Forum Replies Created
July 22, 2009 at 8:54 pm in reply to: [Live Video Feed] Trophy Gathering! Todays Game? DEAD SPACE! #31655
Memberuh…dude. your kinda arriving verrrry late, by either hours or days to look at it.
Already platinumed deadspace and havent been on live in awhile.
MemberFirst still. Modifiyed limited editon backwards compatable PS3. Plays backups and ELFs like there is no tommorow
July 18, 2009 at 7:50 am in reply to: [Live Video Feed] Trophy Gathering! Todays Game? DEAD SPACE! #30783AdorableNirvash
Membereh, exited the live videofeed since nobody appears to be online
July 18, 2009 at 6:02 am in reply to: [Live Video Feed] Trophy Gathering! Todays Game? DEAD SPACE! #30777AdorableNirvash
MemberWhy thank you o.o I am going through impossiable mode again as we speak, Going to try this new glitch which lets you dupe credits, Hopefully going to get an edge since the last 2 times I went through it, I would get to chapter 8 and be completely dead on ammo and resources.
Whats the plan? Stasis > Melee > repeat.
So if you wonna see me grind for the next few hours.
MemberW4RG34R3D_SN1P3R said:
Ye umm , I dont really find Pshome something to be addicted to , although like mentioned above its a great place to find other trophy hunters or great friends to just hang out with , i just think it could be a bit improved , too many loading screens and the lack of adventure makes it a hour play and leave kinda thing
if You wish for an adventure, Become a glitcher =P Search around the town and find all kinds of fun little bugs to exploit, For example. Working on a program right now that will give you all items in the game instantly.
July 16, 2009 at 6:50 pm in reply to: [Live Video Feed] Trophy Gathering! Todays Game? DEAD SPACE! #30662AdorableNirvash
MemberW4RG34R3D_SN1P3R said:
Thats a great idea dude , seriously , i tried clicking t but nothing came on , maybe one day in the future there will be a gaming show for achievments / trophies with a live feed on how to do them
well thats because the thread is a day or so old, I was only streaming video for an hour at that time, And, My hours are kinda backwards from most people. I sleep in the day and game at night from 11pm to 9am, then sleep. then wakeup for work, and blablabla
but yeah, Ill post again when im streaming video, I think I will tonight since I gotta get the maxed out trophy on dead space
July 16, 2009 at 6:00 pm in reply to: She is here, She is warm, She is here to pleasure you, And wants you to turn her on to keep you happy #30651AdorableNirvash
MemberWow. Typo`d the main title of the thread. Wonderful.
Member_becomes good?_
I have been addicted to pshome for the last 5 months, I dont bother hanging out with my friends anymore, i tell them if you wonna go bowling or goto the arcade, to meet me in ps home and doit there.
July 16, 2009 at 5:53 pm in reply to: [Live Video Feed] Trophy Gathering! Todays Game? DEAD SPACE! #30649AdorableNirvash
MemberIll be doing it again when gamefly drops of LBP, I would be doing it right now, But nobody wants to see me clear easymode again, then have to grind for 20 hours in impossiable mode for the last trophy.
July 15, 2009 at 9:43 am in reply to: [Live Video Feed] Trophy Gathering! Todays Game? DEAD SPACE! #30541AdorableNirvash
MemberM`k, All done showing, snagged a quick 25% of them
July 15, 2009 at 8:42 am in reply to: [Live Video Feed] Trophy Gathering! Todays Game? DEAD SPACE! #30539AdorableNirvash
Memberappears to be streaming fine for others, I have a friend watching the lag and shes getting about 45fps
MemberTo be honest, I always found something wrong with every os, But, I finally decided to get a new PC when my old one fried for the 45th time, And, Snagged one with vista, a nice upgrade from XP.
It was slow..So I did what any smart person would do. Buy ram, And cleanup the startup and extra programs…The constant confirmation to use stuff was annoying, fortunately in msconfig I found a command in there for disabling user account control, Which is the thing that warns you about each time a program is being opened or ran.
After that, I didnt have a problem with vista, I later on decided to even use the sidebar, which is useful as heck with mininotepads in it, a clock, the weather, and more. (Not that weatherbug spyware crap, Legit stuff)
And as time went by, Vista kept getting better and better, Right now it is in service package 2, running faster than XP did, XP is Very uncompatable with games, Where as vista, I have yet to find a single game it couldnt play, besides the most epic of all games, Organ trail. (Which I later managed to play from a windows emulator for older games like that)
Enjoy your google OS, Ill be sitting here with my secure fast vista playing organ trail.
MemberMedia player classic is by far the best, Pair that up with the CCCP codec pack, And you can play any video on any kind of PC with virtually no lag, I was using an old 98 emachine playing bluerays and dvd`s on the hdd.
MemberGauntlet Legends
Super Smash bros melee
Wipeout 64
Streets of rage
Bomberman Ultra
Now, If you have not played a single one of these games, You sir, Are NO GAMER
Nobody, and I mean NOBODY can not have played these and had a good time unless your a complete jackass who has no friends.
Oh, and if PC games count, Diablo 2, Starcraft, Ragnarok Online, Quake, and Left 4 dead
MemberKinda sad to see nobody with the game Final Fantasy Crystal Defenders besides me.
Its a great game and needs to be well known ><