VGA GotY is….!!!
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December 16, 2009 at 10:01 pm #52769
Membercmon guys rather than preach to each other about what's bests why dont you fight to the death i mean drop it
December 16, 2009 at 10:03 pm #52770parnakas
Membermonkeymoobs said:
cmon guys rather than preach to each other about what's bests why dont you fight to the death i mean drop it
Look, i'm pretty tired of Knoxie bashing my opinions, saying they are crap, and im “gay” for not liking MW2 as much as U2.. so whatever.. If he wants to drop it, i will gladly drop it as well.
December 16, 2009 at 10:13 pm #52774monkeymoobs
Memberfair enough
December 16, 2009 at 10:45 pm #52776BigWoopMagazine
MemberI was trying to stay out of this, but I feel I need to interject. Part of having a conversation is having respect for eachother's opinions. Part of doing that is realizing that you may never agree. Accepting the fact that you disagree and moving on is important, because this argument is getting old. Actually its been old. It was old before either of these games even released. Its rediculous. Lets weigh out the facts for a moment between these two heavy weight contenders. Lets also keep in mind I'm leaving the originals out of this entirely.
Graphics: Uncharted 2 undoubtedly takes the cake.
Story: Once again, Uncharted 2 takes the cake.
Length: Arguable. Campaign, Uncharted 2. Multiplayer, MW2, since it has more levels. You could argue that theres prestiging to add to the length, but really, that aint doing squat, its just giving you another way to compare rank.
Innovation: Equal. Neither game has any innovation to speak of. There is nothing new. A whole lot of pretty stuff that looks cool and seems cool, but its all old stuff disguised as new. Sorry, thats the truth.
Controls: again, equal. Both have solid responsive control schemes.
Replayability: Equal. Play the story through of either, cool. You'll see nothing new on the next run. Play a few hours of multiplayer, cool, you've seen everything there is to see.
Overall Campaign: Uncharted 2, hands down from every angle. Better acting, script, cinematics, longer levels, etc…
Overall Multiplayer: MW2, hands down, from every angle. More guns, more customization, more maps, more modes, etc…
Fun: Now here's the kicker folks. They're both fun! What makes one better than the other? Which one is more fun! to you! personally!
Everyone is going to have their preference on which is more fun, and thats what they will argue is the best, regardless of the facts! Accept it! I like uncharted 2 more, but am I gonna bash knoxie for enjoying MW2 more? Hell no! And I hope he doesn't bash me for liking uncharted 2 more, because it would be bullshit! So… can we settle the petty argument on the basis that no ones going to budge and so what who cares? By the way, all those stupid categories I rated, were totally off the top of my head opinions, that I'm sure someone will argue. awesome. That said, heres my two cents on GOTY:
Generally, game of the year is awarded to an exemplary title that is full of innovation. A game that brings us something great that we've never seen before. I've seen almost none of that this year, this was the year of the sequels. This was the year where every developer said “hey, what works? cool, lets do that again, but do it better”, and thats fine. I had a lot of fun with those games. This is why its hard to nail down a GOTY though, everyone just basically polished the good stuff. Thats why I would like to give special recognition to Borderlands for being the most innovative thing I've seen this year. Its a great fusion of two great genres, brings me back to the days of Diablo (god I played way too much of that), has tons of replayability, more co op than any other game I've seen on console, and is continually expanding with updates and DLC. Maybe I'm crazy, but I think it deserves more credit than it got. Also, Batman AA and Infamous deserve some attention for being new IPs that smacked us in the face and showed us what awesome is. While I'm not opposed to great sequels, here's me hoping to see more innovation and new IPs in the coming year (I'm banking on Heavy Rain!) because I see a lot of sequels again, like Bioshock 2, Dead Space 2, more Final Fantasies, and God of War 3. Hmmm… being creative with a sequel… now hey… theres an idea. Hopefully one of those contenders will bring that to fruition (I'm lookin' at you Bioshock!).
Sorry for the essay guys, but this whole argument has been pissing me off!
December 16, 2009 at 10:48 pm #52777monkeymoobs
December 16, 2009 at 10:51 pm #52778W4RG34R3D_SN1P3R
MemberIts not more on the GoTY decision any more BigWoop , its come down to ignorance how much more we can take of it , generally coming from Knoxie . Personally i can care less about this whole GoTY decision , because i made mine and its neither Uncharted 2 or Modern Warfare 2 . So im no longer going to be in this whole mess on whats better , its come down to a more personal note , and i think most of us can agree with what i might come to say in the future , if things get out of hand .
December 17, 2009 at 2:57 pm #52822BigWoopMagazine
MemberW4RG34R3D_SN1P3R said:
Its not more on the GoTY decision any more BigWoop , its come down to ignorance how much more we can take of it , generally coming from Knoxie . Personally i can care less about this whole GoTY decision , because i made mine and its neither Uncharted 2 or Modern Warfare 2 . So im no longer going to be in this whole mess on whats better , its come down to a more personal note , and i think most of us can agree with what i might come to say in the future , if things get out of hand .
True sir. Thats why I spoke about the whole accepting eachothers opinions bullshit bulshit. plus, usually when I post something really long winded like that, it ends the thread. also, the rest of it was more of a general response to the ten million damn threads about goty this goty that. not just this thread. ah well.
December 17, 2009 at 8:28 pm #52838Knoxie
Memberright, parnakas, i dont give a ***NO PROFANE LANGUAGE PLEASE*** if you think U2 is better, lets get that straight. all i was saying is U3 turned out to be the worst game ever you'd still make it sound GOTY. i also dont know where the hell you came up with me saying your gay, and im not bashing your opinions let me make that clear, U2 is good, i was trying to say i dont think you'd ever change your opinion but dfm.
i dont care if you say im carrying this on but on what bigwoop said:
Graphics: Equal
Story: Cant really say yet but probs U2.
Length: MW2
Innovation: Equal
Controls: Equal
Replayability: MW2
Overall Campaign: Again cant really say as i still need to complete MW2's campaign.
Overall Multiplayer: MW2
Fun: This is all opinion. MW2.
yes w4r generally me, try and point it towards me while always agreeing with someone.
say what you want now never mind the future.
December 18, 2009 at 1:01 am #52910Ratchet525
MemberNuFc_kNoXiE_KiLa said:
right, parnakas, i dont give a ***NO PROFANE LANGUAGE PLEASE*** if you think U2 is better, lets get that straight. all i was saying is U3 turned out to be the worst game ever you'd still make it sound GOTY. i also dont know where the hell you came up with me saying your gay, and im not bashing your opinions let me make that clear, U2 is good, i was trying to say i dont think you'd ever change your opinion but dfm.
i dont care if you say im carrying this on but on what bigwoop said:
Graphics: Equal
Story: Cant really say yet but probs U2.
Length: MW2
Innovation: Equal
Controls: Equal
Replayability: MW2
Overall Campaign: Again cant really say as i still need to complete MW2's campaign.
Overall Multiplayer: MW2
Fun: This is all opinion. MW2.
yes w4r generally me, try and point it towards me while always agreeing with someone.
say what you want now never mind the future.
by length do you mean story mode? or what. Cause length is pretty much the samething as replayability if its not suppose to mean story mode length.
December 18, 2009 at 9:11 pm #53007Knoxie
MemberRatchet525 said:
by length do you mean story mode? or what. Cause length is pretty much the samething as replayability if its not suppose to mean story mode length.
ahh i was thinking length of how long you'll play it for in general (all modes).
December 18, 2009 at 11:24 pm #53027Ratchet525
MemberNuFc_kNoXiE_KiLa said:
Ratchet525 said:
by length do you mean story mode? or what. Cause length is pretty much the samething as replayability if its not suppose to mean story mode length.
ahh i was thinking length of how long you'll play it for in general (all modes).
then i guess thats replayability.
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