What game should I pre-order?
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August 16, 2010 at 10:29 pm #15786
MemberFirst off, let me just start by saying… THERE'S WAY TOO MANY F#$%ING GAMES COMING OUT THIS FALL!!!
Alright, now that we have that out of the way, I need everyone's help with something. My budget is tight this Fall, and I already have a few games pre-ordered as it is. At the moment, I currently have the following pre-ordered:
– LittleBigPlanet 2 Collector's Edition
– Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions
– Medal of Honor Limited Edition
– PS3 Move w/ EyePet and The Fight: Lights Out
– Rock Band 3 Keyboard Bundle
Now, that's already close to $500 worth of games, but I'm still thinking that I want to get at least one more title this Fall. I don't know why, but I do. Maybe I like the number seven more than six? Maybe I'm actually looking for a reason to whore my body out to make money? Who knows? The following are the “maybe” games I want, and I need help figuring out which one to purchase to round off my game-buying for the season:
– Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Ultimate Edition: I've been debating buying this game for a while now, but I never got around to it because, A) I wasn't a huge fan of the original game, and B) I'm already buying Medal of Honor this year, and I usually like to spread out my war-based FPSs (it gets tiring shooting the same looking bad guys). With that being said, this seems like the obvious edition to buy because it comes with all the DLC and the contents of the Limited Edition. However, one of its incentives is also the inclusion of Battlefield 1943, which I already own.
– Dead Rising 2: This is a game that I'm INCREDIBLY torn on. On one hand, I do enjoy myself a zombified tale (if it's good) and the arcadey action in this title looks pretty cool. On the other hand, I never played the original (so I don't know what to expect), and Capcom has been sucking HARD this generation (I'm looking at you, Lost Planet… and Street Fighter IV… and Resident Evil 5… GAHHH!!!). Right now I can't decide whether to just take the chance or pray for a demo first.
– Quantum Theory: Hmm… another toughy. I played the Gears of War games on the 360 and I thought they were a ton of fun. This is clearly a rip-off of that title. It's also developed by Tecmo, who is known for making their games quite challenging. I'm known for getting frustrated and angry easily, usually ending up in doing something stupid like punching and/or head-butting my controller (I feel that this is a better strategy over throwing the controller because you don't actually break it, but at least you hurt it). Might be best to hold off on this one (for the sake of my poor DualShock 3).
– The Sly Collection: I never did own these on my PS2, but then again, I'm not an enormous platform fan. I played the originals and thought they were decent, but not as good as Jak or Ratchet. However, if I get this title, it's $20 cheaper AND you get three platinum trophies. If I was trophy whorish, I'd be all over this like a fly on poo… unfortunately, I'm not a trophy whore… and poo stinks.
– Enslaved: Odyssey to the West: This game has some gorgeous graphics, and Ninja Theory's Heavenly Sword was a pretty decent game (minus the super annoying, retarded little sister). Honestly, I think a lot of my interest in this game vaporized when I saw it was basically you pulling some chick around throughout the entire game, hoping for her not to die (because if she dies [*cue suspensful, dramatic music*], so do you!). That aspect looks pretty dumb. I usually hate “people saving” missions in games, and an entire game based on that aspect would probably make me head-butt my controller (see above for further reference to this subject). The only game I made an exception to the rule with was ICO because that was 100% pure amazing.
– Castlevania: Lords of Shadow: Can I be honest for a second? I've never been a huge Castlevania fan. The premise was always cool, but I could never get into them. I do love Metal Gear Solid though, and with Hideo Kojima behind this title, my thoughts on this game have gone from limp to perky. I saw a gameplay video recently, and while it did look hard (brought back painful memories of that spinning spike tower in God of War's Hades), it still looked quite stunning. Also, if I were to buy this title, I'd buy the Limited Edition for the simple fact that the cover art looks astonishing compared to the regular version's cover, so I'd be looking at additional money for that.
– James Bond: Blood Stone: I hated the Quantum of Solace game. This, however, was said to be Uncharted 2 (an awesome game) meets Everything or Nothing (my absolute favourite Bond game). That's a strong statement, and one that has peaked my interest so high, the lack of oxygen is making my brain numb. I'm also trying my best to not support Crapovision (damn them owning the rights to making games based on Marvel superheroes and James Bond), so again, I'm torn.
– Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit: The last Need for Speed game I liked was Hot Pursuit 2. After that, I switched gears (no pun intended) from Need for Speed to the Burnout series. This title returns the series to its roots, with the developers of Burnout behind the wheels (again, no pun intended). That alone is enough to make me want to burn rubber to my local game shop to make a pre-order (definitely intended the pun that time).
– EA Sports Active 2.0 Bundle: Just kidding… or am I?
– Marvel Super Hero Squad: The Infinity Gauntlet: There's a few reasons why I put this on here. For one, it's a Marvel game not made by Activision or Sega!!! Come on — that's a damn good reason. The other one is because this looks like Ultimate Alliance with cute, big heads. That means that everytime I get angry while playing it, I can just look at the characters' balloon-sized melons and smile.
So there you have it. That's all the games I'm possibly interested in adding to my collection. Out of all them, which one would you recommend? Oh, and please don't go saying games that aren't on the list, because I'm really not interested (i.e. I didn't like Fallout 3, so I won't be playing Fallout: New Vegas; I didn't like Bayonetta, so I won't be playing Vanquish; don't even think about recommending Rapala Bass Fishing Pro 2011 [because that would just be douchey]). Thanks bunches and bundles!
August 17, 2010 at 3:38 am #65336parnakas
MemberFirst off, WHERE THE HELL DID YOU GET LBP CE PRE ORDERED!! I can't seem to get it anywhere in Canada!
Secondly, if I were you.. I would probably go with Sly Collection or Battlefield 2. I would actually say Sly, and then you can probably find Battlefield 2 at a pretty cheaper price, unless you really care about DLC…
As for that Bond Game, I would hold out on that until you get a demo or something first.. Just sayin.
August 17, 2010 at 5:49 am #65341Tray
MemberCall of duty Black ops
Assassins creed Brotherhood
LittleBigPlanet 2
Dead rising 2
Enslaved oddesey to the west
August 17, 2010 at 6:28 am #65346gr8jrfan
MemberWell, im not going to mention the others you missed 🙂 but from your list id pick NFS, Enslaved, Sly, James Bond, and possibly DR2.
August 17, 2010 at 1:25 pm #65350Knoxie
MemberNFS:HP or JB:BS, and if not go with BFBC2 LE
August 17, 2010 at 2:42 pm #65363tridon
MemberThanks for all the suggestions thusfar, everybody. To show my appreciation, you all get individual replies! Goodie goodie gosh!
@ parnakas
I actually pre-ordered my LBP2 CE immediately from Amazon.com. I'm only 40 minutes from the U.S. border and have a shipping address on the other side, so I'm just shipping it to there and then picking it up. It'll probably cost me something like $10 at the customs, but that's still a lot cheaper than S&H to Canada. Also, you figure Sly, eh? Is its frustration level headbutt worthy?
@ Tray
Wow, rocking the whole don't-suggest-me-things-I-don't-want boat, eh? LOL. Still, thanks anyway!
@ gr8jrfan
So, basically, what you're trying to say is that you suggest at least 50% of my list. Thanks!
Yeah, I think I'm leaning more towards NFS or JB:BS at this point.
August 17, 2010 at 2:50 pm #65365DarkAssassin78
Member@ parnakas
I actually pre-ordered my LBP2 CE immediately from Amazon.com. I'm only 40 minutes from the U.S. border and have a shipping address on the other side, so I'm just shipping it to there and then picking it up. It'll probably cost me something like $10 at the customs, but that's still a lot cheaper than S&H to Canada. Also, you figure Sly, eh? Is its frustration level headbutt worthy?
I hope you have an american account because none of the stuff that comes with it will work on your account if it's Canadian because the codes the region locked…sorry to break the news
August 17, 2010 at 6:04 pm #65375parnakas
Member@Tridon – Damn it.. I see. I was really hoping you said EB or something.. But EB told me that the CE will be available for pre-order soon. Hopefully..
Anywho, yea I would say the frustration level is ok, and lets all be honest here, who the hell wouldn't want a game thats cheaper than the rest, and has 3 PLATS. 3!! So I would say thats the best bargain. And like I said, the new James Bond could be very iffy. No idea how it would turn out.
@DarkAssassin – I have used American DLC on my Canadian account and it works. We are both in NA so I am assuming it would work, well it did for me. So i doubt Tridon has anything to worry about.
August 20, 2010 at 10:31 pm #65546W4RG34R3D_SN1P3R
MemberAfter a quick browse of that list, two games came to mind. Dead Rising 2 and Sly Collection. Technically, out of that, your getting four games, with four platinums aswell. Bad Company and Medal of Honour are so familiar the only strong points on both are single player (Which BFBC2's isn't all that good anyway) Multiplayer was boring as hell, the beta sure did not leave a great impression on me. Dice surely did just end up recreating another BFBC2, which is why my purchase of MOH is going to be delayed.. for a long time.
Dead Rising is fun, period. Tons of zombies on screen at a time, plus the new co-op is completely worth the cash. The trophy list seems manageable, but also time consuming. I would say its worth the preorder. As to other games, James Bond Blood Stone looked pretty boring, from which I saw in the demo anyway. Need for Speed doesn't excite me in anyway, this is probably just because of my natural hate for racers. Everything else just seems to be B class, you've got the right things preordered though.
August 21, 2010 at 6:26 am #65582Tray
Memberoh dam sorry tridon didnt no
August 21, 2010 at 7:50 pm #65612Antony19
MemberI will preoder Black ops hardener edition just for the four zombie maps
August 23, 2010 at 8:03 pm #65667HardAndSloppy
Memberparnakas said:
First off, WHERE THE HELL DID YOU GET LBP CE PRE ORDERED!! I can't seem to get it anywhere in Canada!
I just pre-ordered LBP 2 from gamestop/EB and I live in canada
August 24, 2010 at 2:37 am #65721parnakas
MemberHardAndSloppy said:
parnakas said:
First off, WHERE THE HELL DID YOU GET LBP CE PRE ORDERED!! I can't seem to get it anywhere in Canada!
I just pre-ordered LBP 2 from gamestop/EB and I live in canada
Yea I know you can get LBP 2.. but no place seems to carry the Collectors Edition.. with the sackboy plushie!! I want it!
August 24, 2010 at 7:53 am #65726HardAndSloppy
Memberparnakas said:
HardAndSloppy said:
parnakas said:
First off, WHERE THE HELL DID YOU GET LBP CE PRE ORDERED!! I can't seem to get it anywhere in Canada!
I just pre-ordered LBP 2 from gamestop/EB and I live in canada
Yea I know you can get LBP 2.. but no place seems to carry the Collectors Edition.. with the sackboy plushie!! I want it!
I meant to write that I just pre-ordered the LBP 2 Colectors edition
August 24, 2010 at 7:55 am #65727HardAndSloppy
MemberOh and if it seems like I just made an account I haven't I just haven't felt the need to post anything except for now. I thought I'd help out parnakas
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