Forum Replies Created
MemberThey said that no new consoles (new xbox, new wii, new ps3) will come out until at LEAST 2012, Espically with the economy situtation all over the world right now, Not to menton, They cant really process games any greater than they are right now for an equal price. And nobody has the money to spend 800.
If anything, Normal sized consoles will be sold for 300, then they could release a slim ps3 for 400
MemberNodanod said:
lol, got bf1943, and yeah, it is good
I like the presence of the planes, even though i find it impossible 2 get more than a kill a match with them
and when u get the slightest lag u cant fly them
The tanks are easier 2 blow up, stopping the tank campers of codW@W,
thing is though, i'm already getting slightly bored
Played the maps throguh, and got 80%ish trophies (without trying obviously, only got2 keep playn 4 tour of duty
) and maps are all very similair
i'm only rank 8, but i'm not sure if i'll end up playn it after i've played 100 matches, there will be no incentive til coral sea comes out
Thats what I was trying to get at…Bad company offers alot more maps and options than 1943, AND has an offline mode, 1943 will keep you entertained for a week tops, Then your dead in it.
Oh, And if you like the weak little planes in this, Get BF2 for Pc, And you get jets =P
July 13, 2009 at 3:07 pm in reply to: [Guide] List of all the easiest platinum trophies you can win #30326AdorableNirvash
MemberLBP is added to the list and should be here when I send one of these games back.
MemberI never had a problem o.o and thats the same sixaxis i started with from the 20g modle.
MemberA controlers lifetime shows the users ability to take care of their things and how often they wash their hands, I wash em all the time since I cook for a living, so its a habit thing, And I treat my controller very nicely, I had a sixaxis for a good 2-3 years, then reciently this year, moved over to a new PS3 and a dualshock 3.
MemberShadeBlack said:
For those of you who use playstation's 'HOME', you may have noticed this gundam as well!…..ation-home
lmao. I knew I forgot something, I posted pictures on gamefaqs and the psforums, but not here!
In a huge sectioned off container, not built yet.
Gundam Complete:
MemberFinally. a home where there are gamers who love games as much as me <3 Never seen others with enough games to compete with my list!
July 13, 2009 at 6:16 am in reply to: [Guide] List of all the easiest platinum trophies you can win #30310AdorableNirvash
MemberLook guys, I am trying to keep this a fair members made thread where we all contribute to the post, Go ahead and tell me some games to run through or throw in your own info on ones to add to the list.
I did it by methods which are not allowed to members, Dont ask for an explaniation how, But @admin, If you wish for me to explain to you the exploit and help you fix it, I will explain it, Under the conditions that you allow me to update the thread on a regular basis so it is of some use to the community.
MemberOr I can do otherwise with absolutely no consiquences.
MemberMy top five are…..
#1) Bomberman Ultra (10 bucks, And INSANELY fun! 8 player online, 4 people per PS3)
#2) Burnout Paradise (67 bucks with all addons)
#3) Flower (So relaxing… and 10 bucks)
#4) Siren : Blood Curse (40 bucks for all 12 chapters)
#5) Battlefield 1943 (15 bucks, but only 3 maps)
MemberThickbrow said:
DAMN the PSN store loves you.
I have quite a few of those games as well.
Multiplayer ones i'm currently playing are:
- Burnout
- 3v3 NHL arcade
- Battlefield 1943
- Sacred 2
And I love the PSN store. I have no need to go anywhere…But..After looking at it in a list, I decided to addup the cost, And now I see why I havent been making money at my current job x-x
Remake / Reamped Games: (from PSN)
$425.00 PS3 80 gig limited edition.(with backwards compatability and dualshock 3
$407.00 32 inch HDTV LCD with Component, hdmi, and cable input
$40.00 Rockband 1 Guitar (Wireless)
$40.00 Rockband 1 Drumset
$40.00 Rockband 2 Drumset (Wireless)
$30.00 Rockband 2 double cymbal expansion pack
$20.00 Rockband 2 double kickpedal expansion pack
$8.00 Ninja Gaiden 2 PS3 Vynal Skin
$5.00 6 foot HDMI connecting cable$1,015.00 (hardware total cost)
And thats just for my ps3 x-x
I really gotta control myself <<
Forgot One thing.
$3.00 Surge Protector Power Strip
Edit 2:
Addons..forgot them…
$450.00 Rockband DLC (291 songs)
$20.00 CoD W@W mappack 1 and 2
MemberBattlefield man…I played Punisher Once in the game, was disgusted with offline mode, Got online, and constantly it flashes to a screen which you cant PSbutton out of, or go back from that says -Searching- and it flashes on and off to the point where sometimes you need to poweroff your PS3 from the rear to be able to use it.
Battlefield however, Is lag free, and very fun to play, ONE thing though.
If you get battlefield, Expect it to keep you locked onto it for a good 2-3 days, But then be pointless to you, Even without reaching higher ranks. There are 3 maps that are almost exactly the same in appearance.
You want something better to put your 15 to? A Used copy of battlefield bad company, You snag that, it has a badass offline campaign, A Very VERY addicting online community, With about 6-12 maps.
Punisher: 3/10 -They tried nice. But, Couldnt pull it off.
B.F. 1943: 5/10 -They tried nice as well, The ammount per room is lovely, But not enough maps to be intresting for long, Nor enough trophies.
Bad Company: 8.5/10 -The offline mode is fun, plenty of easy trophies, And online mode will keep you hooked for months, There are people who still play since it first came out.
So. If your looking for an online shooter thats fun, but will get boring quickly due to only having 3 maps. Get 1943, if you want a game that doesnt work, Get punisher, If you want one which works, is good online and offline, And has good trophies, get bad company.
MemberSo essentially. Your telling me to gravedig a thread?
MemberNo games are capable of being “Locked” I shared this, AND socom with people.