tommyflop said:
No offence mr.gasbag but why dont you shut the f up? All your posts bar a few are just a quote then a “lol”, a quote and “i agree”, a quote then a two word comment. What's the point? Apart from boosting your post count, nothing. If you've something useful, informative, interesting, remotely funny to say then go ahead my friend! As for the topic at hand, AC/DC Highway to hell.
If I want to quote and then post a two word comment then I will. And, anyway, u want me to be funny like u do u? Well, I remember that in the personality quiz thread, u were a terran, and u said oh thats terranable… THATS NOT FUNNY, its a poor attempt at a pun, just like joewest's. And don't make this thread go off topic too… THAT LONG ENOUGH 4 U!!!!!!!!!!!

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