the far right side next to the wall. This will cause the treasure to be straight in front of Drake so just grab and go.
88. Carved Bone Ornament- after riding the zip line, go up the stairs and turn around. Look up to see a treasure on the bottom of the lantern, shoot it down.
89. Tibetan Hair Ornament- after emptying the courtyard climb up the back of the large broken statue that is by the small stairs. The treasure is at the top of the statue.
90. Tibetan Mala Beads- after climbing down the ladder and clearing out the area of enemies, go to the right corner under the walkway. A treasure is by the red pillar.
Chapter 24
91. Bronze Garuda- before going near the sphere, head to the right and look up at the designs of the top walls. In one of the faces' eyes is the treasure; shoot it down.
92. Toad Censer- when Flynn makes you navigate the area, jump the first gap. Stop immediately after jumping and turn to the left; the treasure is there.
93. Eight Emblems Pendant- after jumping to the stairs, go up them and jump to the platform to the left. Walk to the end of the path and on the ground is this treasure.
Chapter 25
94. Phurba Thogchag- after taking out the guardians, climb up the busted walkway. Look at the statues and the center figure has a treasure in it's eye.
95. Clay Yamantaka Head- while walking to the second wall of roots, look up to see a treasure dangling from a tree root. Shoot it down.
96. Gold-Leaf Statue Head- in the area where you have to crank open the gate and use yourself as the counterweight, stand with your back facing the gate. Then go to the far left. In the back corner is a treasure.
97. Fibula Thogchag- after you drop into the area with the stream, climb to the higher platforms. After getting to the second one look left at the building then look at the top of it. In between the beams will be the treasure.
98. Unusual Bronze Mask- after pushing the cart and climbing up, go left and head for the large tree roots. In the roots in this treasure.
99. Mani Jewel Thogchag- in the central temple look at the central pillar. The carving facing the exit has a treasure in it's hand. Shoot it down.
100. Wooden Vajrapani Mask- after climbing the first set of steps of the stairwell, look up. The treasure is stuck to the carving in the ceiling.
101. Bronze Statue Head- on the 5th floor on the left side next to the wall is your final treasure!!!
October 20, 2009 at 7:09 am #47010Ratchet525
Memberoh so its a treasure guide
anyways nice job cory
October 20, 2009 at 7:16 am #47011CoryAllen
Memberwell no i made a treasure guide for my guide lol. which i'm putting the final touches on now. what is the yellow dot in ur post?
Edit: also admin idk if i should've put this in the guide section or not. but if i should have then please move it for me
October 20, 2009 at 7:43 am #47012Ratchet525
Memberits my tiny wink
October 20, 2009 at 7:54 am #47014CoryAllen
Memberlol nice! how'd u do that?
October 20, 2009 at 8:02 am #47015Ratchet525
Memberclick on the emoticon and mess around..
back on topic now
October 20, 2009 at 8:07 am #47016CoryAllen
Memberhmm i'll have to try to figure that one out lol. well right on!
well my other guide is now up
October 20, 2009 at 8:16 pm #47060Knoxie
Memberexcellent, surely a help!
October 20, 2009 at 8:18 pm #47062monkeymoobs
Membergood one m8 this will defo be used
October 21, 2009 at 12:06 am #47118ideal4living
Memberthis guide is awesome!!! i will defo use this and the guide when i get this game for christmas 😛
October 21, 2009 at 12:07 am #47119CoryAllen
Membergood i hope it helps some ppl on those treasures lol. i feel like a few of the treasures i didn't describe well though so if anyone has questions hit me up
December 20, 2009 at 1:03 pm #53200Antony19
MemberAmazing treasure guide Cory.
December 20, 2009 at 11:47 pm #53250CoryAllen
Memberi suppose you just got the game. but thanks man
it was hell to make lol
December 20, 2009 at 11:51 pm #53254lynx_450
Memberwell done.
wow thats big (that's what she said)
December 20, 2009 at 11:54 pm #53256CoryAllen
Memberlynx_450 said:
wow thats big (that's what she said)
somebody has been watching the office a wee bit too much lol. thanks though. i love the giant smiley face though lol
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